Well-Known Member
I thought he was talking about himself for a second.LOL
How do you really feel about this.
The irony is strong in that one, his irony-chlorian levels are over 20,000 so he might be the chosen one.
I thought he was talking about himself for a second.LOL
How do you really feel about this.
One of my favorite Sci Fi movies of all time. Building indoor gardens is exactly the same thing and I suspect we won't need to leave the Earth for such technology to be sustaining many lives and livelihoods sooner and much closer to home than we think.In the future, all of nature will be saved by HPS.
and robots
I saw it in a movie. so get it right, guys.
You're a fine one to talk about irony.I thought he was talking about himself for a second.
The irony is strong in that one, his irony-chlorian levels are over 20,000 so he might be the chosen one.
One of my favorite Sci Fi movies of all time. Building indoor gardens is exactly the same thing and I suspect we won't need to leave the Earth for such technology to be sustaining many lives and livelihoods sooner and much closer to home than we think.
Keep trying to split the Democrat vote to get left wing policies passed, retard.You're a fine one to talk about irony.
That's it. Classic flick, well worth finding it and watching it again in light of the current discussion about climate change and environmental destruction.If I remember correctly, the name of that movie is 'Silent Running'. I saw it as a kid long, long ago. I've not seen it since.
Derp.Keep trying to split the Democrat vote to get left wing policies passed, retard.
I stay right in the middle and wish for compromise.
You understand nothing. You cling to the one thing you learned and discount everything else- and then hope for better results. You do it in politics and you do it in growing, so it's obviously a personal limitation.I can understand that.
Thing about me is I stay right in the middle and wish for compromise.
It's usually entertaining but he pisses me off with his constant mis-information and pretend agendas.
And I went and disagreed with his asinine
you voted for a guy who feigned raptor hands to mock a disabled man, promised to ban all muslims, called for the execution of 5 innocent black men, pledged to deport all the immigrants, even legal ones, and described his preferred method for raping women to billy bush on the access hollywood bus. he has also settled multiple rape lawsuits.
go sell your retard pie somewhere else, retard.
I ignore Stinkydigit because he lacks manners, intelligence and common sense. He has nothing of value to contribute, he's just another monkey throwing shit to see what reaction he can get.
You ignore anyone who corrects anything wrong you say...and that happens a lot...and always 1st with some name calling to boot.
You understand nothing. You cling to the one thing you learned and discount everything else- and then hope for better results. You do it in politics and you do it in growing, so it's obviously a personal limitation.
That's stupid and that's why I call you stupid- and it's true, which is why it bugs you so much, snowflake.
And all your whining about it gets you nothing but ridicule.
We know what we're doing. You just keep sucking the corporate cock that rapes you in the wallet, retard.
Insanity is doing the same thing while expecting different results.
Really?Ridicule from whom? I'm just fucking with you because I don't like you. You respond like a hungry dog. My dog.
It doesn't matter what you say. I'm stressing you and wasting your time on purpose. You can't still believe I am angry or actually have feelings that require action about you?
Oh yeah. You are a fraud. And now that I know how old you are. A clown.
You so mad at ty the you stalk him across the forum?
He must have cut you deep.
Question: Instead of the heinous act @UncleBuck accused you of doing (voting for Trump), would you have voted for Sanders if he had been nominated ?
Now is the time for pushing individual agendas within the Democratic Party. As in the just finished election, Ty and most other Sanders supporters voted for Clinton. Same with @schuylaar . It must have chafed to do so but they did. There is a lot of rhetoric just like last year about not voting but most probably will vote Democrat, given the choices in front of them. If the Democratic Party doesn't completely abandon them, that is. I see Sanders faction pulling the Democratic Party leftward nationally. As far as I can tell, this hasn't translated into any wins but it's still early.See?
You haven't a fucking clue what I want.
I want Democrats to actually get into power first so they can start a shift to the left.
Your way splits Democrats because you can't take any criticism of your very specific view of leftism.
So, you would have voted for Trump anyway.I'm not to big on political discussion in a public forum. I have stated I believe the answers lie in the middle and are not considered.
Discussing what could have been is pointless in my opinion.