LSD Dosage Effects - Tolerance

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I got some more L this weekend so next weekend I plan on tripping again. And I was saying I like taking large doses , because small doses have me feeling like I'm in between like almost tripping but not really. And feels very stressful , I feel i benefit from larger doses.

SWIM = Someone Who Isn't Me
SWIM went to the mental hospital after taking 4 hits of WoW [blank LSD blotter].
Apparently each dose is at least 100 micrograms.
The night started out fine but once the second peak hit, things went horribly wrong...

He dropped all FOUR doses, at once, around 6 p.m. last night.
We were all hanging out at My buddies apartment and around 8 p.m...
like clockwork is where it all happened...

SWIM's friend and I only took 2 doses each. So We both were flying but not as high as SWIM was....
We were all smoking and watching stoner movies. and SWIM went to the rest room.
Thought nothing of it except about 20 minutes later, SWIM was still missing.
Thought and wondered what was taking Him so long... Figured He was taking a long poop...
About 15 more minutes passed and SWIM was still gone....Around this time,
My friend and I went up to the restroom to see where and what SWIM was doing...

We heard gargling and spitting noises. My buddy opened the door and SWIM was throwing up.

We asked Him if He was fine and He just looked at Us with tears in His eyes, looking helpless.
I could most definitely read that SWIM was not fine but sensed this was happening for a reason.
He kept heaving and moaning until He threw up the last bit He could...
I asked Him if all He took was LSD and He nodded and said "Yeah , and the pot We smoked."

After SWIM cleaned Himself up, We gave SWIM some time alone to catch His breathe.
and went back downstairs to eat some more brownies and get Him some water...
The moment both Our feet hit the bottom of the stairs;
instantly We heard crashing and banging like SWIM was throwing Himself around the bathroom....
We ran back up stairs and that is exactly what He was doing.
Literally throwing Himself into the walls and shelves. Every item in the room was on the floor at this point... SWIM's friend grabs SWIM and tries to hold Him down but that was no use.
after that... SWIM threw Himself out of the room and flew down the stairs screaming

We chased after Him down the stairs and He ends up running out the front door to quick for Us to even think or make a choice to stop Him...

SWIM goes running down the street in pure insanity / panic mode.

Unfortunately, this happened so fast that both SWIM's friend and I could not stop Him from running out the door.
We had no idea how manic He was on acid or not... We figured it was the amount of LSD He was on. ~ He ended up getting arrested because He got naked and someone called the cops on Him and SWIM even ended up punching one of the cops in the face... SWIM said that the cop was not on His team and not actually helping.
SWIM seemed very threatened and scared that the cops were "trying to help him"

SWIM was calm when He was first put into hand cuffs but the copS really WERE being a fucking jerks.
The whole thing is not fair TO ME, in My eyes... I wish I could have done more...
but there was no possible way; unless I ended up hurting My buddies friend, myself and / or getting arrested too... I guess I may have not done a good enough job to calm Him down but He was manic to say the least. He even scared Me... God bless His soul.

I have never seen anyone so scared in My entire life.
He basically went into a panic attack.
The whole scenario reminded Me some mental hospital movie.
Like some mental patient, completely trapped and boxed in.
All freedoms taken away and looking that moments before He was free...
I cannot even imagine what that feeling must be like...

It was like watching a small tinny, tiny part of the holocaust.
~~~~~~~ Horrible... Absolutely horrible.

God bless anyone that decides to take 500+ MICROGRAMS OF LSD

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SWIM = Someone Who Isn't Me
SWIM went to the mental hospital after taking 4 hits of WoW [blank LSD blotter].
Apparently each dose is at least 100 micrograms.
The night started out fine but once the second peak hit, things went horribly wrong...

He dropped all FOUR doses, at once, around 6 p.m. last night.
We were all hanging out at My buddies apartment and around 8 p.m...
like clockwork is where it all happened...

SWIM's friend and I only took 2 doses each. So We both were flying but not as high as SWIM was....
We were all smoking and watching stoner movies. and SWIM went to the rest room.
Thought nothing of it except about 20 minutes later, SWIM was still missing.
Thought and wondered what was taking Him so long... Figured He was taking a long poop...
About 15 more minutes passed and SWIM was still gone....Around this time,
My friend and I went up to the restroom to see where and what SWIM was doing...

We heard gargling and spitting noises. My buddy opened the door and SWIM was throwing up.

We asked Him if He was fine and He just looked at Us with tears in His eyes, looking helpless.
I could most definitely read that SWIM was not fine but sensed this was happening for a reason.
He kept heaving and moaning until He threw up the last bit He could...
I asked Him if all He took was LSD and He nodded and said "Yeah , and the pot We smoked."

After SWIM cleaned Himself up, We gave SWIM some time alone to catch His breathe.
and went back downstairs to eat some more brownies and get Him some water...
The moment both Our feet hit the bottom of the stairs;
instantly We heard crashing and banging like SWIM was throwing Himself around the bathroom....
We ran back up stairs and that is exactly what He was doing.
Literally throwing Himself into the walls and shelves. Every item in the room was on the floor at this point... SWIM's friend grabs SWIM and tries to hold Him down but that was no use.
after that... SWIM threw Himself out of the room and flew down the stairs screaming

We chased after Him down the stairs and He ends up running out the front door to quick for Us to even think or make a choice to stop Him...

SWIM goes running down the street in pure insanity / panic mode.

Unfortunately, this happened so fast that both SWIM's friend and I could not stop Him from running out the door.
We had no idea how manic He was on acid or not... We figured it was the amount of LSD He was on. ~ He ended up getting arrested because He got naked and someone called the cops on Him and SWIM even ended up punching one of the cops in the face... SWIM said that the cop was not on His team and not actually helping.
SWIM seemed very threatened and scared that the cops were "trying to help him"

SWIM was calm when He was first put into hand cuffs but the copS really WERE being a fucking jerks.
The whole thing is not fair TO ME, in My eyes... I wish I could have done more...
but there was no possible way; unless I ended up hurting My buddies friend, myself and / or getting arrested too... I guess I may have not done a good enough job to calm Him down but He was manic to say the least. He even scared Me... God bless His soul.

I have never seen anyone so scared in My entire life.
He basically went into a panic attack.
The whole scenario reminded Me some mental hospital movie.
Like some mental patient, completely trapped and boxed in.
All freedoms taken away and looking that moments before He was free...
I cannot even imagine what that feeling must be like...

It was like watching a small tinny, tiny part of the holocaust.
~~~~~~~ Horrible... Absolutely horrible.

God bless anyone that decides to take 500+ MICROGRAMS OF LSD

I would think anybody would loose it taking that much.
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I ate 1 hit at about midnight the other night, during set break at a show. I was already feeling high before I ate it and was seeing tracers when I went in the bathroom. We'd been smoking and drinking a little whiskey as well.

I got so damn high off that one hit, when we got back to the hotel I laid down and was completely enveloped into a detailed psychedelic pattern and felt like I merged with it/everything. Woke up and was still getting open eye pattern visuals..

My friend took the same amount as I did and did not get nearly as high.

Now about a week ago I ate 2 hits of some WoW and went to work and didn't get nearly as high as the 1 hit at the show. Different acid though.

I guess my point is that sometimes micrograms don't matter. I've been higher off of 1 hit than I have off of 5, and there are so many other factors that come into play. Sometimes you hit a wormhole or some shit
I ate 1 hit at about midnight the other night, during set break at a show. I was already feeling high before I ate it and was seeing tracers when I went in the bathroom. We'd been smoking and drinking a little whiskey as well.

I got so damn high off that one hit, when we got back to the hotel I laid down and was completely enveloped into a detailed psychedelic pattern and felt like I merged with it/everything. Woke up and was still getting open eye pattern visuals..

My friend took the same amount as I did and did not get nearly as high.

Now about a week ago I ate 2 hits of some WoW and went to work and didn't get nearly as high as the 1 hit at the show. Different acid though.

I guess my point is that sometimes micrograms don't matter. I've been higher off of 1 hit than I have off of 5, and there are so many other factors that come into play. Sometimes you hit a wormhole or some shit
Jesus Bless YOU, @skuba .
I feel Your energy and We will be chilling together in the winners circle.
yo @HeatlessBBQ i was wondering what do u do while tripping?

but for real... I make people think... That is what I do when I trip.

Levying water footprints for ne people to think about in 100 years from now...
also btw ... I am 55 years old.... Canada sounds nice about this time of year...

Time to move.....AGAIN....
I ate 1 hit at about midnight the other night, during set break at a show. I was already feeling high before I ate it and was seeing tracers when I went in the bathroom. We'd been smoking and drinking a little whiskey as well.

I got so damn high off that one hit, when we got back to the hotel I laid down and was completely enveloped into a detailed psychedelic pattern and felt like I merged with it/everything. Woke up and was still getting open eye pattern visuals..

My friend took the same amount as I did and did not get nearly as high.

Now about a week ago I ate 2 hits of some WoW and went to work and didn't get nearly as high as the 1 hit at the show. Different acid though.

I guess my point is that sometimes micrograms don't matter. I've been higher off of 1 hit than I have off of 5, and there are so many other factors that come into play. Sometimes you hit a wormhole or some shit
well lsd tolerance goes up extremely fast but yea lsd can be overly strong been after having a 150ug tab hit me twice as hard as supposedly 300ug you should always start with 1 tab to test the potency im lucky i never took two of those extra strength tabs
i want to trip on lsd again so bad fucking sick of this weed shit
El Oh L !!!!

YOU are not smoking proper WEED if YOU are saying such things...

well lsd tolerance goes up extremely fast but yea lsd can be overly strong been after having a 150ug tab hit me twice as hard as supposedly 300ug you should always start with 1 tab to test the potency im lucky i never took two of those extra strength tabs
LSD's tolerance can go down just as fast. ;) mwahahaha

Danktoker LIVES
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