Why is Trump so hellbent on killing as many women, children, terminal, and poor people as possible?


Well-Known Member
Replying to the titles question...

Because he is a Republican. Now they werent always like this maybe we should say because hes a neo con...

They dont desire these things merely out of a cold heart for no purpose, oh theres purpose alright...

The more you can scare the peasants and weaken them, the less likely they are to rebel against you. They become dependent and needy on the billionaire class to pay them wages that dont make basic ends meet. All while oligarchy doop the weakened souls into thinking tney are actually living in capitalism and they can become one of inner party someday too if they keep their head down and works hard for em....


Well-Known Member
You'd have to disprove the second law of Thermodynamics. Greenhouse gases aren't a theory. If you want a course in physics, I suggest you go elsewhere. Here is some information about greenhouse gases brought to you by people who really know what they are talking about when discussing climate science. The topic of greenhouse gases has been settled for more than 150 years.


Some climate change skeptics dispute the so-called ‘greenhouse effect’, which keeps the surface temperature of the Earth approximately 33 degrees C warmer than it would be if there were no greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. In other words, without the greenhouse effect, the Earth would be largely uninhabitable.

How do we know for sure this effect is real? The principle is demonstrated through basic physics, because a bare rock orbiting the sun at the distance of the Earth should be far colder than the Earth actually is. The explanation for this observation was based on the work of John Tyndall, who discovered in 1859 that several gases, including carbon dioxideand water vapour, could trap heat. This was the first evidence for what we know now as greenhouse gases. Then, towards the end of the same century, a Swedish scientist named Svante Arrhenius proved the relationship between greenhouse gas concentrations and surface temperatures.
Climate sensitivity is on the order of 0.3 degrees Celsius. The feedbacks are negative, you forgot about clouds and plants, sorry. Btw most any system tends to settle into negative feedbacks is like intro to thermodynamics material from what im gathering.


Well-Known Member
Money isn't even backed by gold anymore, it's backed by faith, and market manipulation, which leads to the death of the have-nots. Do you really put an unstable manmade concept over the value of human life?
I agree with you. Sound money would fix most political and social issues actually.


Well-Known Member
you keep on using words but you have no idea what any of them mean.
An example of negative feedbacks is using your cars gas pedal if you're going too slow and the brake if going too fast.

You alarmists have switched the pedals without informing anyone, and cite this as proof for positive feedbacks.


Well-Known Member
An example of negative feedbacks is using your cars gas pedal if you're going too slow and the brake if going too fast.

You alarmists have switched the pedals without informing anyone, and cite this as proof for positive feedbacks.
you think plants are handling all the surplus CO2 (which is totally not a grenhouse gas!) when in reality CO2 shot up an alarming 130 PPM in a mere century to levels not seen in 800,000+ years.

are you retarded or paid to spam us with this shit?


Well-Known Member
you think plants are handling all the surplus CO2 (which is totally not a grenhouse gas!) when in reality CO2 shot up an alarming 130 PPM in a mere century to levels not seen in 800,000+ years.

are you retarded or paid to spam us with this shit?

You're talking about a guy who named himself after a hydro carbon. Makes you wonder doesn't?


Well-Known Member
And damn right class warfare rages, and it is the ologarchs on attack, even though they paint it the opposite. Gd hypocrites

I'm convinced that neither establishment party gives a fuck about what the other 95% wants or needs. Not since Citizens United. I've seen far too many lies and shenanigans on the part of both of them to believe that either one can be weaned off the corporate money teat. The evidence is overwhelming.

@Padawanbater2 is right.

Time for a Party of the People. New Progressive Party.

Since the two old parties aren't going to do it, it's time for a new one, to the left of both of them. That's where most Americans are politically when we stop talking about party politics and start discussing the issues.

We might not make much headway for an election or two, but people have been paying attention to what happened in South Dakota to a voter passed referendum on ethics reform (legislatures of both houses invoked 'emergency powers' to revoke it, effective immediately AND outlawed another referendum on it for two years!) and what happened when a majority of people voted for a progressive candidate for California state Democratic party chair (oops- the other two thirds of the vote belonged to 'super delegates', who voted for the establishment pick), among other places.

The American People have been delayed, we've been denied, we've been defeated, we've been cheated, lied to, stolen from and told we're stupid, or criminals or too poor to have (buy) a voice in government.

A revolution is building; it's either going to happen within the system set up by the Constitution or it's going to happen on the streets.

If it happens on the streets, the Federal Government has the means, the training and the will to deal with Americans citizens summarily. What else is the Homeland Security Department for, if not to keep order? First fucking thing they'll do is declare martial law and suspend citizen's protections under the Bill of Rights.

It's imperative therefore to make sure this fight stays within our political system. Any attempts to use violence and civil disorder will be meet with deadly force, I'm certain of it.

I'm even certain there would be false flag actions. Am I paranoid? What makes people think 'it can't happen here'? Fuck, it already HAS happened- just ask black folks about the racist history of the United States.

Enough is enough. Our best and only chance is to set left and right aside, to ignore the voices of those who would divide us against ourselves by race or geography or political affiliation and stand together to demand an end to political corruption, classism and the mistreatment of American citizens while spending trillions on the murder of millions of innocent civilians abroad.

I'M not paranoid; the ruling class of our country is paranoid. It's time we put a stop to the direction their 'leadership' is taking us.
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Well-Known Member
you think plants are handling all the surplus CO2 (which is totally not a grenhouse gas!) when in reality CO2 shot up an alarming 130 PPM in a mere century to levels not seen in 800,000+ years.

are you retarded or paid to spam us with this shit?
Global CO2 is predicted to hit 500ppm within 10 years. By 2100 some worst case estimates place it at 1200ppm.

The good news is we can save money on CO2 tanks...


Well-Known Member
Not fast enough to prevent the polar ice caps from melting and turning green; we're already there. Especially with deforestation. If you want to drown, I'll use your bloated chest cavity for a raft.
How far you think you will make it on a dead body? That's shark bait you will be floating on too. :)


Well-Known Member
don't humor him, this line is just the next in the script he is either paid to spam us with, or retarded enough to believe on his own without being paid to do so.
And in the final analysis, both motives end up at the same place; no intelligent, ethical person would stoop to such a job description.


Well-Known Member
you think plants are handling all the surplus CO2 (which is totally not a grenhouse gas!) when in reality CO2 shot up an alarming 130 PPM in a mere century to levels not seen in 800,000+ years.

are you retarded or paid to spam us with this shit?
Last ice age was 3000 ppm.