like middle bars spaced closer maybe
You will not need to purchase additional CoBs. The next topic would be heatsinks. I highly recommend water cooled. I have a water cooled heat sink that is very simple and will cost about $3 per foot plus $30 for tubing and water pumps.
Spacing between bars is a whole different thing. In a straight line I am only calculating two dimensions, photons from the left and right.
I have not finished the calculations for multiple bars, but am far enough along to estimate the distance between two bars.
Right now I am in the middle of updating the multi-bar code and cannot run a simulation right now.
UPDATE: I ran a few simulations, and the results look very good. It appears 20" between is going to be fine. A span of 15-20 inches between bars all look good.
In the image below I calculate the flux of each LED at 0.1" increments along the heavy yellow line. This illustration below shows 1 bar of 5 LEDs.
First I calculate the distance from the current point (offset) on the yellow line to each LED using simple right angle trig.
To get the distance I fist need the angle.
angle = arctan(offset/height)
distance = height / cosine(angle)
Then I calculate the flux based on the distance the photons travel and the Inverse Squares Law.
flux = Height Max / (distance x ( radiation distribution flux @ angle))^2
radiation distribution flux @ angle comes from the LED datasheet as shown in the dual angles app:
I you'd like to see a more details on how I calculate the values, I've attached a PDF with draft explanation.
The PDF also explains how I get the radiation distribution angles from the datasheet.
The below illustration show the challenge estimating the distance between between bars, where there are photons coming from forward left, behind left, forward right, and behind right with multiple rows.
The red lines represents a small fraction of the photon paths from the LEDs to the measurement points where I calculate the flux.
Below I measure in 0.1 increments along the vertical yellow line between bars 1 and 2.
I have written the code for two bars. The illustration below show 4 bars of 5 LEDs. So I have an idea about how far apart the bars should be.
Then (I have not written the code yet) measure The yellow line moving the yellow line to the right in 0.1" increments between the blue lines.
To calculate the distance from the offset point to each LED requires an extra trigonometric calculation on the floor.
This is done for every LED on all the bars for each point on the yellow line.
floorAngle = arctan(LED X position/offset)
floorDistance = offset / cosine(floorAngle)
angle =atan(floorDistance /height)
distance = height / (cosine(angle)
flux = Height Max / (distance x ( radiation distribution @ angle))^2
Where offset = each 0.1" along the yellow line.