Winter grow early flowering

14 hours is the least you can get away with. If you are using sunlight for your veg, adding a few CFL's to extend the day will work. Or you can turn on the lights for an hour at midnight.
Why at midnight though?I've got a porch light that is quite bright,can I turn it on for a few hours after sunset?
The length of darkness is what triggers flowering. You can make the dark shorter by doing lights at sunset or before daylight. Or you can fool the plant into thinking there are two short nights by turning on the light at midnight. Either one will work. The light at sunset or sunrise would be less stressful to the plant.
The length of darkness is what triggers flowering. You can make the dark shorter by doing lights at sunset or before daylight. Or you can fool the plant into thinking there are two short nights by turning on the light at midnight. Either one will work. The light at sunset or sunrise would be less stressful to the plant.
Thank you Sandhill larry,I've turned the light on at sunset for 4 hours.