Greenpoint seeds!!

ok, gots a few pics of mysky pilots.
excuse the pic quality, found an old digi cam.
i have 3 SPs,
there's a big bushy one more like bakers larf pheno,
I won't waste band width posting it.

now, the other 2 are nothing like it, solid stacking up the laterals
the 2nd pic isn't as thick as the 1st but the nugs running up are bigger.
all 3 are oozing resin and look like double coated shuga donuts,
can't wait to see what they look like come chop time
I'm sure there won't any disappointments tho
View attachment 3947757 View attachment 3947759

Still rockin the bare vert 1000 Mh's Gnome?

Been a while, good to see you around.
QUOTE="Feijao, post: 13554141, member: 162378"]Still rockin the bare vert 1000 Mh's Gnome?

Been a while, good to see you around.[/QUOTE]

well hey feijao!
yeah it has been quite a while.
you still posting @IC ?
I'm using the CMH/CDM 860's in veg.
plants love it
Ive upgraded to Gavita 1000-E series for bloom
I'm using DE HPS Bulbs that came with them and they a rockin it!
got 8 hanging in the bloom room... 1st impressions
INTENSE :shock::shock::shock:
it's like going to the beach 8-)

good to see there's still some GT F2s around.
talked to Gu a while back about a restock,
he told me he lost it, I take it from what he said it can had again,
but he has a pile of other project to get to so my guess it'll be
a way down the road if we even see it again.
hope someone's pollinating and taking cuts.....
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[/QUOTE] hey feijao!
yeah it has been quite a while.
you still posting @IC ?
I'm using the CMH/CDM 860's in veg.
plants love it
Ive upgraded to Gavita 1000-E series for bloom
I'm using DE HPS Bulbs that came with them and they a rockin it!
got 8 hanging in the bloom room... 1st impressions
INTENSE :shock::shock::shock:
it's like going to the beach 8-)

good to see there's still some GT F2s around.
talked to Gu a while back about a restock,
he told me he lost it, I take it from what he said it can had again,
but he has a pile of other project to get to so my guess it'll be
a way down the road if we even see it again.
hope someone's pollinating and taking cuts.....
Are you doing a bare bulb vert setup with the CMH 860's then putting them under the Gavitas?
I still run a vert room and a horizontal room. I thought about hanging some 315 CMH between the Hortilux HPS, but have decided to upgrade my horizontal room and possibly phasing out the vert setup.

I just bought and installed my first 2 @ 1000 watt Nanolux today. I had to install a subpanel and run new recepticals for the 240 volt lights. They are noticeably brighter than the single Ender's.