Straight from Director of the NSA: Trump Colluded With The Russians


Well-Known Member
So you'll be welcoming Pence in as President, right? He's more conservative than Trump, you realize that right and has a lot less baggage.......
I say start the election all over again, this time with Trump in jail, seeing as Pence and Ryan are all connected to the same lying gang of traitors.
Never before in the history of the US has this shit occurred, so maybe it's time to open a new page, and throw all the Trump Administration out on their collective asses, and into jail
If Trump goes down, they all should.


Well-Known Member
I say start the election all over again, this time with Trump in jail, seeing as Pence and Ryan are all connected to the same lying gang of traitors.
Never before in the history of the US has this shit occurred, so maybe it's time to open a new page, and throw all the Trump Administration out on their collective asses, and into jail
If Trump goes down, they all should.
The only crime you can't be pardoned for is treason.


Well-Known Member
I did entertain that notion.
I've also entertained the notion that we are children of aliens.
I've also entertained the notion of an invisible sky daddy we must all worship.

None of these notions stand up to logical scrutiny and must therefore be discarded.

You're a troll or a bot. Say something original or go away.
That's it.
In the above post(#47) you posit the existence of concrete evidence...

Where is this concrete evidence?
Should be easy peasy.

I smell desperation.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Third grade assertion.
Actually, it's pretty much a real certainty at this point. They literally started drafting articles of impeachment Tuesday, as per Texas Representative Al Green.

In case you are uneducated, the House of Representatives is a chamber of Congress, the Legislative Branch of our government. You know, the only entity that can initiate impeachment proceedings? Well, they've initiated it