Dear Black Voter..

Well, there are several ways of answering this question. (short answer, your 60% thing could be accurate) I know exactly what you meant but for the sake of good conversation and perspective, I will look at it another way.

The genocide of the tribes in what has become the US was in many ways the inspiration for Hitler's evil. I have even read from some admittedly biased sources that in many ways some reservations operated under conditions that made them the model for the concentration camps of the holocaust. The racism of slavery was every bit as bigoted as the eugenics of fascist Germany and again, the ideas that spawned eugenics may have been born in the USA as well.

So how far down the path are we? We're so far beyond it we've led the way for others, gotten lost and happened upon it anew as we carry back on the old course. Actually, I think the regime knows exactly where it's going and they want to "make America great again". Don't underestimate them. They are real fascists. Take solace in the extremely low approval rating.
We seem to have a lot in common.

I'd agree we were worse in the past, to the point of being role models for fascism and oppression.

My problems with the Chump's approval rating are twofold; he has one above zero and it seems to make very little difference.

They all can't be winners:wink:
I think you take this whole thing too seriously, like you have to save face after having been shown you are demonstrably wrong about this, or yesterday when I gave my opinion on how you sounded like a Trump supporter when you said you hated liberal PC language and thought people were pussies for taking offense at bigoted slurs. It doesn't mean I dislike you, or even that I disrespected you, if that were the case I would just troll you, calm down guy.

Yes, I take peer reviewed research much more seriously than the opinions you are premising your argument on. The fact is, fascism is a form of capitalism, hence the privatization. Hitler went on a spree of privatizations all over the German economy of industries that had been previously nationalized under the Weimar Republic. This is historically factual, I have already cited facts and any "primary source" you have regarding Hitlers intentions for after the war are of absolutely no consequence against what actually did happen.
You need a better education.

It is widely known that Hitler nationalized strategic industries and started huge public works projects; you can keep posting your one source that says otherwise and I'll go with history, thanks.
It's quantative data, just Google "German Economy 1930's" so there's no opinion about it.

You retards are all the same, you'd ask for a citation that the sky is blue and rain is wet.
You seem really upset that I won this little debate. Here's some peer-reviewed research I found when I googled "German economy in the 30s". It lists concisely how the fascist regime privatized so many industries that were previously nationalized under the Weimar Republic. I know you hate facts, but history is full of them.
You're declaring victory when you're clearly wrong?

That's pretty sad even for someone who had to move to South America to make their veteran benefits more worthwhile.

Oh look, you posted your single source again!

Get educated, idiot.
Yes, you're definitely upset. I'll repeat, The Weimar Republic nationalized resources and infrastructure and the NAZI's privatized it when they also tried to purge Europe of socialists and communists. Also, my source is peer-reviewed research.

I don't collect veteran's benefits and I don't live in South America.
Yes, you're definitely upset. I'll repeat, The Weimar Republic nationalized resources and infrastructure and the NAZI's privatized it when they also tried to purge Europe of socialists and communists. Also, my source is peer-reviewed research.

I don't collect veteran's benefits and I don't live in South America.
I can find "peer reviewed" sources against climate change too...that doesn't mean they go against the mountains of data to the contrary.

Your ignorance of "peer review" doesn't help your case.
I can find "peer reviewed" sources against climate change too
Please do. I will carefully read them. All of the "research" which concludes this has been found to be flawed and didn't make it through peer review, but was found to be funded by such sources as Exxon.

That meta-data study that concludes "against climate alarmism" does not actually contain even a single study which concludes against climate change. You're in over your head. That's why you've resorted to insults.
Please do. I will carefully read them. All of the "research" which concludes this has been found to be flawed and didn't make it through peer review, but was found to be funded by such sources as Exxon.

That meta-data study that concludes "against climate alarmism" does not actually contain even a single study which concludes against climate change. You're in over your head. That's why you've resorted to insults.
I just can't believe you have history SO backwards based on one single paper you keep posting, it's literally insane how ignorant you're being

And the fact you think peer review is monolithic're seriously uneducated, did you ever even go to college?
I just can't believe you have history SO backwards based on one single paper you keep posting, it's literally insane how ignorant you're being.
I will repeat, the Weimar Republic (not capitalist) nationalized resources and infrastructure and the NAZI regime (capitalist) reprivatized them.
I will repeat, the Weimar Republic (not capitalist) nationalized resources and infrastructure and the NAZI regime (capitalist) reprivatized them.
So you think the one paper you linked to from the University of Barcelona (lol) that is titled "Against the Mainstream: Nazi Privatisation" (note the first 3 words) is enough to completely rewrite history despite mountains of data to the contrary?

EDIT: OMFG, it's an UNDERGRADUATE paper. interests supportive of the Reich, of course.
They "nationalized" some companies owned by Jews and resold them to Nazi businessmen but this was a tiny tiny amount and the intent was never for them to remain under state ownership.

This is not a case for widespread Nazi privatisation of public industry, it was a method of asset forfeiture perpetuated on Jews.
So you think the one paper you linked to from the University of Barcelona (lol) that is titled "Against the Mainstream: Nazi Privatisation" (note the first 3 words) is enough to completely rewrite history despite mountains of data to the contrary?

1. It is peer reviewed and lists sources for every claim.
2. You cited and I quote "it is widely known".
3. I only cited the peer-reviewed research that lists dozens of sources. There is no shortage of other sources but I need not cite them as it is sufficient and you've cited nothing.

The fact is, the Weimar Republic had nationalized resources and infrastructure and the NAZI's reprivatized them when they wen't on a bent to purge Europe of socialists and communists and then got stopped dead in their tracks and toppled by the communist Red Army.