

Well-Known Member
I need a heart transplant no smoking for 6 months before it. What really sucks is I'm not on the list yet and it could be a while!! I passed out twice this week.


Well-Known Member
I need a heart transplant no smoking for 6 months before it. What really sucks is I'm not on the list yet and it could be a while!! I passed out twice this week.
daam sorry 2 hear as we say in australia ull be right u can do it is there an intrest u can persu in the mean time im sure ur limeted in what u can do but im theres somthing u can do for six months


Well-Known Member
Is it because weed raises your heart rate? I wonder if weed is related to damaging the heart or causing heart attacks.

Los Reefersaurus

Well-Known Member
Hey , sorry to hear of your situation . Elysium Heath look it up and give it a go. You got nothing to lose at this point. And stem cells go get some stem cells


Well-Known Member
I need a heart transplant no smoking for 6 months before it. What really sucks is I'm not on the list yet and it could be a while!! I passed out twice this week.
Damn man, that's too bad. I sincerely hope you come out of this alright.


Well-Known Member
Is it because weed raises your heart rate? I wonder if weed is related to damaging the heart or causing heart attacks.
I don't know but when I was young to did a lot of drugs and smoked for 30 years and drank.