Well-Known Member
I am going to call the Breeding Company the "Revolutionary Breeding Company" or RBC. We are going to have strains like Marcus Garvey, Noble Drew and Malcolm X, and if you try to use those strain names and don't use African genetics, then the name should be revoked.

"I'm not talking about some Blonde haired, Blue eyed, Pale skin, Light complection cracker Christ. I'm talking about the Jesus of the Bible with hair like Lambs' wool, I'm talking about that good hair, I'm talking about that Nappy hair. That his body would be like brass, another verse said it would be like Jasper, another verse said his body would be like vine grass as though it had been worked. Jesus, the Lord the Savior, the Master, the Redeemer, Jesus the Black, Revolutionary Messiah..."
I am back in Colorado and I am going to be creating a Marijuana Strain. Previously I grew from Texas Brick Weed Seeds, and it came out really well because I killed the males, so it was Sensimilla. And I tested a SCROG with that (this was my first indoor grow, I had previously grown outside by just putting bagseeds from Texas Popcorn (really good seedy weed) but the SCROG one was my first indoor grow ever, and the seeds used in the SCROG were from the Texas Popcorn also)
Then I grew some random seeds I found in dispensary nugs, and grew a few different strains (that was the one that started in rice). And I bred a new strain with a male plant that I put a ziplock bag on the head of.
Then I grew the Ghost Train Haze #1 and I think the other was Blue Dream, and I did various stress training techniques. But I vegged for too long doing the training and ended up moving before I could finish the whole grow.
So, this time I did not have any Texas Popcorn seeds or any seeds from Colorado Dispensary nugs because I have been in Texas winning the Religious Marijuana Case (from 2010) that everyone said was impossible to win. So anyways, I didn't have any seeds so I ordered some online.
I have a few different strains that aren't pictured here, but Pictured here is ACE Seeds Malawi, Seedsman Seeds African Buzz and World of Seeds Landrace Seeds South African Kwazulu.
There is something that is so blatantly obvious and so untapped that as soon as the floodgates are released, this is going to happen everywhere almost simultaneously because all it takes is to grow a few seeds that people usually don't grow. I have currently ordered ACE Seeds Malawi, Seedsman Seeds African Buzz, Seedsman Seeds Early Durban, and World of Seeds Landrace Seeds South African Kwazulu. These are all African seeds and contain high amounts of THCv, THCv is not even completely understood yet. When a dispensary has a CBD strain, they will specifically advertise "This is our strain with the highest CBD content" or "The strain with the highest CBD content in the world". If a dispensary has Durban Poison they don't tell you "This is our strain with the highest THCv content". And while there are people and dispensaries working to breed strains with the new Highest CBD Content in the world, there doesn't seem to be anyone working to make new records for Highest THCv Content in the world. And THCv is not completely understood. In low doses it could possibly be an antidote for anyone who thinks they are "Too High" because it acts to block the receptor. But at higher doses, it seems like it is very psychoactive, possibly more psychoactive than THC.
Here is an example, here is a list of some of the CBD family of plants, there are lots of non-Landrace crossbred strains that are established in dispensaries and can be found at various Seedbanks online for purchase, they are getting pretty common and well established.
Ringo’s Gift
Sweet and Sour Widow
Stephen Hawking Kush
Hawaiian Dream
CBD Mango Haze
Swiss Gold
Jamaican Lion
CBD Shark
Afghani CBD
Dark Star
Critical Mass
Purple Cheese
OG Ringo
Sour Tsunami
Kush is another established family of strains, and it has been established much longer. The word Ganja comes from the Ganges River in India, and the word Indica means from India and the Hindu Kush Mountains are the mountain range in India that may be where the first Marijuana plants and seeds were harvested and eventually domesticated by Humans. So "Kush", coming from this lineage, has been well established since the time of the Ancient Silk Road, and since the Arabic word "Hashish" came into existence.
Here is a list of Kush strains, the Kush family is also easy to find on online Seedbanks, and has plenty of non-Landrace Crossbred strains that can be found in lots of dispensaries.
OG Kush
Strawberry Diesel Kush
Snoop’s Church
Tahoe OG Kush
Chitral (Pakistan)
Pink Kush
Purple Bubba Kush
Blackberry Kush
Pineapple Kush
Purple Kush
Kandy Kush
Bubba Kush
Blueberry Kush
Champagne Kush
Organic Purple Kush
Violator Kush
Snoop’s Master Kush
Venom OG Kush
Super OG Master Kush
Fraggle Rock
Blackberry Kush
Yoda OG Kush
Redwood Kush
Super OG Master Kush
Moonlight OG Kush
3 kings
Sticky Icky OG Kush
OG Darth Vader
OG Michael Phelps
God’s Gift
Black Rhino OG Kush
Obama OG Kush
Here are some examples of African strains. Most of them are pure landrace, do not have crossbred strains that are well established and available in dispensaries, and if a dispensary does carry a strain from this family, they rarely give it the recognition that it should be given. And THCv may possibly be the Molecule responsible for the "One Hitter Quitter" strains, where you just take one hit and you don't need anymore because it hits instantly and it hits hard. Mixing THCv strains with well established strains is called Outcrossing, and brings completely new genetic combinations and possibilities to the wider commercial genepool which can then be selected for Heterosis.
Durban Poison
Coffee Gold
Durban Magic
Apondo Mystic
Congo (Zaire)
Congo #1
Angola Veroe
Swazi 99
Nigerian 99
Swazi Gold
Cabo Verde
Swazi Red
Angola x Banghi
Jahwi’s Joy (Ghana)
Lesotho x Uzbeki
Malawi Gold
Malawi Gold x Columbian Gold
Misty Kei
Sotho Heights
So over about the next 6 months or so I will be breeding a few strains, mixing genetics, then locking in Genetics and creating a stable strain, maybe even singling out Phenotypes. But here are some examples of what can be done. First, say there is a Hindu Kush X Malawi plant and a Blue Mystic X Malawi plant, those can then each be crossed with African Buzz to create a 3:4 ratio of Malawi based genetics and 2 strains. Or, the Hindu Kush X Malawi plant and Blue Mystic X Malawi plants can be crossed with each other, then crossed with African Buzz to create 1 strain. Or an African Buzz X Malawi plant can be made, then that can be crossed with both Hindu Kush and Blue Mystic or Hindu Kush X Malawi and Blue Mystic X Malawi for at least 4 possible strains. So depending on which strains turn out male and which turn out female, there will be some good possibilities. Then the way the genetics are locked in is like this, so say for example there is a Hindu Kush X Malawi X African Buzz strain and that is the final genetic combo. You then take Seeds from that final combo and breed them with each other, and that brings out the 4 phenotypes and specific mutations can be selected and at that point it is now a reliable commercial strain.
Double Pair Mating
I hope to get a male plant of either Malawi or African Buzz. And the planned cross breeds are Malawi X African Buzz, Blue Mystic X Malawi, Cheese Bomb X Malawi, Hindu Kush X Malawi, White Rhino X Malawi, and maybe mix a few of the others in. Then with those crosses I will cross each one back with African Buzz, so that they have 1/4th Commercial Strain DNA and 3/4ths Malawi DNA. So these strains will contain THCv, meaning they will be good for weightloss and diabetes.

"I'm not talking about some Blonde haired, Blue eyed, Pale skin, Light complection cracker Christ. I'm talking about the Jesus of the Bible with hair like Lambs' wool, I'm talking about that good hair, I'm talking about that Nappy hair. That his body would be like brass, another verse said it would be like Jasper, another verse said his body would be like vine grass as though it had been worked. Jesus, the Lord the Savior, the Master, the Redeemer, Jesus the Black, Revolutionary Messiah..."
I am back in Colorado and I am going to be creating a Marijuana Strain. Previously I grew from Texas Brick Weed Seeds, and it came out really well because I killed the males, so it was Sensimilla. And I tested a SCROG with that (this was my first indoor grow, I had previously grown outside by just putting bagseeds from Texas Popcorn (really good seedy weed) but the SCROG one was my first indoor grow ever, and the seeds used in the SCROG were from the Texas Popcorn also)
Then I grew some random seeds I found in dispensary nugs, and grew a few different strains (that was the one that started in rice). And I bred a new strain with a male plant that I put a ziplock bag on the head of.
Then I grew the Ghost Train Haze #1 and I think the other was Blue Dream, and I did various stress training techniques. But I vegged for too long doing the training and ended up moving before I could finish the whole grow.
So, this time I did not have any Texas Popcorn seeds or any seeds from Colorado Dispensary nugs because I have been in Texas winning the Religious Marijuana Case (from 2010) that everyone said was impossible to win. So anyways, I didn't have any seeds so I ordered some online.
I have a few different strains that aren't pictured here, but Pictured here is ACE Seeds Malawi, Seedsman Seeds African Buzz and World of Seeds Landrace Seeds South African Kwazulu.

There is something that is so blatantly obvious and so untapped that as soon as the floodgates are released, this is going to happen everywhere almost simultaneously because all it takes is to grow a few seeds that people usually don't grow. I have currently ordered ACE Seeds Malawi, Seedsman Seeds African Buzz, Seedsman Seeds Early Durban, and World of Seeds Landrace Seeds South African Kwazulu. These are all African seeds and contain high amounts of THCv, THCv is not even completely understood yet. When a dispensary has a CBD strain, they will specifically advertise "This is our strain with the highest CBD content" or "The strain with the highest CBD content in the world". If a dispensary has Durban Poison they don't tell you "This is our strain with the highest THCv content". And while there are people and dispensaries working to breed strains with the new Highest CBD Content in the world, there doesn't seem to be anyone working to make new records for Highest THCv Content in the world. And THCv is not completely understood. In low doses it could possibly be an antidote for anyone who thinks they are "Too High" because it acts to block the receptor. But at higher doses, it seems like it is very psychoactive, possibly more psychoactive than THC.
Here is an example, here is a list of some of the CBD family of plants, there are lots of non-Landrace crossbred strains that are established in dispensaries and can be found at various Seedbanks online for purchase, they are getting pretty common and well established.
Ringo’s Gift
Sweet and Sour Widow
Stephen Hawking Kush
Hawaiian Dream
CBD Mango Haze
Swiss Gold
Jamaican Lion
CBD Shark
Afghani CBD
Dark Star
Critical Mass
Purple Cheese
OG Ringo
Sour Tsunami
Kush is another established family of strains, and it has been established much longer. The word Ganja comes from the Ganges River in India, and the word Indica means from India and the Hindu Kush Mountains are the mountain range in India that may be where the first Marijuana plants and seeds were harvested and eventually domesticated by Humans. So "Kush", coming from this lineage, has been well established since the time of the Ancient Silk Road, and since the Arabic word "Hashish" came into existence.

Here is a list of Kush strains, the Kush family is also easy to find on online Seedbanks, and has plenty of non-Landrace Crossbred strains that can be found in lots of dispensaries.
OG Kush
Strawberry Diesel Kush
Snoop’s Church
Tahoe OG Kush
Chitral (Pakistan)
Pink Kush
Purple Bubba Kush
Blackberry Kush
Pineapple Kush
Purple Kush
Kandy Kush
Bubba Kush
Blueberry Kush
Champagne Kush
Organic Purple Kush
Violator Kush
Snoop’s Master Kush
Venom OG Kush
Super OG Master Kush
Fraggle Rock
Blackberry Kush
Yoda OG Kush
Redwood Kush
Super OG Master Kush
Moonlight OG Kush
3 kings
Sticky Icky OG Kush
OG Darth Vader
OG Michael Phelps
God’s Gift
Black Rhino OG Kush
Obama OG Kush
Here are some examples of African strains. Most of them are pure landrace, do not have crossbred strains that are well established and available in dispensaries, and if a dispensary does carry a strain from this family, they rarely give it the recognition that it should be given. And THCv may possibly be the Molecule responsible for the "One Hitter Quitter" strains, where you just take one hit and you don't need anymore because it hits instantly and it hits hard. Mixing THCv strains with well established strains is called Outcrossing, and brings completely new genetic combinations and possibilities to the wider commercial genepool which can then be selected for Heterosis.

Durban Poison
Coffee Gold
Durban Magic
Apondo Mystic
Congo (Zaire)
Congo #1
Angola Veroe
Swazi 99
Nigerian 99
Swazi Gold
Cabo Verde
Swazi Red
Angola x Banghi
Jahwi’s Joy (Ghana)
Lesotho x Uzbeki
Malawi Gold
Malawi Gold x Columbian Gold
Misty Kei
Sotho Heights

So over about the next 6 months or so I will be breeding a few strains, mixing genetics, then locking in Genetics and creating a stable strain, maybe even singling out Phenotypes. But here are some examples of what can be done. First, say there is a Hindu Kush X Malawi plant and a Blue Mystic X Malawi plant, those can then each be crossed with African Buzz to create a 3:4 ratio of Malawi based genetics and 2 strains. Or, the Hindu Kush X Malawi plant and Blue Mystic X Malawi plants can be crossed with each other, then crossed with African Buzz to create 1 strain. Or an African Buzz X Malawi plant can be made, then that can be crossed with both Hindu Kush and Blue Mystic or Hindu Kush X Malawi and Blue Mystic X Malawi for at least 4 possible strains. So depending on which strains turn out male and which turn out female, there will be some good possibilities. Then the way the genetics are locked in is like this, so say for example there is a Hindu Kush X Malawi X African Buzz strain and that is the final genetic combo. You then take Seeds from that final combo and breed them with each other, and that brings out the 4 phenotypes and specific mutations can be selected and at that point it is now a reliable commercial strain.
Double Pair Mating

I hope to get a male plant of either Malawi or African Buzz. And the planned cross breeds are Malawi X African Buzz, Blue Mystic X Malawi, Cheese Bomb X Malawi, Hindu Kush X Malawi, White Rhino X Malawi, and maybe mix a few of the others in. Then with those crosses I will cross each one back with African Buzz, so that they have 1/4th Commercial Strain DNA and 3/4ths Malawi DNA. So these strains will contain THCv, meaning they will be good for weightloss and diabetes.

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