nute burn or K deficiency?


Well-Known Member
You overfed them for sure and for 8 weeks flowering they aren't producing much bud.

I'm not sure how much you know about nutes and what those numbers tell you. Each number represents the percentage of that element in the mix and the ratio of one to the other helps you know what to use in veg or flower. They are always read as N-P-K

A 1-1-1 and a 10-10-10 are the same ratio but the latter is 10x as concentrated. For vegging plants that want more N and less of the other 2 something like 5-2-2, 20-10-10 or 30-15-15 would work well. Adding some of your 3-11-38 at the start of flowering would act like a decent bloom booster. Once stretch is over, about 3 weeks, then I'd use the 12-12-36 as my main feed with a bit more of the 3-11-38 until the end of week 5 then just the 12-12 stuff and little of that.

If you're planting seeds into real soil then you shouldn't feed anything for at least a couple weeks and observe how the plants are doing. If they are staying green to the bottom leaves then hold off feeding until you start seeing signs of yellowing on the oldest leaves. If they need bigger pots by then with fresh soil added then they will get a boost from the fresh dirt and may not need much feed if any for the first week or so but being bigger plants it won't take long before they get hungry. Go easy at first with about 1/4 strength nutes then just plain water before another feeding of the same unless they are begging for more with yellowing starting down low. Easier to add more than saving a burning plant. Make sure to let the pots get real light before watering so fresh air and oxygen can be drawn into the root zone. Soggy pots = root rot.

After a while you will get to know what your plants want but it takes a lot of practice and really observing your plants to get a feel for them. Then you grow a new strain and have to re-jig your methods some but not a lot. :)

I found a great spot to download FREE POT BOOKS. I downloaded a grow bible first and got lots more. Books look great and complete like the real ones I have here. No web site but just a page of links. Just right click on what you want and then "Save Link As" to download so they don't open first as some are 50+ megs. They got lots. Enjoy.

Good luck!


Active Member
You overfed them for sure and for 8 weeks flowering they aren't producing much bud.

I'm not sure how much you know about nutes and what those numbers tell you. Each number represents the percentage of that element in the mix and the ratio of one to the other helps you know what to use in veg or flower. They are always read as N-P-K

A 1-1-1 and a 10-10-10 are the same ratio but the latter is 10x as concentrated. For vegging plants that want more N and less of the other 2 something like 5-2-2, 20-10-10 or 30-15-15 would work well. Adding some of your 3-11-38 at the start of flowering would act like a decent bloom booster. Once stretch is over, about 3 weeks, then I'd use the 12-12-36 as my main feed with a bit more of the 3-11-38 until the end of week 5 then just the 12-12 stuff and little of that.

If you're planting seeds into real soil then you shouldn't feed anything for at least a couple weeks and observe how the plants are doing. If they are staying green to the bottom leaves then hold off feeding until you start seeing signs of yellowing on the oldest leaves. If they need bigger pots by then with fresh soil added then they will get a boost from the fresh dirt and may not need much feed if any for the first week or so but being bigger plants it won't take long before they get hungry. Go easy at first with about 1/4 strength nutes then just plain water before another feeding of the same unless they are begging for more with yellowing starting down low. Easier to add more than saving a burning plant. Make sure to let the pots get real light before watering so fresh air and oxygen can be drawn into the root zone. Soggy pots = root rot.

After a while you will get to know what your plants want but it takes a lot of practice and really observing your plants to get a feel for them. Then you grow a new strain and have to re-jig your methods some but not a lot. :)

I found a great spot to download FREE POT BOOKS. I downloaded a grow bible first and got lots more. Books look great and complete like the real ones I have here. No web site but just a page of links. Just right click on what you want and then "Save Link As" to download so they don't open first as some are 50+ megs. They got lots. Enjoy.

Good luck!
thing is around week 5 i got some N tox,flushed it for a week and then i saw these burns i didnt know what caused them and thought it was k deficiency so i fed it more n more i guess i kinda shocked it some more..what do you suggest i should do to deal with my current nute burn n stunned growth? :(


Well-Known Member
thing is around week 5 i got some N tox,flushed it for a week and then i saw these burns i didnt know what caused them and thought it was k deficiency so i fed it more n more i guess i kinda shocked it some more..what do you suggest i should do to deal with my current nute burn n stunned growth? :(
Flushing really good will take out most of the excess salts and help prevent it getting any worse. To do a really good flush you need to put 3X the amount of water thru the pot as the total volume of the pot. This is a slow process and you need to be able to get rid of all that runoff. When I had to do that to a couple plants that were locked in a ScroG and couldn't be moved I used a wet/dry shop vac to suck up the water as it filled the drip trays. If the pots can be moved then you can do it in the bathtub or sit the plant on something over a sink to let the runoff drain away. Or do it outside and let the excess nutes drain into your garden and make your veggies grow better. :)

As your plants are getting close to the end when putting the last couple liters of water thru I'd add just 1/2 tsp of that 3-11-38 to it to give a tiny bit of the nutes to help them finish flowering tho they may not even need that to finish. When people are flushing younger plants many don't feed anything until the pots dry out enough to need watering again so their plants are starving and not growing properly for another week. For people in that situation they should add 1/2 strength nutes to the last of the water so the plants have some food to recover with and keep growing.

You look at grows that are done by a lot of organic outdoor farmers. As the plant gets closer to the end the lower leaves start turning yellow and that's the way pot finishes it's life normally. It stops taking food in thru it's roots unless there is excess down there and starts using nutes stored in it's leaves causing them to yellow. I try to feed at a level that replicates that so I know my buds aren't going to be overloaded with nutrient salts when I crop them. After 16 years of steady growing I'm finally getting it right or close to right at least. :)

Compared to the small wispy buds I first grew in 1978 I'm doing a much better job of it now. :D
