Please help a new grower

Now they think I actually use Miracle Gro! (They still have not figured out how to spell it correctly.)
I *said* to use anything with lots of nitrogen because the plant is starving -- and it is.
Their reading comprehension is dismal so I'm guessing school is out... :dunce:
No, I've never shopped at Home Depot for my needs so.... spelling Miracle Gro wrong is expected. I just assumed it was spelled properly. Wow, you really told us huh??
Bunch of bitch ass pussys in this thread. I can grow in a pile of shit, I just gots it like that. Gets on my level, hoes.
I guess I'm not offended since I do have a pussy... anyway Mr.Sunshine if you're choosing to grow with that soil... you are growing in shit. Lmaoo Scotts/Miracle gro makes millions off of WEED KILLERS not to mention how fucked up and harmful that crap is to the environment, humans and pets. Wait did I mention their ties with....never mind here's the link

Get on your level.... fucking hilarious
I'm still in awe of your shopping cart grow!
In awe.
Hes a cheap welfare lover who gets decent seeds amd grows outdoors.
All he did was take the idea thats been around cali for years of planting in a plastic lined wheelbarrow . And make it more ghetto.
Hes a cheap fuck not a genius. Just mho.
In awe.
Hes a cheap welfare lover who gets decent seeds amd grows outdoors.
All he did was take the idea thats been around cali for years of planting in a plastic lined wheelbarrow . And make it more ghetto.
Hes a cheap fuck not a genius. Just mho.
Ewwwwww.... outdoor weed
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