POLL: will trump be dead or in prison by the time we pull out of paris accord?

will trump be dead or in prison by 2020?

  • dead

  • in prison

  • dead while in prison

  • i am a fascist with a tiny penis and i love donald trump!

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Dead, fingers crossed!

I'd like a fourth option, please: In prison/dead/in a state run mental facility being mocked relentlessly by President Lieu/Harris/Warren/Franken/Obama/etc.
so it will take until 2020 to get out of the paris accord. will trump be dead by then, or in prison?

It doesn't matter.

Liberals, pick your poison. Trump or Pence. Either is fine with us, because the agenda is the same: rolling back 8 years of regression and apologizing for being great. That's over now.

Would you take it better from Pence? Fine, impeach Trump. Honestly, we don't care, as most of us despise Trump anyway.
It doesn't matter.

Liberals, pick your poison. Trump or Pence. Either is fine with us, because the agenda is the same: rolling back 8 years of regression and apologizing for being great. That's over now.

Would you take it better from Pence? Fine, impeach Trump. Honestly, we don't care, as most of us despise Trump anyway.

america is now boldly progressing by shunning all of our allies and teaming up with syria. now that is greatness.
It doesn't matter.

Liberals, pick your poison. Trump or Pence. Either is fine with us, because the agenda is the same: rolling back 8 years of regression and apologizing for being great. That's over now.

Would you take it better from Pence? Fine, impeach Trump. Honestly, we don't care, as most of us despise Trump anyway.

Pence is complicit and will be burning with the drumpf ship, dummy. It's highly likely that he's already flipped on him, along with everyone else.

Tell me, dummy, why would a previously banned (worthless) old redneck such as yourself return to this fine forum under the (pathetic) 'guise' of a young bisexual female? You sure are a kinky old weirdo much like your perverse repub ilk, eh old timer?
america is now boldly progressing by shunning all of our allies and teaming up with syria. now that is greatness.

Damn, finally you make a sensible post. Except for the part about teaming up with Syria. I denounce that. It was just a coincidence.
there are only two countries in the world stupid enough to not take leadership on global warming: the united states and syria.

the world is laughing at us right now.

My good friend Buck,

I 100% agree that global warming is real. But our $ comittment in the Paris Accord was STUPID. Orchestrated by an idiot. President Osama.
My good friend Buck,

I 100% agree that global warming is real. But our $ comittment in the Paris Accord was STUPID. Orchestrated by an idiot. President Osama.

once again, you resort to racism to explain your dissatisfaction, because that's all your dissatisfaction is.

it's just us and syria now. the rest of the world is laughing at us because of racist idiots like you.
I believe it's Columbia that also never signed the Paris accord so three out of 197 countries say fuck the planet.

It's going to cost the US a hell of a lot more to leave than stay. Those coal jobs aren't coming back and the other 194 signatories will basically shun the US as far as sharing new green technologies or buying goods and services from the US.

The rest of the worlds leaders already treat Trump like a spoiled child with ADHD and a big gun. He's the giant orange elephant in every room he inhabits and quickly reducing the US to 3rd world status.

At least he's making sure the Dems will be back in by 2020 tho I'm not impressed with the far left any more than I am by the far right.

The Dems set it up for Trump to pull it off.
