Vermicomposters Unite! Official Worm Farmers Thread

Ah OK so there is a sort of rhythm to the harvesting, you can't just go, "oh, I need a handful of VC here" and go pull it anytime, which was kind of the expectation somehow created in my head haha :eyesmoke:

Sounds like you then need to harvest in small amounts - like before feeding?
Would make sense, scratch bottom, then feed top... but purposely letting the bag dry for a few days before... hm.
Does that in any way resemble your practice/experience? o_O
i use 3 different batches , staggered starting times & the 1st use bin is done material that goes to slightly dry & then a sealed 5 gal bucket for storage till use . i leave cocoons i don't feed for weeks to let them recycle , then i move them as they come to top ,sometimes i screen but most i don't need to .
i feed comfrey ground avocado pit , neem , oystser shell flour , banana peel , squash , male pot plants
i only used the colored newsprint non glossy for bedding i use coco as well
i harvest the locals during the winter rains , the seem better eaters than the red wigglers
What do you guys do with your worm extract? (The stinky liquid that comes out the bottom.)
I've just been pouring it on my pile of recycled dirt.
What do you guys do with your worm extract? (The stinky liquid that comes out the bottom.)
I've just been pouring it on my pile of recycled dirt.

That's pretty much what I do.

The goal is pretty much not to have any, but sometimes food is extra wet and yada yada and mostly it sits for months till harvest, at least mine does. Don't like to waste stuff, but damn sure not going to get it near living plants so, on the recycle pile it goes.
Is it normal for worm numbers to drop off during winter. I've got a 100L tub with my worms and compostables in there. They were quite numerous during summer. Now, I don't see all that many.

I still find the odd egg. So it's not like they aren't reproducing. And the temps have been between 9-14°c at night.
Ok, so I asked if I could put the liquor that comes out from my worm inn after I water it on my plants. I took two males that were going to go to the worm bin and tried some out on them. They were preety dry, to the point of drooping. I watered each with the straight liquor. No aeration, no amendments, it wasn't even particularly fresh. Just what was in the collection bucket.

They LOVED it! I tell you, they didn't look this good three days ago......

Ok, so I asked if I could put the liquor that comes out from my worm inn after I water it on my plants. I took two males that were going to go to the worm bin and tried some out on them. They were preety dry, to the point of drooping. I watered each with the straight liquor. No aeration, no amendments, it wasn't even particularly fresh. Just what was in the collection bucket.

They LOVED it! I tell you, they didn't look this good three days ago......

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So you gave your plants the stinky liquid that comes out the bottom -- without diluting it?
You are brave! That shit smells *really* bad. Ants always show up when I dump it outside.
Although I should also mention that the lower levels on my worm tower were too wet, which caused some anaerobic pockets of badness. The worms just said fuck it & moved up to fresher food.
So the entire batch of soil I just mixed with the stinky castings was used for top-dressing plants around the yard. They will totally dig it. Lots of calcium from crab and fish bone meal. :weed:
So you gave your plants the stinky liquid that comes out the bottom -- without diluting it?
You are brave! That shit smells *really* bad. Ants always show up when I dump it outside.

Yes, but I don't use a traditional bin. This is a "Worm Inn", and the instructions have you water it on an occasional basis to the point of runoff. It's just the way it works. I don't know if bin ooze would work quite the same.

And the recipients were males destined for the worms anyway, so no risk or bravery involved. ;)
Ok, so I asked if I could put the liquor that comes out from my worm inn after I water it on my plants. I took two males that were going to go to the worm bin and tried some out on them. They were preety dry, to the point of drooping. I watered each with the straight liquor. No aeration, no amendments, it wasn't even particularly fresh. Just what was in the collection bucket.

They LOVED it! I tell you, they didn't look this good three days ago......

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It has been documented that the liquid from worm bins are full of good nutrition for plants I can't remember wher I saw it but there was a story where this guy had an old bath tub for a worm bin and a spigot to fill his containers so he could pour it on all his plants I think it might've been on Northwest Redworms website.
It has been documented that the liquid from worm bins are full of good nutrition for plants I can't remember wher I saw it but there was a story where this guy had an old bath tub for a worm bin and a spigot to fill his containers so he could pour it on all his plants I think it might've been on Northwest Redworms website.
I discovered that the amount of liquid my worm bin produced was abnormal. Turns out the bottom bin was clogged and always stayed super wet -- which explains the smell. It really was awful.
There has been *zero* runoff for several days since the tune up. :cool:
I discovered that the amount of liquid my worm bin produced was abnormal. Turns out the bottom bin was clogged and always stayed super wet -- which explains the smell. It really was awful.
There has been *zero* runoff for several days since the tune up. :cool:
In some cases things that are offensive to smell aren't nessecarrly "bad" for plants take for example I take a dead fish and bury it below small trees (fruit) and plants to great success they love it so I keep doing it every year the grass is always greener and healthier around my cesspool you can pick out where any cesspool is just by looking at the grass, I do crab meal tea and that shit stinks but my plants love it.
In some cases things that are offensive to smell aren't nessecarrly "bad" for plants take for example I take a dead fish and bury it below small trees (fruit) and plants to great success they love it so I keep doing it every year the grass is always greener and healthier around my cesspool you can pick out where any cesspool is just by looking at the grass, I do crab meal tea and that shit stinks but my plants love it.
Crab meal tea? Oh my... :o
Ever try insect frass in your tea? :weed:
I wish I could find frass but I guess there's a small market (pun intended) for it in my area, but anyhow Crab meal is very good for your plants.
Thanks for the link! I noticed that one of their recipes contained oyster shell, which I though was odd because it's not soluble.
I quit aerating my nutrient teas because it isn't necessary and increases the viscosity too much -- especially with alfalfa.
But I still aerate microbial tea.
I'm running a simple nutrient tea right now: Bat guano, insect frass, neem seed, & potassium sulfate.
It's got a good balance of NPK plus a boost of calcium & magnesium.
Guano tends to attract pests so I use neem to deter them.
My plants love it!
I was inspired to start my barrel out back up. Had to buy a little starter
but it was time, and time for a trip to the shop anyway.

I need to get some molasses.... :0)
20170607_151607.jpg 20170607_151332.jpg hay guys whats up i put some of this in my worm bin will this make the wormcastings more diverse in terms of npk and all the other stuff i also put some dynamic lifter and volcanic rock dust some graetwhite and some coco for bedding and a banana peel u guys think ittl make decent castings also i put a but of humic powder