How to grow the biggest largest buds soda bottle size I now know the secret do you?

OG Jewish connissor

Well-Known Member
Are those pictures supposed to prove something? If you used your "technique" on those plants then it obviously isn't the way to do it. Looks pretty amateur, topping and creating an even canopy would be way more beneficial.
Of course not, if you read my thread I asked if anybody had tried this method because I haven't. Looking for replies from one who has obviously has, so, those are two different looking plants, if you would read, from same seeds. They will always take on both characteristics of Mom and Dad, but you knew that right? You need glasses, these are professional growers dabbling in genetics to make a high Thc, heavy yielding, and fragrant line of seed, for people like you and me. Amateur, well, we are all amateurs at one point in time, YOU, not an amateur? So those pics where not about the technique you haven't done it or heard of it either? Talk to me, dig the feedback. OG


Well-Known Member
Of course not, if you read my thread I asked if anybody had tried this method because I haven't. Looking for replies from one who has obviously has, so, those are two different looking plants, if you would read, from same seeds. They will always take on both characteristics of Mom and Dad, but you knew that right? You need glasses, these are professional growers dabbling in genetics to make a high Thc, heavy yielding, and fragrant line of seed, for people like you and me. Amateur, well, we are all amateurs at one point in time, YOU, not an amateur? So those pics where not about the technique you haven't done it or heard of it either? Talk to me, dig the feedback. OG
Oh! So close!

You're getting there 'lil OG!

OG Jewish connissor

Well-Known Member
No. In one post, you said you were in the graduate program. In another post, you claim to be working towards your bachelors degree.

So I'm asking which of these two lies you'd like to stick with. Which is it?
For me to know and you to find out. Dude when you a senior in one area to get Bachelor's, and graduate degree in Business Mgt. that's two degrees but don't believe me because of the way I write. Funny you care and think I am making this shit up. No I am living it now for the Govt. $$ I get that pays for it. That means money, money, and money for me just for going to school. Any of you doing this right now? I didn't think so. Johnny your furthest schooling got you to what point? You got a college degree at all? You write so well must have some schooling. Listen all truth don't believe me if you want I don't give a fuck. I am happy and content with my life both spiritually and health wise at my age are you? OG still getting high on the best in the world.

Johnny Lawrence

Well-Known Member
For me to know and you to find out. Dude when you a senior in one area to get Bachelor's, and graduate degree in Business Mgt. that's two degrees but don't believe me because of the way I write. Funny you care and think I am making this shit up. No I am living it now for the Govt. $$ I get that pays for it. That means money, money, and money for me just for going to school. Any of you doing this right now? I didn't think so. Johnny your furthest schooling got you to what point? You got a college degree at all? You write so well must have some schooling. Listen all truth don't believe me if you want I don't give a fuck. I am happy and content with my life both spiritually and health wise at my age are you? OG still getting high on the best in the world.
You're full of shit.

Nobody who writes in the manner that you do would be accepted to a legitimate college, let alone a graduate program. You're a lying sack of shit.

Tell you what - try writing just one post in the same way that you would write a paper for school. You know, write something with some actual sentence structure, correct grammar, etc.

It shouldn't be too hard, right? I mean, if you have a masters in business and are now pursuing a bachelors(or masters? you're not too clear on this one) in Psychology, then it should be pretty simple to construct a paragraph that doesn't look like it was typed with your fists. Right?

OG Jewish connissor

Well-Known Member
You're full of shit.

Nobody who writes in the manner that you do would be accepted to a legitimate college, let alone a graduate program. You're a lying sack of shit.

Tell you what - try writing just one post in the same way that you would write a paper for school. You know, write something with some actual sentence structure, correct grammar, etc.

It shouldn't be too hard, right? I mean, if you have a masters in business and are now pursuing a bachelors(or masters? you're not too clear on this one) in Psychology, then it should be pretty simple to construct a paragraph that doesn't look like it was typed with your fists. Right?
Yea your right. The kind of people I love to fuck with on purpose and you let it get to you so much. Honestly, I am taking classes online, senior at Franklin Univ, look it up, getting loan $$, and you did not answer my question either. I am unique if nobody writes like me thank you very much. I don't care what you say or think about what I type unless positive. You are so negative about everything man lighten the fuck up. Why would I lie to you and I don't have to prove anything to you because I told the truth, why the fuck lie you idiot. Johnny listen, I thought you knew growing shit but I was wrong. More concerned about bullshit. Hey, your full of shit everybody is after they eat ok what else am I ? OG done with Johnny Lawrence uneducated fool duped into my thread wasting my time laughing at you, as you laugh at me. Fucking awesome better that messing with the old lady's mind. You don't have to read these, but you can't help yourself. Ok no more shit, I am talking about my favorite hobby growing and smoking marijuana (48yrs exp.) so if not about cannabis I fucking not chatting with assholes talking about anything but pot. Can you fucking do that? Wait and see the future is yours. Talk general growing marijuana forum or go elsewhere because I ain't leavin. OG having the time of his life. Now time to study stats. week 4 coming up. The fucking truth J L from your buddy OG JEWISH C. your my biatch now every come back proves that to me and everyone else laughing at us, or me. Jewish people love being a comedian can't you tell. Brain hurt yet?