Is Bill Maher fk'd?

Should Bill Maher be fired?

  • Yes, he is obviously a racist

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • No, it was just a joke

    Votes: 12 66.7%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Last night comedian Bill Maher used the term "house nigger" on his HBO show, and the responses were immediate, and none good.
The chairwoman of Black Lives Matter called for his immediate firing, and there was a huge similar response on Twitter.
It seems that this has not been a good week for comedians.
So, what do you think? Is his career finished for him using the N word on national television, or should he be cut some slack because he is a comedian?
I just think of all the black comedians that use the N word every other sentence, like Chris Rock for instance, but it's OK for them and they get away with it, but if your white, you get lynched.
What's the deal here? I just think if a black man can use the word in a joke, why not a white comedian.You have to be black to use that term in an obvious joke?
I call bull shite. If it is obviously used in satire, get over it.
Last night comedian Bill Maher used the term "house nigger" on his HBO show, and the responses were immediate, and none good.
The chairwoman of Black Lives Matter called for his immediate firing, and there was a huge similar response on Twitter.
It seems that this has not been a good week for comedians.
So, what do you think? Is his career finished for him using the N word on national television, or should he be cut some slack because he is a comedian?
I just think of all the black comedians that use the N word every other sentence, like Chris Rock for instance, but it's OK for them and they get away with it, but if your white, you get lynched.
What's the deal here? I just think if a black man can use the word in a joke, why not a white comedian.You have to be black to use that term in an obvious joke?
I call bull shite. If it is obviously used in satire, get over it.
It 100% depends on context.

This is what I meant when I talked about the ridiculous "safe space hurt feelings" left...Bill couldn't be any more on our side and they're trying to ruin him.
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"This is hardly smut."

"Excuse me, but you're speaking
of something about which you don't know
squat. (Bill Maher is) a warm and
gentle voice of reason during a time of
great madness. He coined the phrase
'Make Love, Not War.' When others were
chanting 'Burn, baby, burn,' he was
writing about love, and peace, and
understanding. He helped define an era.
And a generation. And he helped us
laugh at ourselves. I cherish every
one of his shows, and I dearly wish he will
make more. And if you had experienced
even a little bit of the Sixties, you
might feel the same way, too."

I think most normal people laughed. All the bandwagon idiots choked on their green smoothies and logged into social media before even wiping the remnants of said smoothie off of their smartphone.

Kind of like at a baseball game, when you see several high quality morons stampeding people and fighting each other to catch the home run.

The public sucks.
Fuck hope.
Normal people don't laugh at the N word. Nor do I or my friends. If he had said that in public he would have got teeth knocked out. But since he's a paid liberal actor. It was a joke...only the 'normals' get....
Normal people don't laugh at the N word. Nor do I or my friends. If he had said that in public he would have got teeth knocked out. But since he's a paid liberal actor. It was a joke...only the 'normals' get....
Or if you watch it in context youd realise it's satire.

"If us Deep South racist retards can't say it for real why can that Liberal say it as satire?"

Your logic is fucking stupid, I'm sorry but it is.
My take on it was that Maher was trying to put words in the mouth of his far right guest he was talking to, he thought that's what the guy wanted to say or thought.
My take on it was that Maher was trying to put words in the mouth of his far right guest he was talking to, he thought that's what the guy wanted to say or thought.
He responded to an obvious dogwhistle.

"We'll make you work the fields..."

Reminds me of:
"It's not racist, were just leaving these burning lower case t's to say it's time to leave"
Normal people don't laugh at the N word. Nor do I or my friends. If he had said that in public he would have got teeth knocked out. But since he's a paid liberal actor. It was a joke...only the 'normals' get....
I personally laugh my ass off when Dave Chappelle does his shit talking about, to use his term, "niggers".
That's pretty funny, don't you think?
The chairwoman of Black Lives Matter called for his immediate firing, and there was a huge similar response on Twitter.
It seems that this has not been a good week for comedians.
So, what do you think?
The chairwoman of Black Lives Matter had a lapse in judgement. Bill Maher is not her enemy and she's ignoring context.
If he had said that in public he would have got teeth knocked out.

Being unable to utter a word and calling it by its first letter is so childish and dumb, it always reminds me of the George Carlin classic: "Of all the words in the English language that begin with the letter 'F'..."

It's closely related to the euphemism treadmill, another idiotic target of Carlin's. RIP George Carlin.