How many ways can you spell 'payoff'? The Obama book deal

$65 million for a book or two? This rabbit hole runs deep, right through 'race to the top'...

Or maybe, 'scum rises'.

What's deeply disturbing about this is the very ordinaryness of this kind of thing anymore.

The Great Experiment in democracy is dead. Citizens United is just another epitaph.
Why would they pay him $65 mill for a book deal that will sell hundreds of millions of copies worldwide?

Hmm...I wonder what the motive could be?

Profit or some ridiculous conspiracy dreamed up by the regressive and increasingly retarded wing of the Democrats?
I would buy Obamas book, probably insightful and well-written.

Why would an ex-president writing a book be a pay off? He's wildly popular around the world and was the first black president of the United States.
Read the linked article first. Then perhaps you'll understand the thread enough to comment.
Read the linked article first. Then perhaps you'll understand the thread enough to comment.
Occums Razor applies here Im afraid, you're starting to move into Alex Jones territory.

You need to start taking your anti-psychotics again because it's just you, a racist and a duct tape weirdo now...

Why would a book company pay 65 mill for hundreds of millions of dollars in sales?

Cos CONSPIRACY! ( << thats the retarded answer)
Read the linked article first. Then perhaps you'll understand the thread enough to comment.
I read it, although it still does not seem like a staggering amount to me. Books by the Obamas will sell.

What would be the benefit for PRH to now pay? A sense of responsibility for previous favours? Are billion dollar companies usually so true to financial dealings that can't be enforced?

It's obviously just an argument of opinions. But I don't find the article proved anything for me.
I read it, although it still does not seem like a staggering amount to me. Books by the Obamas will sell.

What would be the benefit for PRH to now pay? A sense of responsibility for previous favours? Are billion dollar companies usually so true to financial dealings that can't be enforced?

It's obviously just an argument of opinions. But I don't find the article proved anything for me.
It's pretty simple, if you were to assume conservatively that they'd sell 20 mill copies worldwide at $20 a copy then the whole "pay to play" bullshit conspiracy talk makes far less sense.
Why would they pay him $65 mill for a book deal that will sell hundreds of millions of copies worldwide?

Hmm...I wonder what the motive could be?

Profit or some ridiculous conspiracy dreamed up by the regressive and increasingly retarded wing of the Democrats?
Jesusfuck. Read the article already.

Book advances are investments. They don’t always offer a good return for the publisher

When publishers buy a book from an author, they aren’t offering them strings-free money. They’re predicting how much money the book might accrue in royalties, and they’re offering the author an advance payment of those royalties in a single lump sum. For the book to “earn out,” as the Clintons’ books did, it has to sell so many copies that its royalties surpass the amount of the advance. It’s only after the book has earned out that the author starts to receive royalties on top of their advance.
Obama wont have written more than 2 words in that book. He didn't publish anything when they gifted him the position at the Harvard law review. And Bill Ayres wrote his entire "autobiography." Obama's gone and he won't be making 1 cent off of me. Ever.
I think this is just another example of the obvious joke that is current politics.
If the 65 mil seems absurd think about the even more ridiculous 500k the president earns for actually being president.
Lebron James makes that every game and a half.
Most powerful position on the planet requires hundreds of millions to even run yet pays 500k lol sounds like everything is above board right from the get go.
Obama wont have written more than 2 words in that book. He didn't publish anything when they gifted him the position at the Harvard law review. And Bill Ayres wrote his entire "autobiography." Obama's gone and he won't be making 1 cent off of me. Ever.

we get it. you hate the black guy. you're jealous. go live your mediocre white life, fuck your ugly wife and raise your stupid kids and shut up already.

$65 million for a book or two? This rabbit hole runs deep, right through 'race to the top'...

Or maybe, 'scum rises'.

What's deeply disturbing about this is the very ordinaryness of this kind of thing anymore.

The Great Experiment in democracy is dead. Citizens United is just another epitaph.

you've officially gone insane.

it's weird to see so many people radicalized in so many different directions. but it's happening.
I would buy Obamas book, probably insightful and well-written.

Why would an ex-president writing a book be a pay off? He's wildly popular around the world and was the first black president of the United States.

He was black?
I don't think he'll be raising his kid as Democrats, so no need to worry there.

