How many ways can you spell 'payoff'? The Obama book deal

I hate him cuz he's a Marxist. Same goes for Hillary.

yep, and it's not like that's a complaint one would commonly see on any run of the mill white supremacist, neo-nazi website like stormfront or the daily stormer or "it'" or anything like that.

Screenshot 2017-06-03 at 3.18.17 PM.png



The same "neo-nazi skinhead shitbags" support, and indeed upvote, your bullshit, too.

Wonder why?

ok, then name one instance where anyone who complains that hillary and obama were "marxists" supported anything i have had to say.

let's see you back up your claims with facts and evidence, like you used to do before you got radicalized by Dog knows what.
I don't think he'll be raising his kid as Democrats, so no need to worry there.
He won't be raising them at all. The Gonnablos' tradition of rabid inbreeding finally caught up with them and the youngest Gonnablos are being raised in an institution and fed from across the room with a slingshot.
There's no way the publisher is making that back.

In case you haven't noticed, people don't read books anymore.

obama sold 5 million copies of "audacity of hope". betcha he'll double that or at least come close.

but hey, at least your thread brought out a bunch of racists and neo-nazis to agree with you.
obama sold 5 million copies of "audacity of hope". betcha he'll double that or at least come close.

but hey, at least your thread brought out a bunch of racists and neo-nazis to agree with you.
You're really trying with the smear thing.

HMP made a not so small fortune with Race to the Top. People are thinking the sweetheart book deal is a payoff. People even smarter than you, genius. You'd know that if you read the article in the link, but you didn't. You're too smart to bother, having already made up your mind.

The authors are pointing out that the whiff of corruption is everywhere. The only person getting racial here is you. Why is that?
Stupid leaps to mind. Uneducated. Victim of propaganda.

All too common anymore.

if you bother to do even the slightest bit of research, you'd see that accusing people of "marxism" is associated with jew-hating neo-nazi types.

i even tried to post some fancy screenshots to really spell it out for you, but whatevs. it's not racial at all. it's not like the head of the KKK is spewing this shit to his fanatical neo-nazi followers.

it's just "uneducated" people. god forbid we hurt a racist's feelings by calling them a racist jew-hating neo-nazi.
obama sold 5 million copies of "audacity of hope". betcha he'll double that or at least come close.

but hey, at least your thread brought out a bunch of racists and neo-nazis to agree with you.
...which made him $8.8 million. That's a long ways short of $65 million. Believe whatever you want, Pollyanna.
I did not realize the term "marxist" was race related.

well then you're welcome for the education.

don't say i didn;t at least try to point out the specific subset of skinheaded, neo-nazi types who toss around that term like it were candy.
...which made him $8.8 million. That's a long ways short of $65 million. Believe whatever you want, Pollyanna.

the $8.8 million were royalties.

his presidential memoirs will sell for $19.99 at book stores or to download to your kindle.

obama is being paid what the market will bear.

maybe go sell your house at below market value to show us all how much you care about affordable housing.
if you bother to do even the slightest bit of research, you'd see that accusing people of "marxism" is associated with jew-hating neo-nazi types.

i even tried to post some fancy screenshots to really spell it out for you, but whatevs. it's not racial at all. it's not like the head of the KKK is spewing this shit to his fanatical neo-nazi followers.

it's just "uneducated" people. god forbid we hurt a racist's feelings by calling them a racist jew-hating neo-nazi.
Marxism is a well defined political term.

If it's been co-opted by right wing groups that's a separate issue. Since I don't frequent right wing websites I don't know what they talk about.