Ive been getting help but it only goes so far. You cant unsee wat youve seen. You cant undo wat youve done. You cant save yer dead brothers. You cant get unshot. So i fucked up and im sorry. I ask for forgiveness. Why cant i have it?
The only way to truly get forgiven is to kneel and pray to your lord and savior...

Located right above my nut sack. Let the glory of my jizz wash over you like gods healing light. Drown in it, roll in it, make cum angels in it. Then and only then will you truly be forgiven and cleansed of all your transgressions
Ive been getting help but it only goes so far. You cant unsee wat youve seen. You cant undo wat youve done. You cant save yer dead brothers. You cant get unshot. So i fucked up and im sorry. I ask for forgiveness. Why cant i have it?
Just chill some dude. As troll bait goes, you are in the less obnoxious category; however you invite most of the conflict. Don't try so hard and please quit whining/using the PTSD as an excuse. There are folks here that have gone through similar events. You are a grown man and it's time to take control of your life, else you end up homeless, dying in a cardboard box and no one will care. Be a man
The only way to truly get forgiven is to kneel and pray to your lord and savior...

Located right above my nut sack. Let the glory of my jizz wash over you like gods healing light. Drown in, roll in it, make cum angels in it. Then and only then will you truly be forgiven and cleansed of all your transgressions
OMG I'm crying, that was poetic!
Just chill some dude. As troll bait goes, you are in the less obnoxious category; however you invite most of the conflict. Don't try so hard and please quit whining/using the PTSD as an excuse. There are folks here that have gone through similar events. You are a grown man and it's time to take control of your life, else you end up homeless, dying in a cardboard box and no one will care. Be a man
Thank you, you said that much better than I could have hoped to. I hope he listens to you. It could be his salvation. Then again there's the Gary's nutsack option, I'm pretty fond of that one.
The only way to truly get forgiven is to kneel and pray to your lord and savior...

Located right above my nut sack. Let the glory of my jizz wash over you like gods healing light. Drown in, roll in it, make cum angels in it. Then and only then will you truly be forgiven and cleansed of all your transgressions
Wow Gary, that was just, wow! World class chef, gangsta and now itinerant gospel preacher. You have skillz! Kudos
^^^^^^^^^^^^ that is exactly the self-serving twaddle I'm talking about. You are not special. Many men (and some women), have experienced the same thing. How much honor are you doing those brothers of yours when you piss away the life they lost? Go out there and make something of yourself, HONOR their memory, live the life they did not get the opportunity to. They are at peace don't dishonor their memory to justify your abuse of drugs.

If you want to abuse drugs go and enjoy but don't use them as your excuse. I find that disgusting.

It's true. At the VA hospitals where we volunteer, this sort of wallowing/self-depreciative mindset would definitely not be tolerated/welcome, especially among many of the older guys. My father & uncles would have likely gone this route with @Drowning-Man:

You are a grown man and it's time to take control of your life, else you end up homeless, dying in a cardboard box and no one will care. Be a man.

It's true. At the VA hospitals where we volunteer, this sort of wallowing/self-depreciative mindset would definitely not be tolerated/welcome, especially among many of the older guys. My father & uncles would have likely gone this route with @Drowning-Man:

I dont enjoy drugs in fact i hate them. There were some times were i did it for fun. But it quickly became not fun. I think it is i blame my self for things that happened in iraq. I think its easy to forgive others but much harder to forgive myself. Im just starting to heal but wounds leave scarse. And thank you for volunteering at the va i know they apreciate it.
Ok, I'll admit to it -- I slammed cough syrup back in the 80s. We were desperate.
It actually worked! In fact, I remember being so fucked up, I had to crawl upstairs to go to bed. I didn't make it & woke up with my face glued to the stairs (vomit).
Never again... :dunce:

Well sure, haven't most folks? I mean, I've smoked snow cones in vacant high rise apartments in the dead of winter, shirtless and mad as a hatter, and then proceeded to lap MD 20/20 out of a zit-covered stripper's ass crack.

Then I grew up.
Well sure, haven't most folks? I mean, I've smoked snow cones in vacant high rise apartments in the dead of winter, shirtless and mad as a hatter, and then proceeded to lap MD 20/20 out of a zit-covered stripper's ass crack.

Then I grew up.
I bet you still like some MD 20/20 once in a while... :wink: