Pope Francis declares evolution and the big bang theory are real


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"The beginning of the world is not the work of chaos that owes its origin to something else, but it derives directly from a supreme principle that creates out of love. The 'Big Bang', that today is considered to be the origin of the world, does not contradict the creative intervention of God, on the contrary it requires it. Evolution in nature is not in contrast with the notion of (divine) creation because evolution requires the creation of the beings that evolve."

Amazing moment in scientific and religious history
"The beginning of the world is not the work of chaos that owes its origin to something else, but it derives directly from a supreme principle that creates out of love. The 'Big Bang', that today is considered to be the origin of the world, does not contradict the creative intervention of God, on the contrary it requires it. Evolution in nature is not in contrast with the notion of (divine) creation because evolution requires the creation of the beings that evolve."

Amazing moment in scientific and religious history
I coulda told the pope this shit years ago. I've always thought big bang was all parta gods plan. I mean, how many ways are there to create a universe anyway?
I've always thought big bang was all parta gods plan.
I was speaking to a preacher recently, he felt adamantly the opposite; the big bang didn't make sense, science didn't support it, etc..

So what do you think it is that could create this situation, where there is someone who is religious who accepts science and someone who is religious who rejects science based on their interpretation of what it may or may not prove?
Science doesn't rely on outcomes to validate itself. It exists regardless and it's the method that's important, not the result. Religion on the other hand is based on faith but I don't see why the two can't compliment each other.
Obviously some people have a problem accepting scientific theories about creation but I don't and I don't think they are at odds with each other either. People need to chill and open their minds a little bit.
Science doesn't rely on outcomes to validate itself. It exists regardless and it's the method that's important, not the result. Religion on the other hand is based on faith but I don't see why the two can't compliment each other.
Obviously some people have a problem accepting scientific theories about creation but I don't and I don't think they are at odds with each other either. People need to chill and open their minds a little bit.
Do you think the method he used to reach his conclusions was flawed?
Science doesn't rely on outcomes to validate itself. It exists regardless and it's the method that's important, not the result. Religion on the other hand is based on faith but I don't see why the two can't compliment each other.
Obviously some people have a problem accepting scientific theories about creation but I don't and I don't think they are at odds with each other either. People need to chill and open their minds a little bit.
Au contraire!

Science is nothing without reliance on experimental outcomes to validate hypotheses. Without proof, it's just guesswork.

Guesswork didn't build a 747 or land us on the moon or put a supercomputer in your hand that also takes selfies, dictation and phone calls.
"The beginning of the world is not the work of chaos that owes its origin to something else, but it derives directly from a supreme principle that creates out of love. The 'Big Bang', that today is considered to be the origin of the world, does not contradict the creative intervention of God, on the contrary it requires it. Evolution in nature is not in contrast with the notion of (divine) creation because evolution requires the creation of the beings that evolve."

Amazing moment in scientific and religious history
Indeed, this is a seminal development, coming some 500 years after the development of the scientific method.

Well done, Pope Francis (Bacon)!
Do you think the method he used to reach his conclusions was flawed?
Maybe...I didnt see anything about a method so I'd just be guessing.
Au contraire!

Science is nothing without reliance on experimental outcomes to validate hypotheses.
What makes it science in the first place is the method used to achieve an answer...the outcome is irrelevant. You can get a positive result or a negative one but the way you got your answer is what makes it scientific.. and the point I tried to make was that there's a difference between a scientific analysis of something and a faith based analysis of something.
Maybe...I didnt see anything about a method so I'd just be guessing.
What makes it science in the first place is the method used to achieve an answer...the outcome is irrelevant. You can get a positive result or a negative one but the way you got your answer is what makes it scientific.. and the point I tried to make was that there's a difference between a scientific analysis of something and a faith based analysis of something.
The scientific method is the method I was very clearly referring to.

The good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it.-Neil deGrasse Tyson
Is this a repudiation of Creationism? Of Genesis?

I'm not Christian, but I don't think it needs to be one or the other.

Pope Francis is not the kind of man who deals in absolutes. He's also a modernist.

Being stuck in doctrine is limiting; he's seen too much and clearly feels he has a much bigger spiritual mission to accomplish than protecting old dogma.

He's moved the Catholic Church forward more than any other Pope in modern times, much like John Paul II did.

Serious respect.
"The beginning of the world is not the work of chaos that owes its origin to something else, but it derives directly from a supreme principle that creates out of love. The 'Big Bang', that today is considered to be the origin of the world, does not contradict the creative intervention of God, on the contrary it requires it. Evolution in nature is not in contrast with the notion of (divine) creation because evolution requires the creation of the beings that evolve."

Amazing moment in scientific and religious history
okay where do I start here ? Okay, so science and religion never ever disagree it is compatible. Anti-pope francis is lying to you . I met him before he ever got into office .God made us cross paths because I saw the God of Abraham or the God of the kingdom of heaven . I saw his face he visited me .I am his people .So when I saw francis I already knew way way back he was the anti-christ from the first time I saw him .so therefore it is impossible for me to be tricked by satan When he claims to be god . I know Jesus is face hes the prince of light .satan is the prince of darkness . you keep listening to a man .he is the false prophet .He is extremely deceitful so if you don't know how the ends going down . You will believe these idiots

God never created earth in choas ???it became that way . When satan decided he wanted to be pretend to be god a earth age before this one .God destroyed that earth age .This earth is millions of years old Gods word declares it An satans been locked up in heaven since he's going to fall soon wake up
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Is this a repudiation of Creationism? Of Genesis?

I'm not Christian, but I don't think it needs to be one or the other.

Pope Francis is not the kind of man who deals in absolutes. He's also a modernist.

Being stuck in doctrine is limiting; he's seen too much and clearly feels he has a much bigger spiritual mission to accomplish than protecting old dogma.

He's moved the Catholic Church forward more than any other Pope in modern times, much like John Paul II did.

Serious respect.
anti-pope francis isn't a Christian . Catholics are a Egyptian/Christianity religion .Thats a pagan religion traditions of men make void the word of God.Why Respect the antipope he's formulating a NWO .So he's the one that commanded goerge bush to make a way an carry out the 911 . Francis the false prophet already betrayed our country U.S. taking out our people and deceived our nation.An had us like jackasses starting war against these Muslims . That is the Jesuits (kenites) rules they always try to overthrow rulers political leaders thats what got him up the ranks to anti pope.An act like they are so peaceful calling for a false peace .They caused all the damn trouble in the beginning .So don't be saying antipope francis is smart hes a fool to God's word .an you should feel ashamed for saying serious respect open your mind beloved Don t get betrayed by this false one
Psh. Sounds like the church is trying to stay relevant. Those fuckerz used to berate and slaughter anyone who put science before faith in creation.

Now they're trying to say its all good. Cos science and god worship go hand in hand.

Yeah. Fuck that. Religion is backwards thinking and close mindedness. Science is forward thinking and open to the possibilities of change.

They go together like shit and pizza.
anti-pope francis isn't a Christian . Catholics are a Egyptian/Christianity religion .Thats a pagan religion traditions of men make void the word of God.Why Respect the antipope he's formulating a NWO .So he's the one that commanded goerge bush to make a way an carry out the 911 . Francis the false prophet already betrayed our country U.S. taking out our people and deceived our nation.An had us like jackasses starting war against these Muslims . That is the Jesuits (kenites) rules they always try to overthrow rulers political leaders thats what got him up the ranks to anti pope.An act like they are so peaceful calling for a false peace .They caused all the damn trouble in the beginning .So don't be saying antipope francis is smart hes a fool to God's word .an you should feel ashamed for saying serious respect open your mind beloved Don t get betrayed by this false one
This makes no sense at all to me.