Pope Francis declares evolution and the big bang theory are real

Psh. Sounds like the church is trying to stay relevant. Those fuckerz used to berate and slaughter anyone who put science before faith in creation.

Now they're trying to say its all good. Cos science and god worship go hand in hand.

Yeah. Fuck that. Religion is backwards thinking and close mindedness. Science is forward thinking and open to the possibilities of change.

They go together like shit and pizza.
It's progress; the church is now after centuries actually trying to be relevant.

Baby steps, bro.
How about they go into the relevant section of our history books. Marked as the sadistic, backwards minded assholes they are. Or how about. The biggest cancer to scientific advancement in the history of mankind.

If it weren't for them. We could possibly have had interstellar space travel down pat by now.

Instead. We fought over who's god had the biggest dick. Or was the most peaceful and loving.
It's progress; the church is now after centuries actually trying to be relevant.

Baby steps, bro.
they're all illterates biblically.. an your listening to that bologna dear friend I say this cause .The original manuscripts and kjv bible are still the best book in use and known too man .it produces Spiritual fruit why the nkjv are words of men and not God . nobody feels anything from it .They rather make man happy with this political correctness crap its immoral behavior. an is provoking my God we don't teach what only makes man happy like it or lump it thats the way it is .not oh we might offend someone preaching Gods word . I don't apologise for it
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take your meds dude.
When my God comes an im laugh my ass off at you scoffers especially im laugh at you . When that day comes you shall Know Jesus is the Lord . You don't want to follow Jesus have a great trip .Oh satan loves company he has spot on loser bench with the athiests on scoffers .US UK stand together as Christian nations against that old dragon you are going to worship . because your biblically illiterate . you have no understanding none
How about they go into the relevant section of our history books. Marked as the sadistic, backwards minded assholes they are. Or how about. The biggest cancer to scientific advancement in the history of mankind.

If it weren't for them. We could possibly have had interstellar space travel down pat by now.

Instead. We fought over who's god had the biggest dick. Or was the most peaceful and loving.
you never read Gods word an have no idea what you speak out your butt might is well be hot air coming out there
It's progress; the church is now after centuries actually trying to be relevant.

Baby steps, bro.
catholism isn't a true church they are playing church . I was a Catholic for at least 17 years so I know theretricks of deception. an that doctrine are written by man .only cause I was born it though .
Clearly insane. What an idiot. Can't even write complete sentences

"I know because I was Catholic"

Oh well, then - I guess you have it all figured out... what a goofball
Im idiot, because I understand the truth? I was Catholic a long time ago.. what's your point? You think you can punk me yeah attack the smallest issue great job .Your smart at not being smart . Im a western Christian unorthodox .
you never read Gods word an have no idea what you speak out your butt might is well be hot air coming out there

Mate. I used to go to church. And listen to the drivel that is sermon. The more I listened. The more it sounded like backwards minded crap from guys who didn't even know where the sun went.

If you want to embrace a deity that wants to ass fuck you for all eternity. Just because you saw something you liked and wanted one too. Or wore two different types of fabric. Or even chowed down on a big plate of shrimp. You go right ahead. Keep your head firmly wedged up your arse.

I'm gonna go do some science. And learn shit about the world I'm in. Without any imaginary friends to hold my hand.
Mate. I used to go to church. And listen to the drivel that is sermon. The more I listened. The more it sounded like backwards minded crap from guys who didn't even know where the sun went.

If you want to embrace a deity that wants to ass fuck you for all eternity. Just because you saw something you liked and wanted one too. Or wore two different types of fabric. Or even chowed down on a big plate of shrimp. You go right ahead. Keep your head firmly wedged up your arse.

I'm gonna go do some science. And learn shit about the world I'm in. Without any imaginary friends to hold my hand.
I rebuke you (x1) close your asshole cuz your blowing hot air .go learn science its going to prove God's word . Jesus loves me hes pure stfu just cause you can't open your ears don't blame God
Were you dropped on your head as a small child or something?

Jesus ain't coming back for anyone. Because it's a bullshit story. Told to and by gullible little fucktards. Who can't live their lives without someone to guide them through the perils of life.

I don't need anyone to hold my hand. I'm big and fugly enough to figure shit out on my own. It's time you lot pulled your head out of that stupid ass book. And tried some of the literal hundreds and thousands of other pieces of literature out there.

You might learn a thing or two.
Were you dropped on your head as a small child or something?

Jesus ain't coming back for anyone. Because it's a bullshit story. Told to and by gullible little fucktards. Who can't live their lives without someone to guide them through the perils of life.

I don't need anyone to hold my hand. I'm big and fugly enough to figure shit out on my own. It's time you lot pulled your head out of that stupid ass book. And tried some of the literal hundreds and thousands of other pieces of literature out there.

You might learn a thing or two.
I stick with Christ that is the Creator
It's a useless speech, I'm afraid.

Facts are irrelevant once you've taken the cool aid. Same for Young Earthers as well as Flat Earthers. Facts are pesky
your confusion of who God is .Is got yall like spiritual whores worshipping anything you see like it created everything is just idiotic . When Gods word was there all along
Not a smart man. Might have some other attributes, but smarts ain't among 'em

He found this out in school, and it's held true ever since.

They treat him well at the church, so he feels accepted, finally. Not judged, though all they do as a group is judge. Funny and ironic