Droop at the end of the cycle

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Wow! Yes I agree science is fun. One of my favorite subjects. I think I almost got this. So what your saying in laymen terms is at the end of the day the water pressure so to speak is low. This is from the long days work of transpiration. Since the plant can only hold so much water and at some point much shut down in a manner of speaking and get refilled.
At night the peptide level is reduced because it is not needed. Before the light comes on the leaves start raising up of building pressure back up and return peptide levels back to were they need to be.
I understand now why this leaves drooping before lights out is not always at the same time. If the osmotic pressure drops too low 2 hours before lights out then that is when she will droop. I guess it is like a gas gauge. When you see your gas is running low it doesn't matter how far along in the trip you are it needs to be refilled.

Since learning more and reading more in this forum I have to say this is one impressive plant. I mean all plants are amazing but, understanding a little of the science really brings things into perspective. It makes them seem even more amazing.
Other then the "end of the day" part. Pretty good! Some parts lacking but, for basic layman's terms I'll give you a B-.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
The ebb part was for the OP. I should have @ him in.

Interesting theory, well, maybe not so much......I got questions for you.

How big a pot.
How much at feed and at straight water are you applying?

Where did you come up with this "theory" of watering at night? I understand your "idea"...... yet the application is not really the best plan....

Drop us a pic of a plant....

I make my plants into race cars and never have to "water" at night. I gotta see if your over watering.
If your feeding enough at lights on - to carry it till the next day at lights on. You get no loss of anything.
You seem to have a knowledge of book learning, and yet you don't seem to understand night and day functions of the plant exactly right.

You also let the "Light saturation point in C3 plants", slip over your head.

Your idea is no more then an incorrect logic experiment. Your not increasing shit and your not really increasing turgor pressure at night by watering again......Wonder what the condition of your roots are...

I'll bet dimes to dollars he thinks he has. I'll bet pennies to dollars it's far from true.

Personally, Hell no I wouldn't flood at night. Your not accomplishing anything!

In fact Budley, if your flooding at night, and your seeing no increase in anything.. Goes to answer your question if he's gotten an increase in his growth rate ...... eh?

With out the sun and photosynthesis occurring, the plant, any plant, has a natural loss of turgor at night. Increasing available moisture to the soil/roots, does not increase the turgor pressure within the plant.....at any rate your idea is used for.

Bottom line to both of you.
If the plant gets enough moisture from the media. It's not going to loose turgor (or hydrostatic) pressure for anything but natural reasons, that can be explained by plant biology....

If what you propose were true. You would have one of the most stretched out lanky plants, and how is that a good thing?
Why? Because turgor pressure is responsible for apical growth in plants - Terminal bud (the central main over branching) and root tips). This would be (if anything) the growth increase he would see.
I really don't do it for any particular reason other than I'm not sure what if any night cycle is required and I would have to change all the damn pins lol. Yes it's probably a waste of a bit if energy but as I said my roots are just hanging/lying in the upper tray from netpots, I would be worried that one they would get warmer than I like and two could they dry out enough to cause issues.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I really don't do it for any particular reason other than I'm not sure what if any night cycle is required and I would have to change all the damn pins lol. Yes it's probably a waste of a bit if energy but as I said my roots are just hanging/lying in the upper tray from netpots, I would be worried that one they would get warmer than I like and two could they dry out enough to cause issues.
They wouldn't dry out an cause issues... But, your not hurting anything either.