Can you do oil out of fan leaves?


Well-Known Member
What can you do with fan leaves?

I guess the most popular answer would be: Throw it away.
Second most popular would be: Edibles.

But I have another idea: Can you make oil out of fan leaves?

Most popular way to make oil is with iso-alcohol, but even with buds it tends to extract more than resin that we are looking for. It also takes chlorofyll and tar along with THC rich resin and that's where it gets that dark color.

Second most popular way (I guess) is medical grade butane, because it gives you a more pure and potent goldish final product, if done properly. This way is dangerous, because you can kill yourself in the process.

Third way is the best way I guess, because this oil is very pure and it's not dangerous to make. You only need the right machinery - Co2 extraction method.

Let's talk about that. What would happen if you make oil out of fan leaves with this mehtod? Would it work? Do you see something wrong with this idea?
Yes, you can cold press it. Some people label it the most important vegetable.
Yea, coldpressed juice seems to be a very healthy and valuable thing, but what if the leaves are dried?
How much oil can you potentially get out of 1000g of dried fan leaves with Co2 extraction method?

In the case if Co2 method extracts only THC resin and nothing else (not sure about that though), then fan leaves have 1-3% of THC in them. Does it mean you can get 10-30g of potent oil out of 1000g of dried fan leaves?
I have made tea out of them.

From memory a 1/2 and 1/2 mix with your favorite tea leaf makes for a very nice pot of tea.
Hell yes you can make rso , canna oil whatever. I used to throw them away . what a mistake that was. if some strains are not strong enough to get you high at all they may have other med type qualities to help a person out. ive ate .50 gram at 1 time of so called trainwreck rso and hardly even felt it or laughed. With shit like that i wouldnt bother ! My fans make a deep red oil of joy. i havnt tried making bho with vegging fans though . Not into BHO really.
Hell yes you can make rso , canna oil whatever. I used to throw them away . what a mistake that was. if some strains are not strong enough to get you high at all they may have other med type qualities to help a person out. ive ate .50 gram at 1 time of so called trainwreck rso and hardly even felt it or laughed. With shit like that i wouldnt bother ! My fans make a deep red oil of joy. i havnt tried making bho with vegging fans though . Not into BHO really.

BHO is nasty
I have recently found great success in making cannacaps. They work great and are super healthy. Fan leafs don't hold much thc or other cannabinoids but if you use enough, mixed with some popcorn nugs and some sugar leafs, you can have a pretty potent mixture.

Canna caps are easy, just decarboxylate the weed, and mix 1g of ground flowers to 1 tbsp of coconut oil and heat to 215 for 2-3 hours. Then strain with a cheese cloth and use a blunt tip syringe to encapsulate the oil in 00 sized gel caps. Boom, take 2 or 3 of those and you will be baked for a few hours
Listen o o I hate wastage as much as the next person.......but....their comes a time when you've got to ask it WORTH it.......cost of co2,gas,or alcohol+time......a good bin of quality compost goes a long all I'm saying....
My mate uses fan leaves as a tobacco substitute when he's low on bud. I use some of them in my edibles. Don't see the harm in adding them. More is more right?
Why are you so sure of that?

What about that 1-3% of THC in fan leaves?

Do you even know what Co2 extraction method is?

Yes you will get a yeild of sime sort. If you use CO2 your going to get far less than any other method. But there are so many other ways to extract what you want. Everclear, bho, rosin, etc....just depends on how much you wanna pay for equipment.

I turn anything that isn't bud into oil via BHO....but i also have all the epuipment so yes its worth it. I also do bokashi buckets where ive thrown my leaves and stems into for comport. (Turning synthetics into organics :))