Problem with Leaves (Flowering)


New Member
Hi guys! May I humbly seek advises from y'all on what's happening on my plant? I couldn't identify what is the issue, it looks like it's having some potassium deficiency, but when i look at the new growth, it appears to be burnt. Thank you!

Week 7 of flowering
Setup: Hydroponic DWC 5 Gallon black bucket
Medium: LECA balls
Air temp: 24C when lights off 29C when lights on
Water temo: 24C
Relative Humidity: 40-50%
pH: maintained at the range from 5.5-6.3
Nutrients: 550ppm (GH maxibloom)
Lights: LED red light 400w + CFLs 200w (equivalent 800w)



Well-Known Member
can you tell me how many grams per gallon maxibloom your mixing?

you likely just measure it with a tsp or whatever, but can you weigh it in grams?

its odd your having this problem
your ph is good
maxibloom has all the potassium, and magnesium you need in good ratios the calcium is on the lower end but its close
most peeps using maxibloom have N def but that's not what your pics show

and your only at 550ppm which is very low so that should rule out nute burn

id like to say your under feeding but to be sure I need the grams per gallon

if it helps id recommend
per gallon
5 grams maxibloom
1 to 2ml calmag


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't do much at this point your likely about done
but maybe adjust your mix for the next round

personally I like/ prefer for the entire bloom phase
per gallon
3grams maxigrow
3grams maxibloom

that's it