Well-Known Member
your defense is that you're a non-racist idiot.![]()
i don't need a defense against gypsies, besides a super tight hold on my wallet around the filthy lot of pickpockets and penny counters.
your defense is that you're a non-racist idiot.![]()
i don't need a defense against gypsies, besides a super tight hold on my wallet around the filthy lot of pickpockets and penny counters.
you compare ordering lunch to rape and slavery you racist retard.
also, you are ON NOTICE now
You are a racist asshole no matter how many times you repeat this same nonsense. Accept it and then work on it. This is your only path to becoming a happier and less frightened individual. I'm throwing you a lifeline. Take it.
you are willing to ignore their right to self determination...
No one is forcing you to do anything, dipshit. Your entire premise is fucked. You are fucked. If you can't change, hopefully you'll die soon. You're just wasting space here.
I've self-determined that you need a 2x4 upside your head.
Spruce or douglas fir ?
My premise is based in the idea that human interactions are best if they are mutually entered into.
And how, exactly, is the choice of who you interact with being taken out of your hands. Be specific.
Whichever type I choose, rest assured, it's dealt with sap before.
Should I start at the beginning ?
Private property is redundant. Public property is an oxymoron.
I'll need a moment to change my pants.
Bzzzzzzzzzt!. You're free to withdraw from society. You won't be missed. If you decide to stay, you are bound to the same laws and expectations as everyone else. Your choice, you mind numbingly stupid jackass. Leave or stay. Just stop the incessant whining. Thanks.
Also, you've confused government edicts and laws with society
Expound, skidmark.
I was asked to start a thread about this. @twostrokenut has a problem with people of different colors. He labels them as purple people. Why does he feel this way ? Is it him ? Does he feel insecure about himself ? What is the reasoning ?
Look, shithead. We've been over this many times (here and grassshitty) and many other people have tried to smack some sense into you. You're an obtuse jackass and don't have a clue what you are talking about. The society you continue to live in has established that public property is NOT an oxymoron. Don't like it? Withdraw. I will not waste any more logic and reason on you. You are incapable of using it. I will still reply to you (because poking the stupid with a stick is a guilty pleasure of mine), but from now on, it'll just be for fun. I give up on you.
A consensus of people who all agree to something which is obviously contradictory doesn't change the contradiction.
Also, your statement that "society" agreed to it, is in error. You continue to conflate society and government edicts as if they are the same thing. They aren't
I think most people believe they should determine the use of their own body and their property, but not that of others. In fact that is the only way to achieve equality of self determination.
You've never refuted that. Can you?
Give up on me? Okay. I'll take that as you being unable to defend your contradiction.
What you are really saying is, you cannot refute my premise without blatantly contradicting yourself. I understand.
Then we agree, we are both consensually using the other for our amusement. Excellent.