

Active Member
no matter which strain, medium, lights, nutrients etc I use, the roots are always shit and the plants don't very tall. my last grow, I got about 60g of 7 plants (critical 2.0, critical cheese, special kush #1) Can any help?


Well-Known Member
pots you grow in, nute ppm's? water source, lights you use, temps, humidity can all adversely affect roots.

but your issue is likely over watering/over feeding I guess without pictures and complete info


Well-Known Member
Thats not a very good yield at all haha are you harvesting early? are you phing? are you using correct light? growing method? theres allot of factors but if you have good soil, enough water, and okay genetics and cutting at the right time then usually light is the limiting factor. could be allot of things like chemplegm said.


Well-Known Member
years ago there were bum tents sold that would degas and do the same to plants. caused big raucous.
coco gave me the same troubling issue.

longer veg in bigger pots makes for bigger roots = bigger plants= higher yields


Well-Known Member
what info could I possibly give other than temp and humidity? like I said no matter which strain, medium, lights, nutrients etc I use.

The Last Grow.
4x4 tent
intake and extractor
600w hps
10L pots
coc0 70% perlite 30%
Temp around 80
Humidity around 45

canna A&B
big bud
pk 13/14
I water between 7.5% & 10% pot size
We aren't mind readers here, don't get salty. More info the better.

With all those nutes how often were you feeding ? Did you push the PPms until the plants showed it didn't like it ?

How far did you have your HPS? Did you move it around to see where the sweet spot was ?

Any pictures of how they looked when you harvested ?

A little surprised you only got 60g off that set up lol.


Well-Known Member
clearly you are not a mind reader, you couldn't even manage to read my post properly
I read your post. You dont have any of the Information I asked questions about. Hence why I asked.

What's with the shitty attitude? Oh ya I would be upset too with that shitty yield lol.


Well-Known Member
you are the one with the shitty attitude, I clearly stated NO MATTER WHICH STARIN, NUTES, LIGHTS, MEDIUM ETC
Do you expect me to list everything from every grow ive done?
First of all, yes, you list as much info as you possibly can because one tiny little thing that you didn't think would matter does. The more info you give, the better people can respond.

Secondly, your shitty, impatient attitude is probably what got you your shitty results. Just sayin.


Well-Known Member
you are the one with the shitty attitude, I clearly stated NO MATTER WHICH STARIN, NUTES, LIGHTS, MEDIUM ETC
Do you expect me to list everything from every grow ive done?
lol no dude, just the questions I asked regarding your most recent run.
you are the one with the shitty attitude, I clearly stated NO MATTER WHICH STARIN, NUTES, LIGHTS, MEDIUM ETC
Do you expect me to list everything from every grow ive done?
lol you could have easily answered my question two posts ago.

And it's usually not the tools but the gardener himself, for who is to blame.

Good luck on your endeavors


Well-Known Member
I believe gave all the info on my previous grow before your first comment. I water ever other day and I don't know how to do ppm, none of the growers I know do that and they get better results then me
There is a very good answer in this thread. Ive said too much already


Well-Known Member
thick cunt?

dude , I think I figured out your growing issue. Marijuanas are not for everyone you see. Shiva reserves this sacrament for certain souls and makes damned sure others cant touch it. maybe you just suck at growing? nothing personal I suck at tennis. with four ill grows added to your obvious embarrassment you feel in front of your friends you could save money by buying your herb instead.

you seem like a real prick, really, a real life walking dick. I'm guessing your pretend friends also feel the same way, and maybe even laugh at you and your progress when you're not in the room..... but anyways .....its likely them sabotaging your ill efforts.
stop being a real prick, really, stop being a walking dick and you'll find new friends that might not sabotage your garden for the funs of it.

good day


Well-Known Member
I believe gave all the info on my previous grow before your first comment. I water ever other day and I don't know how to do ppm, none of the growers I know do that and they get better results then me

every other day asshole? why not water when the substrate is dry instead of by the calendar?
you dont know how to do ppm? wtf buy a ppm meter or fail more?

none of the other growers do that and they get better results? really? why the fuck not do what the fuck they do then?? why cant they assist you? how old are you, really ?


Well-Known Member
adjective: nonce
(of a word or expression) coined for or used on one occasion. ?????

Op's sister to op: "you better get off me and bring another Schlitz to mom in the bathtub"