Maxine Waters the posterchild of stupidity


Well-Known Member
That is "playing the race card"? Just how fucking stupid can you get? Racists making this claim do so only to obfuscate their own racism. It is much, much too late for you to try that, skidmark!
Nice argument, do you often enjoy being the first one to introduce race into any conversation?

Race card - Wikipedia
Playing the race card is an idiomatic phrase that refers to exploitation of either racist or anti-racist attitudes by accusing others of racism.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Facts are facts. Dead thread about poverty pimp Maxine Waters resurrected by me with a post about Maxine Waters and 25 million posts from you about Donald Trump.

You can't deal with facts, not my problem tough guy.
Like I said, you're the trailer trash who supported Trump regardless as to whether or not you voted for Johnson (who is also really fucking stupid). Every time someone says something about Trump, there you are lipping and tonguing the underside of his balls.


Well-Known Member
You literally voted for Trump
I voted for Gary Johnson.
No you didn't.
This would typically be where you dem/antifa/leftist types such as yourself say that any vote not for Shillary was a vote for Trump.
Like I said, you're the trailer trash who supported Trump regardless as to whether or not you voted for Johnson (who is also really fucking stupid). Every time someone says something about Trump, there you are lipping and tonguing the underside of his balls.
Does this simple suggestions such as the bolded often sway the way you speak or what you think? Explains A LOT.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Does this simple suggestions such as the bolded often sway the way you speak or what you think? Explains A LOT.
Are you retarded? Everyone here knows I hated Hillary, too, dipshit. You're the only one not paying attention.

I have seen you defend Trump, EVERY TIME someone says something negative about him. That is still actively supporting Trump. You sit there in your trailer, believing every word he says despite all evidence to the contrary. You are a Trump supporter, period.


Well-Known Member
As if I did, you dog whistling motherfucker! Your game is weak, skidmark.
Too dumb for words. Your first response to me, in a thread about Maxine Waters that I bumped from 6 weeks ago and where I commented about Maxine Waters; was this:

I love when class envy flows from a white snowflake to a black woman!
So its not "as if" you did, its more of a matter of record that you did. If you had to take an IQ test to vote I'm afraid you would need to leave voting to the rest of us.


Well-Known Member
Are you retarded? Everyone here knows I hated Hillary, too, dipshit. You're the only one not paying attention.

I have seen you defend Trump, EVERY TIME someone says something negative about him. That is still actively supporting Trump. You sit there in your trailer, believing every word he says despite all evidence to the contrary. You are a Trump supporter, period.
Trump can suck my nuts on a lot of issues and I'm on record here for that.
Olive Drab Green said:
Libertarian here; I think you should be free to do whatever the fuck you want as long as it doesn't compromise someone else's ability to enjoy their own freedom.
As mentioned, I'm a Libertarian. I only went Dem this year to vote for Bernie.
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Well-Known Member
Too dumb for words. Your first response to me, in a thread about Maxine Waters that I bumped from 6 weeks ago and where I commented about Maxine Waters; was this:

So its not "as if" you did, its more of a matter of record that you did. If you had to take an IQ test to vote I'm afraid you would need to leave voting to the rest of us.
Your comment about Waters was an obvious dog whistle. Racist from it's inception, whether that was six weeks ago or today. Most of the threads you initiate follow the same pattern. Your "innocent" comments are always designed to elicit a response that brings race into the conversation. You are just too big a coward to start down that path on your own. Do you actually believe you are fooling anyone with this nonsense? Your game is as weak as your critical thinking skills.

If there were an "Am I as Dumb as Strokednuts?" test and it revealed that I was, in fact, as stupid as you, I'd kill myself.

Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Trump can suck my nuts on a lot of issues and I'm on record here for that.

Bernie wasn't really a Dem, he was independent. And now it's clear he was a liar. I am registered Libertarian, and am, in fact, a Libertarian.

You are a very confused individual living in a trailer park, dying from terminal retardation.

You still haven't rebutted successfully.


Well-Known Member
Your comment about Waters was an obvious dog whistle. Racist from it's inception, whether that was six weeks ago or today. Most of the threads you initiate follow the same pattern. Your "innocent" comments are always designed to elicit a response that brings race into the conversation. You are just too big a coward to start down that path on your own. Do you actually believe you are fooling anyone with this nonsense? Your game is as weak as your critical thinking skills.

If there were an "Am I as Dumb as Strokednuts?" test and it revealed that I was, in fact, as stupid as you, I'd kill myself.
It was today genius.

Maxine Waters lives in a 5 million dollar home outside her district and pretends to represent the poor. ZOMG Dogwhistle!!!!!

You had a meltdown when dealing with your own lack of comprehension skills, congrats.


Well-Known Member
Your MO is well-known, tard. The only people buying your "schtick" at this point are the snitches and other Trumptards!
You played the race card when presented with a fact about where the subject of this thread lives and the district she represents.

and now you're crying about it to some alternate universe far from reality.

it's really funny.


Well-Known Member
Factually incorrect.
you lie so often that you are known as the inveterate liar around here. now you want us to take your word when you say you didn;t vote for trump? you've burned up all your credibility.

and in the days before the election you were ecstatic and giddy about a trump win.

no need to lie so often you racist retard.


Well-Known Member
You played the race card
look who he's talking to though.

he's talking to the guy who opposes civil rights and goes fishing with with neo-nazis who have 'heil hitler' tattoos.

i can name probably a hundred reps and senators who live in mansions outside their districts, but you chose the black female who is openly hostile to your hero, trump.

it doesn't take a genius to figure out how triggered that makes you.

not to mention a black woman living in a home that is far nicer than any trailer you will ever park in the woods.

you must think we are all as terminally mentally retarded as you are.


Well-Known Member
Bernie wasn't really a Dem, he was independent. And now it's clear he was a liar. I am registered Libertarian, and am, in fact, a Libertarian.

You are a very confused individual living in a trailer park, dying from terminal retardation.

You still haven't rebutted successfully.
Bernie isn't perfect but he's the best we've got. Until someone better makes their presence known, he still has my vote.

I'm interested in why you call him a liar? What did he do?