IMO, this is just the beginning of the Great Democrat Meltdown. Just wait until they get rocked again in the mid terms next year. The left and MSM will just dial up the labels, new adjectives, and the crowd favorite Russia. Eventually, after continued losses/minimal gains and cannibalism within the party (i.e. Bernie voters class action against DNC) they will sway back towards the middle and begin winning seats. It will be a while though.
HISTORY: For the record, in 2010, repubs gained 63 seats in the house and 6 in the senate, and 680 in state elections. The Dem's lost the house and barely had the senate (53 seats vs 47 seats). It was a mid terms ass kicking on a level not seen since 1938 after the Great Depression (the Dem's lost 72 house seats in 193
Now though, the economy continues to get stronger, incomes are trending up, unemployment is going down, businesses are expanding and spending again at levels they havent done in about a decade. Opportunity is everywhere right now, but some folks would rather cry about the past and things they cant control. The crybaby attitude is NOT what founded this country, and will not be a successful strategy to regain power on a national level. Sure, the left will win the neighborhoods they own for decades (chicago, detroit, la, sf, ny), but those dont decide the country. As was recently evidenced in Trumps win.
If you're curious, read some articles from after the mid terms in 2010. The excuses then, are the same as now, except RUSSIA!!!!!! lol