All LED Indoor Grow- Quantum Boards vs AutoCob's


Well-Known Member
Hey @Roger A. Shrubber and @ttystikk and everyone else.

This 1000w light of any kind will produce 1000w of heat thing has been bothering me for some time, since its one of those things often repeated on here. I'm wondering if its been repeated so much we tend to believe it without question?

So my thoughts until been told this "science fact" were light converted to photosynthesis (no matter how small that is) is been used as that and not turned to heat.
I hear the argument "if you put 100w Y bulb and 100w X bulb in a closed box the same heat will be created because energy cant be destroyed or created and 100w is 100w"

So I just had a google about, which I have tried before, but today I find something interesting, which to me disproves the argument above!
I respect all your opinions so please check out this link and look at the two experiments and tell me if I'm wrong and why I'm wrong if I am.
Clearly there is a shit ton of LIGHT escaping from both insulated containers. Since the mercury vapor lamp puts out almost all of its light in the visible spectrum (much higher energy photons), while the halogen puts out the majority of its energy into the infrared (low energy photons), the mercury lamp is losing a shit ton more energy from the container. That's the difference.


Well-Known Member
Here's my male that was stripped clean with the girls a few days ago seems to be happy with the up potting/topping/defoliation :bigjoint:

@GroErr this one's for you bro, thanks for all the help behind the scenes for my upcoming project (:

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You growing peppers there? If so what type are those? I'm an avid pepper grower as well, currently growing some jalapeno and california bell peppers.


Well-Known Member
Clearly there is a shit ton of LIGHT escaping from both insulated containers. Since the mercury vapor lamp puts out almost all of its light in the visible spectrum (much higher energy photons), while the halogen puts out the majority of its energy into the infrared (low energy photons), the mercury lamp is losing a shit ton more energy from the container. That's the difference.
Yes, as roger pointed out, its not a fair test, considering they are comparing basking lamps which are designed to radiate more heat and the thermometers are getting heated up at different rates due to the spectrum. Also as you say different amount of light coming through the plastic containers probably also due to different spectrum.


Well-Known Member
mmmm Jalapenos, I could eat them all day.
Evil-Mobo is a ghost pepper the same thing as a naga ghost chilli? I used to eat a lot of those in a pasta dish but I'm afraid I cant handle the stinging bell end when I pee anymore. :fire:
I will have to look into that and get back to you. I just was not able to find these plants as cuttings at my old home so when I saw this one at the nursery and for $2 I had to have one my brother got one too we are having a kind of veggie grow off because all my peppers and tomato's were a gift from him this year now that I am living in the same area as him again. Been a long time we had lived in different states. So was a nice homecoming. I had Jalapeno's pablanos and habaneros going at my old place :)
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Well-Known Member
I just looked it up, which i should of done previously, they are the same. A few years ago they were the hottest chilli/pepper in the world @1,041,427 SHU but I believe there are a few even hotter now. I have some seeds, I may plant them indoors where they are safe, the last lot my cat ate while they were seedlings on the widow sill.
They have a lovely flavour behind the heat. A mate of mine owns a café and he uses them in all sorts, he makes chocolate with them and then grinds that to make a ghost hot chocolate drink in winter.. That really warms the cockles


Well-Known Member
That's a ghost pepper I am.messing with leaf stripping and training before tossing it outside with the rest. I have bell peppers and other outdoors in sips with the tomato plants as well.
Awesome dude, what varieties of tomatoes are you growing in your garden this season? I'm growing some super beefsteak tomatoes for the first time in my outdoor garden, hoping for some monster tomatoes.


Well-Known Member
Awesome dude, what varieties of tomatoes are you growing in your garden this season? I'm growing some super beefsteak tomatoes for the first time in my outdoor garden, hoping for some monster tomatoes.
I will run out later to get you the varieties I just got some pics today they blew up over night wonder if the full moon thing is real lol.........I could not ever grow tomatoes successfully back home because of the heat, they just would not survive. So I'm excited to have 4 plants going this year aside from the various peppers. My brother ordered cuts from burpee and whatever package he got included three of everything so I was one of the three people to get what came in lol. The ghost pepper I am donating to a local business for a contest they will run when they're ready to drum up more business. Kind of see how much of a stud you are type of deal I told them I didn't want anything except to see the entertainment lol.......habanero's is about as hot as I like it.

Here's a few pics of the outside stuff apparently I will need more trellis height LOL

Mom's hydrangeas coming in :)


And the tomatoes



And the peppers outside:


I found my green thumb with veggies and outdoor pretty plants the MMJ came later on and I honestly never thought I would get to a harvest lol


Well-Known Member
Clone fairy came by today I FINALLY have GG#4 cuts :clap: I know to many it's an over rated strain but it is god send on my nerve pain but the real reason was for an upcoming breeding project:

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My Satori male is loving life in the bigger pot with more soil and yesterday's special feeding

@GroErr He says what's up G


And I just couldn't help getting a shot of my Narcotic Kush Auto this plant is just amazing man I wish she was a photo period to keep a cut around:



Well-Known Member
Awesome dude, what varieties of tomatoes are you growing in your garden this season? I'm growing some super beefsteak tomatoes for the first time in my outdoor garden, hoping for some monster tomatoes.
I've been growing tomatoes and lots of other garden veggies for a few years now and love it. One thing I've found though is that bigger definitely doesn't mean better. The biggest tomatoes I have grown usually end up getting split near the stem and they definitely don't taste better. It's like that with almost every veggie or fruit. Smaller watermelons are typically sweeter etc.
We can our tomatoes and use them throughout the winter for spag sauce, chili or whatever. We can salsa we make from our roma's and peppers and cilantro :) gotta love it.


Well-Known Member
Clone fairy came by today I FINALLY have GG#4 cuts :clap: I know to many it's an over rated strain but it is god send on my nerve pain but the real reason was for an upcoming breeding project:

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My Satori male is loving life in the bigger pot with more soil and yesterday's special feeding

@GroErr He says what's up G

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And I just couldn't help getting a shot of my Narcotic Kush Auto this plant is just amazing man I wish she was a photo period to keep a cut around:

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Damn Evil I'm jelly of your legit GG4 cuts, sweet. And that male, if you flipped that thing now it would fill your entire tent after the stretch, grab some clones and flower the clones or you'll have enough pollen to pollinate your whole state with that monster :shock:


Well-Known Member
Damn Evil I'm jelly of your legit GG4 cuts, sweet. And that male, if you flipped that thing now it would fill your entire tent after the stretch, grab some clones and flower the clones or you'll have enough pollen to pollinate your whole state with that monster :shock:
Yeah after seeing him bounce back I now see what you mean, before the TLC he wasn't so substantial lol............


Well-Known Member
I've been growing tomatoes and lots of other garden veggies for a few years now and love it. One thing I've found though is that bigger definitely doesn't mean better. The biggest tomatoes I have grown usually end up getting split near the stem and they definitely don't taste better. It's like that with almost every veggie or fruit. Smaller watermelons are typically sweeter etc.
We can our tomatoes and use them throughout the winter for spag sauce, chili or whatever. We can salsa we make from our roma's and peppers and cilantro :) gotta love it.
Yeah that is completely true, that's why i planted some marglobe tomatoes as well, the big ones are kinda a test to see if they are good for making sandwiches


Well-Known Member
Yeah after seeing him bounce back I now see what you mean, before the TLC he wasn't so substantial lol............
Most of my males tend to stretch like 3x. + their size going in, much more than the females. It would literally fill your tent. I'd like to see it though ;)


Well-Known Member
Well went in to check on the clones and seedling. Clones look good and the seedling is pushing dirt up already me thinks this plant is going to be a beast. Water cup->>>Paper towel>>>>>pushing up dirt in soil from Mon to Wed ..............she wants to grow that's for sure so bring it on Ms. Purple Envy we all want to see what you got.

Anyhow snuck over to the girls in veg that were stripped naked a few days ago and did some LST to start prepping them for their SCROG net. Will change the res tomorrow on the cloner and add some ionic grow this time a couple are roots yet though....... these two girls will get scrogged under the AutoCob's.......


Looks like this 2x4 closet is going to fill up quickly so the chemdogging needs to finish so I can swap some plants around LOL I might throw the narcotic kush in here to finish so I can get these girls going under the COB's and not be too far behind the QB girls. Will try and get some pics of those two tomorrow when lights are on.............

Thanks for checking in :peace:
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Well-Known Member
Nothing major to update this afternoon, just grabbed you guys a quick pic of the 2 girls under the QB so you can see the fan leaves coming back in after defoliation and the net filling in, it's like a puzzle weaving branches in and out of squares QB tent foreman Weedy (the gnome) is handling his business in this tent and 'lil vader is taking care of business in the AutoCob tent..............
