Led shed

Once the roots get to it I think it will provide plenty. Any thoughts?
turn lights down a bit, let your roots get a little more established and they should go off.

the pale/curling/tacoing in my experience is the roots not able to keep up with the amount of nutes they need under high light. esp if theyre on 24 hrs, you want like 400 umol not like 700
There getting bout 170 ATM the tips seam to start to curl if I get closer than that maybe it was from def and not to much light. I'll wait till they look like there getting better than drop the lights closer
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Ok so I was way off the bigger ones were getting 500 umol and the little fillers were getting 550+ IMG_0140.JPG IMG_0141.JPG IMG_0143.JPGIMG_0142.JPG
Here is what it looks like under there and that is a 4foot roll of poly on the right for height reference. These things are mega bright when you get them all together and in a white room.IMG_0149.JPG
"electrical conductivity"= true measure of nute concentration

EC is absolute where PPM depends on estimating strength based on conversion factors (because EC/PPM factor is different for each elemental compound)
oh sorry i assumed you were in hydro.

we dont know much about your mix, and theres much better soil guys than me around here
The soil for seedlings and 6x6 pots is a 60 40 mix of pro mix and worm castings and for five gallon buckets it's fox farm ocean forest, happy frog and chunky perlite mixed in equal parts
Some plant tops were looking real yellow almost white. I tried to get the umole down to under 400 and could not by rasing the lights and had to turn one light off than lower them to make it work they have been under 270 umole for 24 hrs and are starting to green up. Will have new pics later this evening.
IMG_0259.JPG IMG_0258.JPG IMG_0257.JPG IMG_0256.JPG IMG_0255.JPG IMG_0254.JPG Late on the photos first two photos are of bigger ones tops they are looking better but I think the fox farm ocean forest is a little hot cause the tips look like they got a little burn going on. Any thoughts on that. The other photos are of ones that were very light green almost white, I now have two lights turned off and the umole # about 170 and they are starting to green up real well, it's not a mag def lower leaves are nice and green so all I can think of is that they were getting nuked bye the lights. @Organic Miner any idea what is causing my tip burn? It's only plants in the big pots.Soil mix is fox farm ocean forest happy frog and perilite.
I'm a hydro guy, so I have no experience with soil issues, but when I've seen the tips burning I will back off the nutes. That's usually the first indication, although it looks like something else is going on. What is the ppm/etc and ph of your nutes?
No clue I just mix up a aact and poor it in I don't have any meters to check
I'm a hydro guy, so I have no experience with soil issues, but when I've seen the tips burning I will back off the nutes. That's usually the first indication, although it looks like something else is going on. What is the ppm/etc and ph of your nutes?
that looks like they used all their nitrogen up and are fading from lack of nitrogen, apply a veg fertilizer in my opinion, the more light plants get the faster they use nutrients, it increases metabolic rate.
Time to up pot my friend nothing wrong with your mix just with such small containers the plants will eat through what is available to them quickly. You have roots coming out the bottom no reason to torture those plants by not giving them more space unless there is a specific reason you need to........
that looks like they used all their nitrogen up and are fading from lack of nitrogen, apply a veg fertilizer in my opinion, the more light plants get the faster they use nutrients, it increases metabolic rate.
This makes sense because as soon as I started hitting them with a high dose of light they started to white out quick. I have given them very lite concentration of Alaskan fish emulsion one tsb per gal with roots organic hpk at one tsb per gal 2oz per gal of seaweed extract. This has helped with the green coming back to the plants.
Time to up pot my friend nothing wrong with your mix just with such small containers the plants will eat through what is available to them quickly. You have roots coming out the bottom no reason to torture those plants by not giving them more space unless there is a specific reason you need to........
theres not much in the 6x6 pots for food just store bought worm castings and promix and I am waiting on sex to show up cause I'm not wasting soil on something I'm not keeping.