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Well-Known Member
But he was vanhalen for a lot of years bro.
I grew up on Dave, and actually dug their first new album without him too. 8th grade when hagar. I like it all dude
i seen them with hagar when i was pretty young.. like 7th or 8th grade maybe? that was when i was getting like huge into guitar so i was only focused on eddie the whole night.. damn that dude can play. still never seen anyone play like him. so unique and fast


Well-Known Member
i seen them with hagar when i was pretty young.. like 7th or 8th grade maybe? that was when i was getting like huge into guitar so i was only focused on eddie the whole night.. damn that dude can play. still never seen anyone play like him. so unique and fast
He made a whole new way fo sho but....

At the very same time other bands were catching onto his LA flip finger way.


Well-Known Member
man you gotta relax.. my advice was real. if you want to see your dad, go see him. dont worry about your step mom. if you go sincere your dad will respect it, im guessing... only you know how bad you fucked up.
stop taking people on a pot forum so seriously bud
My dad said no cuz the house was dirty. Ive been asking for weeks. Always some excuse. Im tired of begging.


Well-Known Member
definitely.. when i was a kid it was all about eddie, stevie ray and jimmy page. those were my guitar idols lol. they are still mostly my favorites plus a few others
See what's a trip is that i didn't get into Stevie ray until he died. I was like 18. I was already into vanhalen, AC/DC, Metallica and many other bands by then. his death is when they put stevie ray on blast on the radio too. and than his brother happened


Well-Known Member
then stop begging and accepting excuses.. just go dude. im sure if you itll work out. you might hear some shit you dont want to hear but its worth the shot man.. then at least you tried
I said i was sorry and asked for forgiveness and was told to go suck a dick. Ive tryed, im on my fucking own.