Yeah, they attack you, because you speak the truth and show actual results that's not in their interest. Notice with all the claims of greatness, yet none will accept your side by side challenge? A bunch of sideline claimers and haters, yet none will step up to the line. Spreading negative opinions on a product based on absolutely no experience of actual use is pure BS. It's a crackup a lot of times when they don't even have their facts straight out of ignorance making complete fools of themselves, tripping on their own bullshit. These retards will even resort to attacking others on a personal level, which is so pathetic. They can't handle the truth and will even lie to make themselves sound knowledgeable, hate on this company or protect their interests. Funny these clowns accuse you and others who speak about a company that you actually have experience with as trolls and shills and yet they constantly push their clique's companies. A bunch of double standard, pathetic foolios. Unfortunately. it's the new growers to riu that fall for their BS, but the ones who have been around here know they're full of it. Keep up the great work.