How long have you been high?


I was going outside the other day to medicate and my wife says are you going to get high? I had to laugh... What I was really doing was going outside to make sure I never get low... Haha... I have been high from the moment I wake up until I go to bed for 6 years now... I thought it might be fun to check in with some of you heavy hitters and see if you can beat my record... :bigjoint:
I was going outside the other day to medicate and my wife says are you going to get high? I had to laugh... What I was really doing was going outside to make sure I never get low... Haha... I have been high from the moment I wake up until I go to bed for 6 years now... I thought it might be fun to check in with some of you heavy hitters and see if you can beat my record... :bigjoint:
Well I've been smoking 25yrs or so but now that I have a regular 40hr/wk job I don't start as early as you do.. except the weekends of course..

However, I can "hang" with the best of them :bigjoint:
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i get high often but most of the time i prefer to see life without being fucked up. I get high because i like being stoned and when i have something meaningful i prefer to be of a clear mind. I am not one of those people who thinks being stoned enhances experiences. I smoke at work and after the child goes to bed and thats about it for me! So to answer your question, about 45 mins lol.
I'm talken a continual high without ever coming down... I'm not trying to brag or anything, I just hate being down... My mind would go to my back pain, and the fact that it's going to keep get worse until the day I die and there's nothing they can do for me... I just want to live in the moment and enjoy what life I have left...
I'm talken a continual high without ever coming down... I'm not trying to brag or anything, I just hate being down... My mind would go to my back pain, and the fact that it's going to keep get worse until the day I die and there's nothing they can do for me... I just want to live in the moment and enjoy what life I have left...
To me that's a problem. People act like cannabis is harmless. People can become dependent on it.

I take tolerance breaks every so often. For a couple of reasons. For one as stated and also just so I know I'm in control.

I also understand the aspect of using it for back pain. I'm a disabled vet. It is a great pain reliever but I just don't see the need to stay high all the time.

There are other ways to deal with pain such as tinctures and salves. Acupuncture is a good one.

To each their own and don't take it as me judging. I'm not.
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My smoking history is smoking from 13 to 43 with only a few short breaks due to Navy bootcamp and other inconveniences. Then I took an 11 year break, starting back two years ago. But since then I have got high everyday. I go out to the garden and smoke a small bowl after breakfast, then again after lunch and supper. If I'm away from the house, and don't expect to run into folks, I will smoke out. At the camp I will have a joint and the bong going at the same time. I do love to smoke, but I don't like being too high around people.

When I can, I come into work early so I have time for a quick hit before my customers come in. Then I have a hit after they leave. My job is very public, so I have to worry about smell getting on my hair and clothes. I have a smoking jacket and hat that I wear when smoking at work.
I had about a four year stretch of being permaripped when my buddy got hit by a drunk driver on his motorcycle......he got a quite handsome settlement and was stuck in a wheel chair .....I was there everyday to help him and just be there for him ......he would literally buy 5 or 6 different QPs of fire and we'd sit there and be lighting joints with joints .....the only time in my life I actually pissed dark green the morning after my birthday party .....we smoked like we were trying to kill ourselves was fun and it definately helped him through his depression from the accident I'm just an evening rite before bed smoker .....sometimes not even every night .....I mostly just enjoy growing it now and helping the cancer patients and disabled people I grow for .......good memories though LOL
I smoke (((about))) two joints consistently.

I smoke two joints in the morning
I smoke two joints at night
I smoke two joints in the afternoon
It makes me feel alright

I smoke two joints in time of peace
And two in time of war
I smoke two joints before I smoke two joints
And then I smoke two more
I was going outside the other day to medicate and my wife says are you going to get high? I had to laugh... What I was really doing was going outside to make sure I never get low... Haha... I have been high from the moment I wake up until I go to bed for 6 years now... I thought it might be fun to check in with some of you heavy hitters and see if you can beat my record... :bigjoint:
That's cool.

How many dicks can you fit up your butt though?

(At the same time)
I'm 66 and retired now... I am trying and hoping to stay out of a wheel chair... You people who work won't get this, but when you can't work and your back dictates every moment in your life... There's not much left then mind numbing TV... To have no responsibilities is a hard way to live... You start to feel useless and you start thinking what's the use of living... I had my retirement all planned... I have played guitar for fifty years now and I vowed to get perficient on it... I also have studied theology for fifty years and I have a $1,000.oo worth of books I was going to cross reference... I pick up a guitar and it bores me... Hell! I have been playing for fifty years GIVE IT A BREAK! I pick up a book on theology and I feel like I reading the same stuff over and over again... So I sit and watch TV...
My wife was after me for years to get a hobbie... I was reminiscing about when I was a kid and I had captured a California Kingsnake... I loved that thing and to make a long story, I now have 6 snakes... Now I have some responsibilities and a hobbie... I love my guys... I have a different rapport going with each one of them... Their way cool and a lot of fun...
These no doubt about smoking pot the way I do, is not for everyone... It will steal your ambitions and you will not achieve much in life... But for me it has been a God sent... It is the least of all the evils... I don't know if I would want to continue without it...