Sam Clemens
I'm sorry, I didn't see anything resembling what you describe as "science science" in your post, just things that could be paraphrased as "me and my bros at the commercial grow op chucked some female pollen and some wouldn't reverse, therefore you're selecting for herms" and "ask any bros who have grown Greenhouse."
It would be a great benefit to everyone if you could start a new thread where you could enlighten us with this science you referred to, instead of littering the OES thread. Since I'm assuming you didn't publish, you could start by informally describing the "experiments" which let you claim that making female seeds is actually "selecting plants that are genetically predisposed to throwing male flowers" when not trying to reverse a female. I don't think the observation that you were unable to get some females to reverse lets us reach that conclusion.
Normally I don't really care what people want to believe because it doesn't have any affect on me. This myth hurts though and not just because I have to sort through useless males. Some consumers are scared off, reducing demand for female seeds. Many breeders/seed-makers buy into it and don't produce female seeds. Because selecting males for female flower traits is time consuming and labor intensive, whereas selecting females is far easier and tens of thousands of non-breeding growers are selecting females every day and creating a pool of "elites," the quality available seeds suffers when breeders eschew "fems." Just look at the vast majority of "regular breeders" offerings: dozens of elites found by other non-breeding growers hit with the same male of unknown provenance. Breeders don't talk at all about their male selection, except for the ones who would be embarrassed by it if they weren't so clueless, even though the male selection is probably the only thing that distinguishes them from other breeders. It's not like selection is a secret, it's just hard, time consuming work. When finding a great parent is so much work, you work with fewer, likely inferior parents.
Finally, my bro grew seeds from TGA, DJ Short, Mr. Nice, Aficionado, and Bodhi and they all shot nanners. Unknown Prohpet's S1's of a strain notorious for intersex, GG#4, did not. Too bad the plural of "anecdote" isn't "data."
Man, you seem pretty upset in your responses. Just chill my friend. My intent was not to start a bickering war on this thread. I shared my personal experience. Nothing more. This is not a personal attack on you or ANYONE else who enjoys growing feminzed seeds.
No we did not publish our work. Most people in our neck of the woods wouldn't have dreamed of that in 1998. So take my words with a grain of salt, please. You SHOULD question things you hear on the internet. And unfortunately at the present you won't find a whole lot of peer reviewed studies on this topic, due to the current legal status of the plant we're discussing. Hopefully this will be changing very soon.
My two cents. Let's just agree to disagree on this. I'm sure you're a good guy and a fine grower.