when and why did people start considering their dogs human beings?

I got a support trouser snake. I pet it every time I get nervous or anxious. I don't get why people have such a problem with me taking it out in restaurants?
I take my little dog with me into most places I go regularly. Coffee shop, Building supply, bank, pet store, parts store, ect. He makes everyone's day , all stoic miserable faces before we arrive all melt into smiles, genuine happiness, and gab, to see my pup. All end up smiling , most want to pet and give him treats. He has a regular milk run that love to treat him. I know that he is more welcome in most of the places I take him then most customers. In fact I have heard more then once from a worker or owner that their was a complaint about my dog being in the business but to not worry about it he is more welcome then the complainer. My dog is an emotional support for my community, he makes my town a happy , and more empathetic place to be, he brings people together.
I think it's stupid people think dogs should be confined to the house and park, I think as long as your dog is friendly and well behaved take it anywhere you want, life would be much better if there were pets everywhere imo...now I don't take my dog to restraunts and some other places but for the most part if you have a problem with me bringing my dog to the store to pick up some bread then you can fuck right off
My daughter's friend is extremely allergic to dogs, can't be around them at all. You'd risk someone else's health just so you can be happy?
Restaurants and supermarkets are my big bitch. I was shopping once and this woman's shedding lab was leaving hair all over the place. I remember blowing it off the carton of eggs I picked up. Why should we have to deal with that if we don't have animals? What about the people with allergies you're exposing because of you're inability to be away from your pet for more than 10 minutes? Do your emotional needs outweigh thier physical ailments? Age old fight "My rights are more important than yours."

This is a good point , I have really bad cat allergies , and when I pass someone with a cat I know it instantly , the cat doesn't even have to be there.

I have a Dane and bless it's heart , it can't get out of the way ( I think it is in their DNA ) but she is a sweet girl that stays at home.

Also I've been bitten by more little dogs than big ones.
There's precautions for that. Same as not letting dogs in public places where people have to worry about it. If you're too emotionally unstable you can't leave the house without an animal companion go see a therapist.
Agreed. Hire a nurse to accompany
If your allergic to dogs then keep your distance it's not a hard concept to grasp, not to mention I have not seen one person go into some kind of dire allergic reaction
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but there is pet dander everywhere...shit in one hand n hope in the other see which one fills up faster
If your allergic to dogs then keep your distance it's not a hard concept to grasp, not to mention I have not seen one person go into some kind of dire allergic reaction
I was talking to this girl at a party, as we were talking she started getting red bumps and itchy, she asked if I had a cat, I did, she was extremely allergic. How would you feel if someone went into anaphylactic shock because you're am emotional mess?