when and why did people start considering their dogs human beings?

I don't need to take my dog with me, I want to, and your post just proves that the animal doesn't even need to be around for this to happen
I don't need to take my dog with me, I want to, and your post just proves that the animal doesn't even need to be around for this to happen
If the cat was there she would have been in worse shape, that's the point I'm trying to make. If residual hair or dander can set it off, what's a direct flurry of fresh, continuous stuff going to do.

Are you allergic to anything? Let's randomly expose you in a situation where most rational people wouldn't expect it and see what happens.
If the cat was there she would have been in worse shape, that's the point I'm trying to make. If residual hair or dander can set it off, what's a direct flurry of fresh, continuous stuff going to do.

Are you allergic to anything? Let's randomly expose you in a situation where most rational people wouldn't expect it and see what happens.
I'm allergic to nothing
I am not a dog owner as I would likely have allergies if they were in my house. I suffer allergic athsma.

However I love them and animals in general deeply but would not like them in my supermarket or restaurants.

They are not "clean" enough despite the best care and for the same reason we don't allow people in barefoot. Dogs should not be allowed near food we will ingest.

I guess I agree some with both sides of this argument. Because I too like to meet people's dogs.

Sometimes not the owners as much. ;-)
if a supermarket allowed people to bring their support monkeys inside with them i would simply
shop at another store, one that assures me support monkeys are not allowed to be brought inside.
Hey I saw papers for sale in a mag, so I bought them...I didn't make them up myself, some other asswhole did lol

Whats the magazine and can you upload the papers that you have. Take a photo off it ..

Never heard of anyone being able to purchase paper work. I legitally want to see this...
I don't remember what mag it was I got em like 3 or 4 years ago, but I'll look around for em I never get asked to see em so they kinda got lost in the shuffle last time I moved, I'll see if I can dig em up tho...I have used them to take her on a plane tho so they work pretty well
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I wish I could take my dogs places. They have dog nights at baseball games at PNC park.

But the fuckers would never behave and would bark at everything.

I can't blame them though, they were abandoned shelter dogs who now demand attention. Lol.0412171052a_HDR-1.jpg

A grocery store is the last place I'd take them. They'd be busted for shoplifting in the meat dept.
A grocery store is the last place I'd take them. They'd be busted for shoplifting in the meat dept.

I had the same trouble with my mom , couldn't take her anywhere. Lol
My family got asked to leave a Shoney's when we were on vacation in Florida because my grandmother shoved a pewter serving tray she liked into her pocket book and the waitress saw. Family....:roll:.
Who else is going to look at you with those puppy dog eyes?

Don't get me wrong: dogs are great. They're excellent buddies to have around, and in many cases are actually far better companions and far more reliable than people.

But until the day comes a dog can grab me a beer and drive me home when I've had too much, I'll never even approach referring to them as human.