Kicking MS to the curb


Well-Known Member
Cannabis has been instrumental in managing my symptoms of neuropathic pain and muscles spasms. It often makes me feel energized for a short time which helps with the chronic fatigue. The biggest problem I have left is the chronic fatigue for which getting stoned can add to my swagger making me look drunk. For the last two seasons I have been unable to golf a full round of 18 holes. Paying $60-70 to play and having to sit out 5-6 holes just seemed hopeless. So this year I had all but given up on golf. Then a few things happened.

I decided to start taking modafinil again since I could now afford it. This gives me a super mental boost and a small physical boost. Still this was not enough as last year I had modafinil but could not endure 18 holes. About a month ago we had a family meal at The Keg, so naturally I had a big fat rib eye steak. What happened next was amazing. All that night and again the next morning I felt super energized. I had another steak at home the next day and felt even more energized.

So this got me thinking about a few things. I mostly do not eat red meat anymore as in steak and such. It was too expensive mainly, but I also have to buy premium tender cuts because I only have 5 teeth left. I have made sure to eat it a least once every three days. The other thing is that most of the DMD's the MS clinic want me to take are based on iron (FE), like interferon for example. I have been in remission before and this is so much more. I have played golf 3 times in the last week, all 18 holes and I played well.

So steak it is, a natural source of protein and iron. The final crunch is deciding to not let MS define me. When the chronic fatigue creeps in I push myself to keep going and going. I am doing a lot ot stairs to build up my strength and stamina. I am also back to eating a few cups a day of fresh fruit, like grapes, pineapple and strawberries. I am only 60 so I am not ready to give up yet.
Glad to hear things are going well. I don't have MS and I don't golf, so I can't share any insight on that, but eating without the benefit of teeth is something I live with as well. I lost most of my teeth in a car accident when I was 24 so I feel your frustration with eating steak. Buy a slow cooker, lol! No government help available for dentures either unless you're FN. Good for them but not fair to the rest of us, imo.
I lost most of my teeth in a car accident when I was 24 so I feel your frustration with eating steak.

It is an acquired skill, extra chewing. Funny thing about dentures is I had some and I hated them. My gums are tough now, I can eat toast or chips no problem, just nothing super hard. I have a slow cooker and it makes a mean stew, but I need red meat, like medium rare. I am doing bacon wrapped Filet Mignon tomorrow. I expect that will be quite tender. :-P
have you ever heard of the SCD diet,, specific carbohydrate diet,, this was created by a doctor to help several conditions, including MS, its thought that intestinal permeability leads to chronic inflamation which causes the body to attack nerves , this attack on nerves can lead to any number of Rhumatology conditions,, just suggeting you check it out, learn what this diet does to your body, once we stop the immune response the nerves can heal,, have a good day
Cannabis has been instrumental in managing my symptoms of neuropathic pain and muscles spasms. It often makes me feel energized for a short time which helps with the chronic fatigue. The biggest problem I have left is the chronic fatigue for which getting stoned can add to my swagger making me look drunk. For the last two seasons I have been unable to golf a full round of 18 holes. Paying $60-70 to play and having to sit out 5-6 holes just seemed hopeless. So this year I had all but given up on golf. Then a few things happened.

I decided to start taking modafinil again since I could now afford it. This gives me a super mental boost and a small physical boost. Still this was not enough as last year I had modafinil but could not endure 18 holes. About a month ago we had a family meal at The Keg, so naturally I had a big fat rib eye steak. What happened next was amazing. All that night and again the next morning I felt super energized. I had another steak at home the next day and felt even more energized.

So this got me thinking about a few things. I mostly do not eat red meat anymore as in steak and such. It was too expensive mainly, but I also have to buy premium tender cuts because I only have 5 teeth left. I have made sure to eat it a least once every three days. The other thing is that most of the DMD's the MS clinic want me to take are based on iron (FE), like interferon for example. I have been in remission before and this is so much more. I have played golf 3 times in the last week, all 18 holes and I played well.

So steak it is, a natural source of protein and iron. The final crunch is deciding to not let MS define me. When the chronic fatigue creeps in I push myself to keep going and going. I am doing a lot ot stairs to build up my strength and stamina. I am also back to eating a few cups a day of fresh fruit, like grapes, pineapple and strawberries. I am only 60 so I am not ready to give up yet.
The biggest problem I have left is the chronic fatigue
my wife has chronic fatigue, in the beggining we thought my wife had Lyme disease , but 2 years of antibitoics did nothing, only left her more wrecked, her worse symptom (she has several) is the fatigue, then joint pain headaches and nerve problems, she also had dihrerra , the SCD diet stopped the dihrerra in 7 days, and now 3 weeks in her night sweats stopped, the heart palpatations stopped, and now the fatigue is the worst symptom,, but is slightly better,,
thing is once the permeability is repaired (takes about 1 year), the fatigue goes away,,
far to much to type here, and this is nothing any health care system is going to tell us about,
hope this helps some,, hit me up if you want some links or more info
my wife has chronic fatigue, in the beggining we thought my wife had Lyme disease , but 2 years of antibitoics did nothing, only left her more wrecked, her worse symptom (she has several) is the fatigue, then joint pain headaches and nerve problems, she also had dihrerra , the SCD diet stopped the dihrerra in 7 days, and now 3 weeks in her night sweats stopped, the heart palpatations stopped, and now the fatigue is the worst symptom,, but is slightly better,,
thing is once the permeability is repaired (takes about 1 year), the fatigue goes away,,
far to much to type here, and this is nothing any health care system is going to tell us about,
hope this helps some,, hit me up if you want some links or more info

thanks for sharing this @Tim Fox
thanks for sharing this @Tim Fox
i never dreamed we could cure ourselves from the inside out, some of these conditions that have no cure, such as MS or ALS or fibermyagia , it appears the auto immune stuff is just our own bodies attacking themselves,, if we stop that war inside our blood streams, then our systems calm down, and can heal,,
my wife has been so badly sick for 2.5 years, and now is finally feeling slightly better and improviing, i never thought this Leaky Gut thing could have such a profound impact on someone
we should know by the end of summer with my wife,, and if this continues to make her well,, it wil be my mission to get the word out,, i cant beleive modern medicine has swept this under the rug,, but would rather prescribe Biologics instead,,,
hope your morning is going well my friend
and one more if anyone has time
Special diets have become increasingly common and more popular in recent years. Reports from both physicians and patients, many with laboratory tests confirming, say they can be helpful for a variety of diseases including autism, ADHD, multiple sclerosis, auto-immunity, rheumatoid arthritis, bowel conditions, and many more

Nice! I thought we had one of those years ago and it was underwhelming. Turns out we bought our daughter a cheap knock-off. Some of her friends have the real deal and swear by it. I am adding that to my shopping list. Thx.
ops got no teeth, feels he needs to eat steak, so yeah, he needs The Bulletor similar for the win.

now leave me be for a bit....I'm checking out that

Sometimes it is about convenience. Food prep can be long sometimes, so I happily take some sensible shortcuts. I do like to use my chopper on cooked chicken or pork so I can make a chicken/pork salad sandwich, with celery I macerate in the chopper as well, after I peel all the strings off it. I can cook steak so tender you do not really need teeth to eat it.