super soil mix with amendments that are available in australia


Well-Known Member
im tryng to get the stuff together to do subs subcools super soil recipe but the amendment brand down to earth organics isent available in australia i dont want 2 pay an arm and a leg can some aussie growrs help me out on what i can get from bunnings to put together a water only mix that is the same or similear 2 subs recipe also how wet doas a soil need 2 be for every thing to breakdown
fuck it i think im going 2 get some blood and bone yates dynamic lifter and some gypsom worm castings and some perlite if that aint enough ill make a compost tea
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@giglewigle . Use subs recipe as a guide more so than an exact recipe because as you stated it's hard to get the goods here in aus. My mix consists of good homemade compost, organic tomato mix, coir, sand, crushed oyster she'll (I get my own and smash it up with a hammer in a bag) perlite, vermiculite, old as Fuck mulch that has tuned black from my local dump, blood and bone, dolomite lime, small amount of Epsom salt, horse manure, and mix it all up and let it sit for a few weeks turning once a week and keep it slightly moist. Hope that helps brother
@giglewigle . Use subs recipe as a guide more so than an exact recipe because as you stated it's hard to get the goods here in aus. My mix consists of good homemade compost, organic tomato mix, coir, sand, crushed oyster she'll (I get my own and smash it up with a hammer in a bag) perlite, vermiculite, old as Fuck mulch that has tuned black from my local dump, blood and bone, dolomite lime, small amount of Epsom salt, horse manure, and mix it all up and let it sit for a few weeks turning once a week and keep it slightly moist. Hope that helps brother
helps a fuck ton im thinking writing a list of whats available and from there ill prob keep it simple i guess it comes down 2 the soil covering all the nutes nstuff and airation right amount of drainage i got a bag of cyco coco with 30@percent perlight lol i thought it was all perlight 2 that i added some blood and bone dolomight lime rockdust yates dynamic lifter i plan on adding worm castings 2 it but i also was planing on using a compost tea for the water i use 2 make it moist
Imo it's all in the compost. I compost bulk waste and use black soldier fly larvae to chew up all the nitrogen based scrap. I even add mullet heads every now and again .also the tomato soil mix from bunnings is great because it has added calcium and zeolite azomite
dident want 2 make an other thred so ill post it here went 2 bunnings holy shit man i cant fucken wait 2 go on a spending spree there holy shit bought some neutrog gogo jeuce and some tuping for my air pump the gogo jeuce is a probiotic for soil i figured thats what my vegi garden and weed plants are laking most gunna put that and some castings n make a compost tea i might pute some humic in aswell what use think also whats the minnimum time 2 bubble the water ti get rid of the chlorine i herd 3 hours but im not sure there probebly isent any point in putting castings in if my soil is good whitch it is then all id need is the micros ??? Im confused
The plants, at some point, will run out of fuel usually. You can tell by observing the leaves.

So yes, you'll want to add worm castings to your tea to give them a nutritional boost, but only if you feel they are running out of nitrogen. You can add almost anything to the tea, it can be more than mycos, but those are important and live-castings will facilitate them. Some ppl top dress dry amendments instead for nutes/minerals.
GW, that above paragraph is somehow all one long rolling sentence.

Attempt breaking your ideas up into sentences, for yourself and your readers. You can do it GW.

What was your question exactly?
sorry grahmer is not my strong suite. question one. what is the minemem time needed 2 evaporate cholirine.with an airbubler. Question2 is there any point putting worm castings in a compost tea when usin a probiotic aka neutrog gogo juice im asumming theres still plenty of nutes allready in the soil plants are only aweek in. So the tje only reason im making a tea is for the micros .also im thinking of puting some humic acid in aswell. i dont no anything about teas so i dont no what the benifets will be should i only ad the gogo jeuce 2 the tea or ad somthing like suger for the microbes 2 feed on iv never made a tea b4
Unsulphered molasses is nice. check out what minerals are also in molasses.

Delve into some of these organic threads further, you're on the right track! I'm no expert either, but I'll stop back. good luck G
Try keeping water in storage for perpetual compost teas. Like store 20ls so you have water that has already been standing for some time and top up each time. I'm lucky to have a large fish tank that I get my tea water from. Also bubble it in the sun it will help. Bunnings is good as haha I love it. And don't worry my grammar is terrible... It's an Australian thing. And we can thank our great education system haha
Try keeping water in storage for perpetual compost teas. Like store 20ls so you have water that has already been standing for some time and top up each time. I'm lucky to have a large fish tank that I get my tea water from. Also bubble it in the sun it will help. Bunnings is good as haha I love it. And don't worry my grammar is terrible... It's an Australian thing. And we can thank our great education system haha
ye im gunna look into something 2 store some water so its there when i need it
sorry grahmer is not my strong suite. question one. what is the minemem time needed 2 evaporate cholirine.with an airbubler. Question2 is there any point putting worm castings in a compost tea when usin a probiotic aka neutrog gogo juice im asumming theres still plenty of nutes allready in the soil plants are only aweek in. So the tje only reason im making a tea is for the micros .also im thinking of puting some humic acid in aswell. i dont no anything about teas so i dont no what the benifets will be should i only ad the gogo jeuce 2 the tea or ad somthing like suger for the microbes 2 feed on iv never made a tea b4
Chlorine is released from water fairly quickly when bubbling. A larger wider surface area to exchange with atmospheric gases is better than a thin tall container for example. 30 minutes is enough, all the shit on the net about it taking several hours or a full 24hrs is incorrect. It's not magic it's chemistry. If you have chloramine added to your water it's a different story though and if this is the case there is a way to deal with that also so let me know if you have chloramines and I'll help you out about that.

Good Growing.