So you blame the kid. Stupid kid who took a poster. Nowhere in the world is the killing of a kid over a poster considered acceptable. This moral equivalency is one-sided. North Korea screams bloody murder when we even get a ship close to their shores. I'd say the killing is more like an act of revenge than due to anything the kid did.
So what part of Russia are you living in? propaganda much?
Once again, I do not condone what North Korea did! This means I think it was wrong of North Korea to sentence the kid to hard labor for so long and I also do not agree with whatever they did to to damage his brain enough to put him the coma that eventually lead to his death. I do not defend North Korea's actions and Otto did not deserve to die because of a poster.
All I am trying to say is don't do stupid shit in dangerous places or you could end up dead! Otto did just this and now he is dead because of it!
Also you are exactly right about it being for revenge and not for the actual crime that Otto committed. However this also brings me back to my original post where I mentioned that the U.S. and North Korea are still technically at war, of course the North Koreans are this to their advantage.
As for killing not being acceptable for stealing a poster,
capital punishment isn't acceptable ever in my books!
Russia? Never been there. Propaganda? I guess that depends on your political views.