I have 3 humidity domes going, a heating pad under all set to 72-74, 1 t5 above and a fan running in the room. I cut them from numerous healthy mothers dipped in cloning gell and placed them all into rock wool cubes that had soaked in water. after a week they smelled of mildew-ish, I opened my tops air vent all the way from half way position. a couple days later I decided to take the tops off for a few hours, to get some air flowing through the babies. so now, 3 days later, theyre smelling a lot better! but they are wilting badly, drying, curling... I'm spraying them more often. but I'm scared! I DO NOT WANT TO BE THE ONE TO ABORTING THEM! can I save them, should I upload a picture of their current look? someone please help me
no dome after root
no heating mat
no spray after first day
your clones have dampened off maybe, too much water/humidity, rockwool too wet

no pics necessary if guesses are good enough for you
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I don't use a heat mat

just keep the room between 70 and 80

don't spray them..the dome already creates 100% humidity)

I keep the vent closed for 5 to 7 dayas and then open them

your working to hard

its dip - plug - dome - then do nothing to them

in a week start check to make sure the mediums not dry and if it feels like its drying out wet the medium but no the clones
I don't use a heat mat

just keep the room between 70 and 80

don't spray them..the dome already creates 100% humidity)

I keep the vent closed for 5 to 7 dayas and then open them

your working to hard

its dip - plug - dome - then do nothing to them

in a week start check to make sure the mediums not dry and if it feels like its drying out wet the medium but no the clones

thank you! I took all these clones pictured and put them in my ez cloner only because I really don't want to waste them! I'm going to clean my trays go take some more clippings and do a tray exactly how you said! thank you.
no dome after root
no heating mat
no spray after first day
your clones have dampened off maybe, too much water/humidity, rockwool too wet

no pics necessary if guesses are good enough for you

your guess was accurate! my bottom trey was soaked, so for future reference what would you suggest if someone is starting to moisture damage? was my first sign the mildew like smell?
thank you! I took all these clones pictured and put them in my ez cloner only because I really don't want to waste them! I'm going to clean my trays go take some more clippings and do a tray exactly how you said! thank you.
sounds like a good plan
it may have been the heat mat
they dry out the medium faster

heat mat is for winter if your space drops to 65 degrees you can slide a heat mat under to kepp them warm
I have a thermometer deal that turns the mat on or off its set point... the mat plugs into it and it has a probe you put in the medium

but if its over 70 then the heat mat is too much warmth

I have found heat matts to be a pain... its easier to just keep the room above 70 and below 80
No humidity domes ever.
No misting cuttings ever.
No heat mats, god no heat mats.
Damp not wet and you will have fantastic results. Your profile pic looks like my cousin. Wow creepy lol
i said no dome after a day b
your guess was accurate! my bottom trey was soaked, so for future reference what would you suggest if someone is starting to moisture damage? was my first sign the mildew like smell?

by the time you smelled it the fungus was winning already.

rock wool cubes- wet once, dunk, squeeze, dunk squeeze, cut, scrape, dip in clone gel, poke into hole,
I take small cuts for convenience but any are fine. I mist once, vented dome till roots less than a week usually, but not always.
problem is always too much water never not enough once they stand up.

allow cube to dry out till you see it dry on all sides but clone is not wilting before you water it again. should root before you need to water more than once more time.
I use a dome until a see 1 root on one plant and then I remove it

it might partly have to do with your room humidity... if its low you might need the dome

personally id keep the dome on for 5 to 7 days but that's just me and my experience but if it works without it that great

id remove any clone that shows signs of rot anywhere
i said no dome after a day b

by the time you smelled it the fungus was winning already.

rock wool cubes- wet once, dunk, squeeze, dunk squeeze, cut, scrape, dip in clone gel, poke into hole,
I take small cuts for convenience but any are fine. I mist once, vented dome till roots less than a week usually, but not always.
problem is always too much water never not enough once they stand up.

allow cube to dry out till you see it dry on all sides but clone is not wilting before you water it again. should root before you need to water more than once more time.
good to know, thank you! all of you, thank you all for your help!!! I had my mothers in my cloning room that is also my veg room. I decided to give everyone some space and I went and bought a few tents. a tent for my mommas and a tent for my clones. I just transplanted a bunch of my ez cloners into solo cups and moved all my moisture problem cutting into my cloner. and now I'm going to try doing rock wool cubes again only this time with all your guys help! so thank you tons again
I'm impressed you could smell the problem out. My sense of smell is weeak.
thank you, I'm from the far coast/ mountain area of California. ive been dealing with mold my whole life plus ive noticed if it don't smell like a plant theres something off! haha thanks I'm gland I have a hink of a nose
The pics didn't show up for me here last time I was here and now suddenly I see them. All I wanna say is, those cuttings are waaaaaay too big. That wasn't doing you any favors.
HAHA thanks everyone! I honestly don't know why I did the heat mat. but I watered (and I will admit this) the way I did because my house plants like to be drenched so I thought common since was the answer (common since only because I have only ever dealt with only my house plants) in all reality tho, I think I think too much when it comes down to this. I see everyone talking like scientist and it worries me because science was never my thing, EVER. so I feel like I have to google most of what experts talk about find the book highlight and study everything everyone talks about with pph and all the other fancy stuff... long story short I over think then put in too much work. thank you all tho, everyone was very helpful and I was able to save the clips fortunately (like a cheater in a machine).
haha speaking of machines maybe I can ask you all,
ugh, I just clipped some sfvog moms lastnight, dipped in clonex , add cloning solution to water and sealed these babies in.... woke up this a.m to thiswilters.jpg