Universal Basic Income; 'bout time or batshit crazy?

Good Question...

Perhaps due to the fact its human nature to think we are better than someone else. Especially someone who is different from our culture, religious beliefs and class? Class these days would maybe be occupational status?. Eg, Receptionist would think they are better than a Waitress. Salesman would think their better than a Lawn contractor.
In truth as people the occupation has no meaning, But we like to think it does.

The rich dont have a occupational status..they have their Name and net worth??
The real status in America is wage earners vs salary earners vs the owner class. Guess who's making all the money?

Good Question...

Perhaps due to the fact its human nature to think we are better than someone else. Especially someone who is different from our culture, religious beliefs and class? Class these days would maybe be occupational status?. Eg, Receptionist would think they are better than a Waitress. Salesman would think their better than a Lawn contractor.
In truth as people the occupation has no meaning, But we like to think it does.

The rich dont have a occupational status..they have their Name and net worth??
I don't know who you are or what you do (I rather like it that way to be honest), but, answer me this.. since we're on the topic.. How do you feel as a person working and living in America about this issue? If a UBI was enacted and homeless people were able to obtain suitable living quarters, maybe a bus pass to get to work, etc., how would that make you feel as an American citizen?

The idea that I'm better than you, so you don't deserve anything is.. absolutely selfish. Only a society that condemns their poor to a lifetime of misery could permit something so abhorrent. Oh, wait...

Just a little side note: These people can't even afford fucking socks or shoes. In the richest nation in the history of the world. Homeless people don't vote, so fuck em! This man had blood coming out of every toe, calluses, blisters.. Fucking humiliating to be an American to see bullshit like a fucking guy can't even get a goddamn pair of fucking shoes in this country.. What selfish motherfucks we are to put up with such bullshit and be told by those in charge that's the best they can do, that the opposition is just too strong... Completely fucking clueless.
I don't know who you are or what you do (I rather like it that way to be honest), but, answer me this.. since we're on the topic.. How do you feel as a person working and living in America about this issue? If a UBI was enacted and homeless people were able to obtain suitable living quarters, maybe a bus pass to get to work, etc., how would that make you feel as an American citizen?

The idea that I'm better than you, so you don't deserve anything is.. absolutely selfish. Only a society that condemns their poor to a lifetime of misery could permit something so abhorrent. Oh, wait...

Just a little side note: These people can't even afford fucking socks or shoes. In the richest nation in the history of the world. Homeless people don't vote, so fuck em! This man had blood coming out of every toe, calluses, blisters.. Fucking humiliating to be an American to see bullshit like a fucking guy can't even get a goddamn pair of fucking shoes in this country.. What selfish motherfucks we are to put up with such bullshit and be told by those in charge that's the best they can do, that the opposition is just too strong... Completely fucking clueless.
I dont live in America, I live in Australia where the safety net seems to be a bit better. (go back a page).

"Australia is a very socially aware culture. We supply a decent unemployment benefit of $500 a fortnight for a single person and $450 for a couple plus added perks. Old age pensions at $890 a fortnight and couples $ 1300 plus added perks. This helps stop people falling through the cracks."
I dont live in America, I live in Australia where the safety net seems to be a bit better. (go back a page).

"Australia is a very socially aware culture. We supply a decent unemployment benefit of $500 a fortnight for a single person and $450 for a couple plus added perks. Old age pensions at $890 a fortnight and couples $ 1300 plus added perks. This helps stop people falling through the cracks."
What do conservative Australians think about that?

...In a survey conducted by the institute in 2001, around 12.4 million people were employed compared to around 3.9 million people receiving social grants.

This roughly translated to 330 people with jobs for every 100 people on social welfare. By 2012, the ratio had dropped to 90 people in employment for every 100 social welfare beneficiaries, the IRR said in 2013.

By 2016, the number of people receiving grants had increased by 328% while those with jobs increasing only by 24%, it said....​
What do conservative Australians think about that?
No problems at all. In fact most would say its not enough, especially regarding the old age pensions. But Australians have a different attitude (idk if you have met any) to life than Americans.
But our conservative party introduced gun laws...after all..life is more important than politics. Your conservative party is just wacko and has no relevance to ours. Our conservation Party is probably more left than your center left.- no joke.

Giving everyone and anyone a "Fair Go" is an Aussies catchphrase.
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...In a survey conducted by the institute in 2001, around 12.4 million people were employed compared to around 3.9 million people receiving social grants.

This roughly translated to 330 people with jobs for every 100 people on social welfare. By 2012, the ratio had dropped to 90 people in employment for every 100 social welfare beneficiaries, the IRR said in 2013.

By 2016, the number of people receiving grants had increased by 328% while those with jobs increasing only by 24%, it said....​
those sound like shitty facts. do they mean something?

...In a survey conducted by the institute in 2001, around 12.4 million people were employed compared to around 3.9 million people receiving social grants.

This roughly translated to 330 people with jobs for every 100 people on social welfare. By 2012, the ratio had dropped to 90 people in employment for every 100 social welfare beneficiaries, the IRR said in 2013.

By 2016, the number of people receiving grants had increased by 328% while those with jobs increasing only by 24%, it said....​
So the idea being that if social welfare is offered, hey, people will just up and quit their jobs and go on the government dole! So we can't do that, we can't just give poor people free stuff.. If we give them free stuff, they won't produce and that would be bad for the economy...

So how much free fucking stuff have we given to corporations that haven't delivered? Yet where are the conservative cries to cut back on corporate welfare? I mean, we have to be fiscally conservative, when it comes to providing for the poor, but subsidize the risk and privatize the reward when it comes to big businesses..

I want you to take a guess
No problems at all. In fact most would say its not enough, especially regarding the old age pensions. But Australians have a different attitude (idk if you have met any) to life than Americans.

Giving everyone and anyone a "Fair Go" or a "fair suck of the Sav" is an Aussies catchphrase.
i like saying gooday, i say it like the old English good day just a little shorter. i quak like a duck. anyway, is there much homelessness? i never hear of anyone dying from the heat.
i like saying goodday, i say it like the old English good day. i quak like a duck. anyway, is there much homelessness? i never hear of anyone dying from the heat.
yes we do have homelessness. Most are short term. Left abusive husband and waiting for housing etc. The long term homeless is normally thru choice or mental disorders that slip through the cracks. Due to the Unemployment benefit and free/subserdised housing long term homelessness should not exists- but it does. Yes, people die from heat every year or two (not were I am from), mainly tourists who break down in the car and try to walk for help (always stay with your car and always have the recommended water per person per day plus extra).
you so

lame. if had read what i wrote you would see that working doesn't always cover basics. That's why UBI. Also general assistance doesn't cover living so everyone should get UBI including the disabled. Fuck your ableist B.S. if fairness was based on IQ you would be a third class citizen.

UBI is supposed to be the basics, I evwn said to include kids and you're having a meltdown as if I don't support it.

I do support it, but I think it would work better in a meritocracy.

And since you want to talk about IQ, what do you do for a living?
i think houselessness will always be a lifestyle. Homelessness and the ones who fall through the cracks are falling from capitalist society. In a society based on common good where we measured happiness and fulfillment instead of economic growth, we would not have a rampant underclass. Mental illness is a factor but not because mentally ill people can't handle living in doors. Ever homeless person has a story, a past life and a chain of events that led them there. mental illness effects about a third of the worlds pop. or roughly 18% with preexisting and another 18% that become ill due to ptsd or life events. and btwn 40%-45% total of homeless folks, 25% are seriously mentally ill at any given time.
i think houselessness will always be a lifestyle. Homelessness and the ones who fall through the cracks are falling from capitalist society. In a society based on common good where we measured happiness and fulfillment instead of economic growth, we would not have a rampant underclass. Mental illness is a factor but not because mentally ill people can't handle living in doors. Ever homeless person has a story, a past life and a chain of events that led them there. mental illness effects about a third of the worlds pop. or roughly 18% with preexisting and another 18% that become ill due to ptsd or life events. and btwn 40%-45% total of homeless folks, 25% are seriously mentally ill at any given time.
It's been proven in Canada that the vast majority of homeless if given a place to stay with no preconditions will stay there.

Only about 5% of the homeless rehoused went back onto the street.