yeah, i'm sure he would fight for a loan for muslim people or black people after he spent the last night calling them subhuman savages online.
So you were stalking him online and reported him to his boss?
Do YOU know what that sounds like?
yeah, i'm sure he would fight for a loan for muslim people or black people after he spent the last night calling them subhuman savages online.
So you were stalking him online and reported him to his boss?
Do YOU know what that sounds like?
She's not conceded at all.
Thanks for correcting my auto correct phone. I should have reviewed. Watching Clinton news network highlights. One congressmen after another calling for a democratic message and new leadership. I remember not to long again Debbie wasserman Shultz telling the world that the democratic convention was going to so much better than the republic convention. She was ousted before the convention was held. Hillary lost. And Dems have lost all special elections and finally a few Dems realize they need a message and new leadership. Better late to the party than never showing up. Just this Monday all I saw all day on the news was how the republicans were going to lose Georgia and it was going to be a damaging referendum on trump.It's spelled conceited, Rube.
Are you auto-correct's bitch?Thanks for correcting my auto correct phone.
I saw all day on the news was how the republicans were going to lose Georgia
I agree. We all know Republicans are scumfucks, but our establishment Democratic representatives try to play the part, like they actually represent the poor and middle-classes. Republicans don't hide it and don't shy away from it, Karen Handel just openly bragged that she doesn't support a living wage.. Establishment Democrats pretend they support single payer, universal college, etc., but don't actually vote on progressive positions when the time comes. They simply give lip service to the ideas, say they're not realistic or pragmatic in today's political climate, say they don't have the necessary support to get it passed..A loyal Democrat and former state official remarked, as if it was obvious, that the Democrats were more corrupt than Republicans by virtue of having to pretend they were not serving the rich, while the Republicans are up front as to what they are about.
Lol...I agree. We all know Republicans are scumfucks, but our establishment Democratic representatives try to play the part, like they actually represent the poor and middle-classes. Republicans don't hide it and don't shy away from it, Karen Handel just openly bragged that she doesn't support a living wage.. Establishment Democrats pretend they support single payer, universal college, etc., but don't actually vote on progressive positions when the time comes. They simply give lip service to the ideas, say they're not realistic or pragmatic in today's political climate, say they don't have the necessary support to get it passed..
We know the formula, they won't do it because it stops the special interest gravy train. Establishment Democrats would rather a Republican win than a progressive because a progressive is a threat to the way they entered office and how they remain in power.
I couldn't help but notice your complete lack of substance, as is usual..Lol...
I couldn't help but notice your complete lack of substance, as is usual..
Do you guys ever get tired of crying about personalities? Does the substance even actually matter? It seems like you invoke substantive issues only when it appeals to you. You obviously reside more on the moderate Democratic spectrum, so you can't substantively argue against single payer, or universal college, things voters actually support. So you try to appeal to peoples emotions, just like Republicans. You have no solid progressive message because your donors don't support it because it goes against their interests, so you have to appeal to emotion and hope it sticks.
Watching the Democratic establishment burn and go down in flames for their hypocrisy continues to be one of the most appealing contributions of my lifetime
No, we aren't confused. @Padawanbater2 and I know exactly what's going on and we don't understand why you haven't figured it out yet;You're one confused scumbag, pada.
Here you go!cite it then.
go on, don't make a liar out of yourself, retard.
We've butted heads before, but I could not agree more with this assessment. Another article that helps flesh out the same idea;Here you go!
"We need leadership change," New York Democratic Rep. Kathleen Rice told CNN outside the House chamber. "It's time for Nancy Pelosi to go, and the entire leadership team."
Massachusetts Democratic Rep. Seth Moulton echoed Rice's complaints in an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper. "This is certainly something that we have to discuss because it's clear that, I think, across the board in the Democratic Party we need new leadership. It's time for a new generation of leadership in the party."
The moderate New York Democrat said she had talked to a number of House Democrats since last night's defeat and some expressed concerns about keeping the same leadership team. She said she is not interested in running for Pelosi's post or other leadership posts, but said there are discussions among some Democrats about next steps. She didn't call for Pelosi's immediate ouster, but said that she hopes Pelosi will ultimately decide not to run for another term as the top Democratic leader in the next Congress and several others emerge as alternatives to lead the caucus.
(CNN)Jon Ossoff's defeat in Georgia's special House election -- an election Democrats hoped would have been a referendum on President Donald Trump -- has renewed some soul searching among its members.
In an interview with CNN's Don Lemon Wednesday, Rep. Tim Ryan criticized his party's brand, their outreach to voters and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.
"The brand is just bad," Ryan said. "I don't think people in the beltway are realizing just how toxic the Democratic Party brand is in so many parts of the country."
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Lemon asked Ryan if he believed Pelosi was more toxic than Donald Trump.
"The honest answer is in some areas of the country -- yes, she is," Ryan said. " I think that in certain areas, like in some of these special election districts, it doesn't benefit our candidates to be tied to her. "
Ryan challenged Pelosi last fall for the top leadership position, but lost that internal election, receiving only 63 votes from the 194 members.
"Clearly, we're coming off an election, and she's been getting pounded now for 10 years with negative ads from the Republicans." Ryan added, "I don't think it's fair. But, clearly, these ads using her, linking her to our candidates is still working."
The Ohio lawmaker argued that the Democratic Party had lost touch with the working class.
"I worry sometimes that we get so obsessed and angered by Donald Trump, which is OK, but you can't hold on to it because it takes your eye off the ball," Ryan said.
"We're not focusing on the economic messages. People in Ohio, Don, aren't really talking about Russia or Michael Flynn or Putin ... They're worried about paying the bills."
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There aren't any lies coming from me young buck!
Ought oh! Democratic dismay! Crumbling from the top down!We've butted heads before, but I could not agree more with this assessment. Another article that helps flesh out the same idea;
see what happens when you dare have your own opinion! You're actually trying to help this guy but he's not going to listen. And you're on his team. But rather than listen he just calls you names! Stick with that crowd and the party will sink! I can't believe that they think acting the way they do is helping. But carry on you're doing marvelous so far.No, we aren't confused. @Padawanbater2 and I know exactly what's going on and we don't understand why you haven't figured it out yet;
Simply put, the Democratic Party has been bought and paid for by the same moneyed interests that own and operate the Republicans- and they're even worse because they pretend to represent the interests of the average American while delivering nothing.
That's why so many in the country are fed up. No one represents the rest of us.