First Grow Outdoor UK


Well-Known Member
Hi HookedOn. Thanks a million for the kind comments mate. On the Cinnamons, first I reckon they just weren't designed for this climate. The ad said they do well between orange and olive trees LOL. Not too many of them around here. But also I reckon that being for a Mediterranean climate or wherever they hang on for the full twelve hours of darkness (the days shorten sooner the further south you go). We're just about getting to 12/12 now in the UK, and they've really come on in the last week or so. They may do OK over the next four or five weeks, but that's not long enough for these (11 week flowering).


Well-Known Member
gb ime knocked out by your plants what a result for a first grow the plant with the fat colas looks like its gonna give ya at least 10 oz min gotta say thought youd bin busted long time no here
whats happend with ya lad hope its sorted now ime still lookin at other peoples grows ime itching to get some seeds in some soil wont be long now the longer i leave it the better my ideas are lol
Thanks again Bob, it couldn't have gone much better LOL. A little way to go yet though. Yeah, getttin' busted has crossed my mind a couple of times - they're cracking down here but (so far at least) they're only after the Chinese triad gangs filling houses to the rafters, you know the score. And I still have the local flying school flyiing round and round all day long. That worries me more than anything else LOL.

It'll be great when you can start growing yourself Bob, hope it's not too long. It's good for the soul (and the head LOL). As you said, you'll have the grow planned out and executed before you even start ;)

The wee guy's fine thanks, fast asleep. He gave himself a real sore toe by dropping a large wall mirror on it (ouch). He'll be limping for a while I imagine, and he'll probably lose the nail, but he's being very brave.

dont forget your growin out side natural light has only just gone 12/12
Funny I just posted that to HookedOn. I think these are just late-flowering, and they do seem to be springing into life this last week So I might get "something" out of them yet. Time will tell ...


Well-Known Member
i was thinkin about what you said about 11 more weeks even if you finished them off in the garage you would need some serious lights for plants as big as yours still you might be lucky with october


Well-Known Member
Yeah I would need serious lights LOL, too much I think without getting either busted or in serious trouble with my wife :) October might be OK, fingers crossed. But seriously man it's strong shit already,whatever it's doing to me (it's definitely different LOL) and look how much of it there is. I'm happy either way. Maybe I'm just too easily pleased when it comes to smoking shit LOL ...

Bob, sorry mate I realise now you were probably asking about what happened to the wee guy a few weeks back (silly me as usual). We just heard he won't go to court, but he has to sign a form admitting he's guilty and take part in one of these new Youth Conference Service meetings / action plans. At least this way it won't go on his record. Could have been worse. Thanks for asking btw.


Well-Known Member
What is it those fine young gentlemen over at Guinness say?

"Good things come to those who wait?"

Your purple powers look so strange. So thin and tall. The cola's look real juicy and I think you're gonna get some nice weight from them.
The cinamons look fine gb. They are a few weeks behind but clearly late sativas. Have faith in them. I'm sure once they fatten up all those bud site's with bring a smile to your face.

Absolutely loved this pic...

I think you and I and a few others are proof that great dope can be grown outdoors in the UK! It's such a shame that next April is so far away!!!

+ Rep for such great work

Keep it up!


Well-Known Member
Hi Staro, many thanks for your kind words and for all the encouragement. Yes we are the living proof - it can indeed be done LOL. I must say I didn't know what to expect from those Purps as regards the claim that they grow in colder wetter climates. I think your right, a little faith all round can go a long way. Thanks again for stopping by mate ;)


Well-Known Member
i love the plants mate i knew they would turn into beasts!!
you gona be smoking for a good while.. lol looking tastie already m8...
bong on!!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
man..... wish I could get ahold of those genetics....
I know you don't like ordering seeds Loaded. If I decide to do this again next year (and I'm quite certain I will, if I'm spared), and assuming we're still in touch, then maybe we can work something out. I'll source them and get them to you somehow or other (I'll leave the security end of things up to you so you can remain ANONYMOUS LOL).

i love the plants mate i knew they would turn into beasts!! you gona be smoking for a good while.. lol looking tastie already m8... bong on!!:blsmoke:
Thanks UK, glad you like them mate. Yes, given my sensitivity to drugs (it's great) I could be in for a very pleasant Winter, as long as disaster doesn't strike in the meantime LOL. Thanks for stopping by UK ;)

more pics plz
You want MORE??? LOL - OK I'll see what I can do. It's a cracking day today (at last) so I'll get my step ladders out and see if I can get some better shots of those Purple colas. Thanks for popping in smokeh :)

ver very very nice plants!!! so healthy lookin in thoes small pots,,+ rep what strain's they?
Thanks caliboy, and many thanks for the rep. Much appreciated mate. Don't ask me how they've survived in those pots LOL. They're completely filled with roots. I can't even push anything into the soil now, it's just jam packed solid. At least it should stop them getting too much bigger as I can barely cope with them as it is. As Staropramen said the tall ones are Purple Power, the fat bushy ones are Cinammon, all 90-95% sativa cross and from feminized seeds. There are more pictures with descriptions etc on Page 46 of the journal.


Well-Known Member
yeah its quite nice. well, all weekend it was nice, yesterday was shit, today is ok... sun has gone back in now.

they are purple strains as well?!!!! woahh. also how have u managed to keep them all nice and neat in those size pots?


Well-Known Member
Hi smokeh, yeah the sun has gone here too. Maybe we're neighbours LOL. As for them being neat in the pots, don't ask me I just planted them and they grew hehe. The big problem with small pots is they blow over easily in the wind, especially the bushy ones of course (the Cinammons have been over mostly, maybe that's why they're late LOL). I just put a brick on top of the pot now when it's windy and problem solved. But I do bunch them up nice and close when it's windy to try to keep excessive movement and bud damage etc to a minimum.

I'm gonna pop over to your journal shortly smokeh - just have to nip out for 10 mins so I'll catch you later.


Well-Known Member
ok cool.

u should put them in those fancy pots from homebase an b&q. the outdoor ones. they wont blow over in the wind. id be shit at outdoor growing, id probably have them ripped up by wind and overwatered by rain. i dont like not being in control of my babies,lol.

for some reason ur grow remind me of my dads back garden. its huge.

dad?.......... lol

that would be too weird.

those plants are like tree's those, u gonna get a masive harvest off them. i would be very proud of them and ecstatic !

good job


Well-Known Member
Thanks again smokeh, you are too kind :) My dad was out admiring my girls the other day. He said they were "beautiful" LOL. He doesn't partake btw, but I smoke for med reasons and I've always discussed my intention to grow with him. This is the first time he's seen them though - he was really into the girls and wanted to know everything about them. I'll have to watch him - he'll be off to B&Q himself one of these days LOL.


Well-Known Member
yep.... Im totally the anonymous type.... I don't plan on going anywhere.... I love this site, :). Have you ever heard of/been to Yosemite National Park?


Well-Known Member
Heard of it mate, never been there though ;) ;)
You should try to schedule a trip out there man, ;). YNP is one of the most beautiful places in the world! Amazing views, hiking, history, people, plants, wildlife, stars, camping, bike riding, forests, waterfalls, El Capitan, Half Dome.... truly awe inspiring place.... you should vacation there.... and the herb is always super dank too ;).