My first Purple Haze Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, it's my first time growing.

I got a Super Silver Haze clone from a friend who I know grows hydroponic indoors.

It's a little older than a week right now. About 3 1/2 Inches tall... Rooted very well, strong stem and quite a few leaves.

Since it's my first time, this grow journal is just my way of getting my work approved and get any advice from the more experienced one of you guys. I'll keep posting pics every week.

My lighting is currently a 27W Fluroescent lamp, I'm doing this on a low budget and plus i'm doing this in a small apartment room, so yeah.

Any tips for now?

*These pics are at my friends place, my lighting is different*

The lower leaves seem to be wilting a bit?... any advice?



Well-Known Member
Is that the reason for the wilted leaves?

and... I cut the tips of the leaves that were brown, is that okay?

and exactly how much should I water the plant?



Well-Known Member
Stop over watering, get more light, transplant into an opaque container with adequate drainage clear cups like that encourage algae and other things to grow in the soil. Oh yeah and read the grow faq :peace:
yes get some pots or some grow bags add some more of those cfls at least 2-3 more if thats haze thats gonna grow tall watch out


Well-Known Member
A few questions:

How tall is SSH known to grow indoors?

Can I snip off the little yellow tips of leaves?

When will the plant be ready to transfer to a larger pot?

A few questions:

How tall is SSH known to grow indoors?

Can I snip off the little yellow tips of leaves?

When will the plant be ready to transfer to a larger pot?

Can I spray the plant with water?.. or is pouring more advised?

haze could grow from 6-8 feet tyingdown is recommended,yes you can snip the yellow leaves,you can transfer your plant when it starts wilting from being root bound,yes you can foiliar spray and water both are recommended


Well-Known Member
A few questions:

How tall is SSH known to grow indoors?

Can I snip off the little yellow tips of leaves?

When will the plant be ready to transfer to a larger pot?

You need to transplant right now a clear pot is just asking for trouble. Water after the soil is almost dry. You can check the weight of the pot right after you water and feel the soil for moisture. Good drainage is also essential . . .


Well-Known Member
Yeah, i plan on going and getting a bigger pot today or tomorow soon.
The plastic cup has 4 pretty big drainage holes right now. I'm just watering really less though cuz i was told it's being over watered ... so yeah. And the soil stays moist for a while.

Does it make a difference if I put my plant in sunlight at times, as in alternate between the lamp and sunlight?


Well-Known Member
ur grow title says its purple haze... is this a SSH ? and yeah, u need more light, espesh when it starts to get bigger, that 1 light wont be able to cover the whole plant.

also, a good way to know when to repot (and the easiest way) is to look at the bottom of the pot and if the roots are poking out of the drainage holes, then transplant.
also, a good way to know when to repot (and the easiest way) is to look at the bottom of the pot and if the roots are poking out of the drainage holes, then transplant.
either that or wait for your plant to wilt, because my plants roots are poking thru the bottom and still got more space to fill...they are always gonna reach the bottom to poke out fast in soil.u need to give it time to fill in.


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot.. that was really helpful.

Umm Yeah that's pretty much what i'm doing right now, window until sunset, and then under the lamp for remainder time.

And yeah, I made a mistake writing Purple Haze... It's actually a Super Silver Haze plant. Supposed to be one of the best... I hope.


Well-Known Member
:) I just added 2 more CFL's to the grow room, so it should work out okay now.

Umm... The soil i'm currently using seems to hold on to all the moisture... Nothing drains out -_-...

Or am I just watering less?

How much exactly should I water my 2 week old plant.

Thanks :)
water it by eye.all you got to do is dip your finger 1inch in soil if its dry to you water it.if its wet then leave it alone until it drys up.if your plant wilts while the soil is still moist then you need some new soil or mix it with some perlite for better drainage.