The Truth About Flushing

Let me rephrase, why would anyone feed lightly towards the end or stop the week of harvest and still argue with my methods as they are very similar?

Who is guilty of "shit load of plant food into a pot just to wash it out later?" please rephrase if it will help convey a message.
The reason people argue with your method is because it's unnecessary. If you don't put an excessive amount of nutrients in the pot in the first place you won't need to wash them out. You save money, plant food and time. Plants convert nutrients into usable energy. It doesn't just suck up anything you put into the soil. Flushing the soil wont do anything positve for the plant, unless you've over done it on nutrients. Bottom line, no one really cares. If you want to make more work for yourself and a potential mess go ahead. But it's as pointless as boiling your roots to get a couple days head start on a cure.. live your life though.

I've tried it. On everything from organic to hydro.

Its a more complic

Ah. Ok.

I got you.

My question wasn't necessarily directed at you. I understand where the practice of leeching came from. I was raised in a farm belt. Fields that were thousands of acres.

My question and statement was more to anyone that does "flush."

I would like them to articulate how it works. I understand it removes excess salt from the medium.

I wanted one of the pro "flushing" guys to explain how an immobile nutrient can be removed and that the fade isn't nutrients being removed but merely being moved from one part of the plant to the part they smoke.
Beings that my entire medium is water/air, flushing (ideally) removes all traces of food/nutrients/salts etc from the reservoir.

Does that suffice your articulation requirement?
What isn't true?

That flushing does nothing?
If flushing does nothing, then can we conclude that the plants will perform the same with or without supplementation?

(Flush || non-Flush) = same plants?

Why feed what cannot be discerned from not feeding?

Are you saying @Chunky Stool that you continue to feed plants that you otherwise cannot tell a difference if the plant has been fed or not?
You have created a false equivalency that does not merit a response.
Perfect, no need to reply to anything I say if you chose not to engage in discussion.
Oh I'm perfectly willing to discuss this topic; I just reject your false equivalency with feeding & flushing.
I used to fade & flush. I don't do it anymore & my final product is better because of it.
The reason people argue with your method is because it's unnecessary. If you don't put an excessive amount of nutrients in the pot in the first place you won't need to wash them out. You save money, plant food and time. Plants convert nutrients into usable energy. It doesn't just suck up anything you put into the soil. Flushing the soil wont do anything positve for the plant, unless you've over done it on nutrients. Bottom line, no one really cares. If you want to make more work for yourself and a potential mess go ahead. But it's as pointless as boiling your roots to get a couple days head start on a cure.. live your life though.

Don't assume anything about excess, let's assume that moderate feedings have been implemented throughout the duration of the grow.

Do I save money continuing to feed, or use distilled water for some ending period duration to be determined by the individual.

Yep, plants convert things into usable energy for themselves to use to grow, we are in agreement here. Actually I'm thinking osmosis might not agree with "It doesn't just suck up anything you put into the soil. " can the plant chose to shut off osmosis?

Soil... no comment

No one cares, yet many are adamant to point out how "wrong" it is, or to tell new comers that it's a "waste of your crop" or any other paraphrasing that I don't agree with.

Pouring distilled water is more work than mixing up nutes to you?

I agree, boiling roots was a waste of a few runs of experiements. However, again I'd say I could point out discernible differences between those I boiled, those I flushed, and those I fed. Others say they cannot tell any difference. I chalk this up similar to deaf folks in the chat room, just because you cannot hear the noise or buzz doesn't mean it isn't there. You just may not be sensitive to it.
Oh I'm perfectly willing to discuss this topic; I just reject your false equivalency with feeding & flushing.
I used to fade & flush. I don't do it anymore & my final product is better because of it.
Cool I found the opposite, I think you didn't follow my thought process to your initial knee jerk response of "it doesn't work" or whatever you said initially that you didn't care to elaborate on.

Can you articulate what it is that qualifies "better" for us?
Perfect, no need to reply to anything I say if you chose not to engage in discussion.

Let's just say you're right and they're both the same shit. Same result in weed quality and everything , whether you flush or dont flush. If it's the same thing, why would someone make more work for themselves by choosing to stress a plant out? Why would someone pack nutrients into the pot, just to wash them out if they're just going to get the same results? It's like over eating then throwing up to correct it.
Let's just say you're right and they're both the same shit. Same result in weed quality and everything , whether you flush or dont flush. If it's the same thing, why would someone make more work for themselves by choosing to stress a plant out? Why would someone pack nutrients into the pot, just to wash wash them out. . if they're just going to get the same results? It's like over eating then throwing up to correct it.
Amen brother!
Stressing the plant also makes it more likely that buds will pop bananas.
More work by pouring distilled water vs continue to keep up with some feeding schedule?

I don't agree with the premise of stress, that's another tangent that has zero relevance in this discussion.
More work by pouring distilled water vs continue to keep up with some feeding schedule?

I don't agree with the premise of stress, that's another tangent that has zero relevance in this discussion.
I thought you said you like fall colors? which happens becouse the plant is lacking the nutrients it needs or its to cold. Yes , pouring something is more work then pouring nothing. Plus you're washing away those nutrients you paid for. Inefficiency is what it comes down to.
I wonder why horticulturalist do it then?

I wonder why they don't just keep feeding, I mean that would be more money for my LHS but he swears by it.

My Grandparents and Father farmed, I have not. I learn from those that have done or are doing, I steer clear of drug addicts trying to give me information.

How are you able to discern who is and who isn't a drug addict reading text in a grow forum? Please enlighten us all and explain your methods and stop all this disinformation they're spreading.
I thought you said you like fall colors? which happens becouse the plant is lacking the nutrients it needs or its to cold. Yes , pouring something is more work then pouring nothing. Plus you're washing away those nutrients you paid for. Inefficiency is what it comes down to.
Love the fall colors. Largely it's chloroplasts breaking down but ok and?

Pouring water vs pouring water, which one is harder? lol

Mixing up nutes is more work than pouring distilled water... I think this may be a communication breakdown here surely you cannot be arguing that pouring water is harder than pouring water that you spent time to mix up ec ph etc?

Washing away nutes vs what, continuing to add more nutes? Which one is wasteful? My plants are done with growth at the point of flush. Others start flushing while they still have white pistils but I don't start flush until I could take the plants and they'd be "done" or ripe.

How are you defining inefficiency?

Rationing plant food by denying any feeding supplementation at the end of growth is more economically efficient 100fold than continuing to deplete the same food stores from containers, at some point they are going to run out. They aren't running out when I'm not using them.
IF we cannot remove nutrients from a plant, why do we supplement plant growth with nutrients? Stop and really think about the underlying questions behind what I'm asking.
Flushing moves nutrients from the soil. The plant will eventually eat up its stored energy supply. A person can't remove nutrients from a plant. The reason im using the word stress is becouse Your side of the argument is that you get rid of all the food in the soil so the plant can use up its stored energy. That's starvation, do you not consider that stress or what? If you didn't eat and you're body started feeding off of itself you'd be in bad shape. That's what you're choosing to do to the plant. We definitely won't agree, but that's fine, who cares?
You implied that everyone here is a drug addict, which is an incorrect assumption.
You are on a roll today... :dunce: :cuss::dunce:

Putting words in my mouth?

Next step is personal attacks.

Are you implying their aren't any?

I know there are plenty of members that grow that aren't.

Most of us actually have medical or psychological reasons for MMJ.
