How to last longer?

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Well-Known Member
Awww...I told ya I was just playing!Man,don't be so sensitive or I'll give ya a noogie.Anyway, Yeah, I put it on the table in the beginning, like everyone should.Everyone should make it clear what they expect from the relationship, that way there are no illusions.
I'm a little sensitive... but noogies are a solid threat. Consider me in check... like I said, I appreciate your no-nonsense style.

many want to want something, but don't really understand what that thing really looks like in ownership... for example, I want to own a home ( i mean, I already do...just an example) but I don't understand that owning a home is not an automatic 'good thing'. there's a loooot of responsibility that comes with...

another example: having kids 'because i want someone to love and love me'...and don't realize that having kids means that i have to reorganize my priorities so that my selfish ass is no longer #1...and that's not easy in reality. simple, not easy.

that you've said, 'this is not only what I want, this is what I expect' means exactly what you said, no illusions. no disappointments.

you're a g to me, stoney...

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well, thanks, man.I try to live in a "No Bullshit" fashion.I even get after myself when I start to give in to it.But I really was just playing with ya, and most of the shit I say here is tongue in cheek.
I'm a little sensitive... but noogies are a solid threat. Consider me in check... like I said, I appreciate your no-nonsense style.

many want to want something, but don't really understand what that thing really looks like in ownership... for example, I want to own a home ( i mean, I already do...just an example) but I don't understand that owning a home is not an automatic 'good thing'. there's a loooot of responsibility that comes with...

another example: having kids 'because i want someone to love and love me'...and don't realize that having kids means that i have to reorganize my priorities so that my selfish ass is no longer #1...and that's not easy in reality. simple, not easy.

that you've said, 'this is not only what I want, this is what I expect' means exactly what you said, no illusions. no disappointments.

you're a g to me, stoney...


Well-Known Member
Well, thanks, man.I try to live in a "No Bullshit" fashion.I even get after myself when I start to give in to it.But I really was just playing with ya, and most of the shit I say here is tongue in cheek.
kiss-ass that's for your sick ass. get better soon, holmes.

ew...i hope I don't get sick now...kissing your sick ass...


Well-Known Member
sometimes I just CAN'T cum. I mean I go for so long and know my body, sometimes I know I just won't unless I am having sex for at least an hour and a half - two hours. Over the summer I had so much sex that it just became boring and normal. but me and my girlfriend have been trying new things and it's been getting really really good.

right when you start to feel like you'll come, pull out and pleasure her lol and bust in her face to see if she gets mad or not


Well-Known Member
its called can find it in any GNC type store. Dude, trust me it makes you an animal
Tree bark lol, tried it once and played tennis..whoahhh......funny as hell, plays havoc with your memory, while I was playing I forgot I was playing!!!


Well-Known Member
if you hold if off a long time, it get's harder to it gets reluctant.

i find that if we're going for a marathon, i can't hold off more than an hour or so, or it becomes almost impossible for me to cum. like the muscles get all tight and don't want to release...

and have you ever tried telling a girl that you can't cum? hey zues... If I can't cum and I get tired, I just fake's easier than dealing with the insecurity. (i sound like a woman, don't I)


Well-Known Member
if you hold if off a long time, it get's harder to it gets reluctant.

i find that if we're going for a marathon, i can't hold off more than an hour or so, or it becomes almost impossible for me to cum. like the muscles get all tight and don't want to release...

and have you ever tried telling a girl that you can't cum? hey zues... If I can't cum and I get tired, I just fake's easier than dealing with the insecurity. (i sound like a woman, don't I)
Yeah women freak on me when I don't cum and its not like you can tell them that they suck in bed, thats just mean.;-)


Well-Known Member
Yeah women freak on me when I don't cum and its not like you can tell them that they suck in bed, thats just mean.;-)
no no never tell a woman she sux. EVER. she'll retaliate by telling the world that you have big bumps on your tiny prick...and who's the world going to believe?

what you do is bounce up outta the hot and naughty all sudden like, 'I'm sorry, this is just not what I thought it was going to be...' and then BOUNCE the fukk out.

It's perhaps crueler than just telling a chick she sux in bed, but it's waaaaay more fun to get her to go crazy trying to please you.

Seriously tho, if you're not turned on by the female, there's no reason to disrespect your dick by stuffing it in someplace it doesn't want to be.


Well-Known Member
no no never tell a woman she sux. EVER. she'll retaliate by telling the world that you have big bumps on your tiny prick...and who's the world going to believe?

what you do is bounce up outta the hot and naughty all sudden like, 'I'm sorry, this is just not what I thought it was going to be...' and then BOUNCE the fukk out.

It's perhaps crueler than just telling a chick she sux in bed, but it's waaaaay more fun to get her to go crazy trying to please you.

Seriously tho, if you're not turned on by the female, there's no reason to disrespect your dick by stuffing it in someplace it doesn't want to be.
Yah but I'm not as visual as most guys. I need a little loving from a girl no matter how hot she is (or thinks she is:roll:). Some women are so used to guys that just cum on sight that they don't get it. Don't get me wrong I like a quicky but you are not going to get far with me if you have no clue what you are doing.
For sure though bro I have bounced many a time, some girls think they are so hot that they don't have to try or something.;-)


Well-Known Member
Yah but I'm not as visual as most guys. I need a little loving from a girl no matter how hot she is (or thinks she is:roll:). Some women are so used to guys that just cum on sight that they don't get it. Don't get me wrong I like a quicky but you are not going to get far with me if you have no clue what you are doing.
For sure though bro I have bounced many a time, some girls think they are so hot that they don't have to try or something.;-)
Yeah... i got with this freshman out at the local u. she was head cheerleader, top honors student, homcoming queen, etc.

She was cool, but not as cool to me as she was in her hometown where she was the 'next big thing'.

I grew up in the middle of texas...and if you want to see dimes in the summertime, you could do worse than texas.

anyhow, she was just astounded that she couldn't just lay there and let me beat the pussy up...i made her as work. I made her ass sweat. And after showing that girl the way, she still calls me from time to time, when she's in town.

As fine as she is... I almost told that girl to hit the road with her lazy pussy.

it's much easier to do that in theory...:lol:


Well-Known Member
Last longer............ Practice .. Practice ,Practice.. The problem is that its "new " pussy .And your still in shock that your even getting laid nevertheless with a hot girl... Thats why you come so quick.. once you get used to that pussy you'll be able to control your dick...
Yeah your right, man. I'm still in shock that I'm even getting laid. Let alone bomb ass pussy. I mean her pussy is tiny. Plus, I'm fairly new at getting pussy still. I hope practice will get me out of this phase. I don't want to suck dick at fucking pussy.


Well-Known Member
Yeah your right, man. I'm still in shock that I'm even getting laid. Let alone bomb ass pussy. I mean her pussy is tiny. Plus, I'm fairly new at getting pussy still. I hope practice will get me out of this phase. I don't want to suck dick at fucking pussy.
Enjoy that tiny pussy ,,, cause once a baby pop's out of it it aint NEVER THE SAME... My girl never had children....... Guess what???????? I practiced and practiced .. my whole life . I again have a super hot girl with a tight snatch and I have NO PROBLEM controlling my spunk.... Practice makes perfect ... Enjoy her while she is still with you ... oh if you keep spunking early maybe you should waste a 1/2 hr eating that pussy before you even get on in it .. warm up that oven make her cum a few times 1st then get on and get yours :blsmoke:

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Well, if the kegels don't work, there are operations to take it back to where it was.My old man lasts like 3 minutes tops.I asked him if he'd like me to get the tightening operation and he's like," I can cum even faster?"
Enjoy that tiny pussy ,,, cause once a baby pop's out of it it aint NEVER THE SAME... My girl never had children....... Guess what???????? I practiced and practiced .. my whole life . I again have a super hot girl with a tight snatch and I have NO PROBLEM controlling my spunk.... Practice makes perfect ... Enjoy her while she is still with you ... oh if you keep spunking early maybe you should waste a 1/2 hr eating that pussy before you even get on in it .. warm up that oven make her cum a few times 1st then get on and get yours :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Well, if the kegels don't work, there are operations to take it back to where it was.My old man lasts like 3 minutes tops.I asked him if he'd like me to get the tightening operation and he's like," I can cum even faster?"

Im sorry to hear that ......................... 3 min is rough.. wow I'd be embarassed

If the Kegels is where you stop your stream of pee while peeing my girl does that too .. it tightens the muscles .. but no baby has ever come out of it nor did she ever have kids so she is 40 and "its " just like it was when she was 18 .. this is a KEEPER .. The rock is already on her hand

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
WEll, he can't help it.I can back him off during foreplay, but once he gets it in the box....I mean, I could get off and slow him down, but he's just so cute when he's popping one off.....
Im sorry to hear that ......................... 3 min is rough.. wow I'd be embarassed

If the Kegels is where you stop your stream of pee while peeing my girl does that too .. it tightens the muscles .. but no baby has ever come out of it nor did she ever have kids so she is 40 and "its " just like it was when she was 18 .. this is a KEEPER .. The rock is already on her hand


Well-Known Member
When you are ready to come, your balls draw up.Cease stimulation immediately, and gently pull the balls down away from the body.You can also pull out when you get close, and just work on her for a while.Continue this, get close and back off, over and over again, and trust me, your orgasm will be explosive when you finally let go.This is something I know from experience.
she aint lying. Its all in the technique. You can stop yourself from ejaculation, you just need to learn how first. Im sure its different for every man, so this is something I cant help ya out with. Try standing up, might give an n extra 10 minutes.


Well-Known Member
Im telling you, just think about drowning puppies....think about it, how are you possibly cum if youre thinking about drowning puppies, lol.....
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