remember, retard, apostrophes are used to show possessiveness, not to pluralize. that's second grade shit.
speaking of despicable treatment of women and gays, why don't we discuss mike pence forcing women to have funerals for their miscarriages? or shutting down planned parenthood, which caused an HIV epidemic in his home state?
or maybe we can talk about the fact that muslim people here in america are more accepting of marriage equality than white evangelicals?
you seem to want to point the finger at others when you are guilty of that very same shit.
did you know north carolina just said it's not rape even if the woman withdraws her consent during the act? you can literally finish fucking until you're done even if she does not consent to it. last i checked, it wasn;t scary brown muslim people making those decisions.
anyhoo, speaking of factual circumstances, did you know that far right extremists are responsible for 73% of terrorist attacks, but that muslim perpetrators get 449% more coverage? that's only according to the right wing cato institute though.
anyhoo, good job on coddling yet another racist, it is what you do best since you don;t smoke or grow yet linger around here for some odd reason anyway.