Pinpointed Buck exactly. It's not ignorance or stupidity, it's nefariousness. Stupid people aren't a threat, at large anyway. Intelligent people with an agenda are the real threat.
Countries that have enacted universal healthcare record lower costs, as well as higher quality than the US
Your arguments against why establishment Democrats won't/shouldn't enact universal healthcare are uncanny from that of a Republican. These are literally, just about word for word, the same things they argue
"Why not? Every other modern country can afford it. The US is the richest country in the history of the world, why can't we afford it?"
To recap your response to my question. You can't answer it, so you throw out this bullshit instead and hope I'll just move on. Well, no, I think you should answer that question first..
Also, you keep bringing up Colorado as an example that you believe shows that Americans don't actually want to enact universal healthcare (because the establishment Democrats you support don't support enacting universal healthcare). "80/20", that's the number, right?
Well, I remember already explaining this to you, but here we go again, I guess.. COs initiative would have increased payroll taxes by something like 10-15%, I told you even I, a strong progressive who supports enacting universal healthcare wouldn't support that because it hurts small businesses. I'm sure most progressives in Colorado felt the same way. Present Colorado voters with an actually progressive single payer initiative and see what they say, until then, every time you cite your CO example as evidence Americans at large don't actually support single payer, I will quote this entire paragraph to illustrate how wrong you are, along with the actual statistics!
^^ Nearly 70% when Obama took office supported it, but we couldn't get it done!... Funny how after the ACA was enacted, there was a sharp decline in support.. I wonder why...
COs initiative would have increased payroll taxes by something like 10-15%, I told you even I, a strong progressive who supports enacting universal healthcare wouldn't support that because it hurts small businesses.
It is my understanding that private insurance was not going to be allowed under the Cali plan, hence why I was opposed to it. I support public insurance, but I believe that I should have the choice of private insurance also.
It is my understanding that private insurance was not going to be allowed under the Cali plan, hence why I was opposed to it. I support public insurance, but I believe that I should have the choice of private insurance also.
I think there's an easy answer; everyone gets- and pays for- public insurance. If you want private insurance, pay extra.
The whole point of single payer is to get rid of health insurers and the layer of graft they represent. The other point is to eliminate the gamesmanship of the pharmaceuticals to get drug prices down to reasonable levels. Pay doctors standard fees for care instead of 'multiples of Medicare'.
We can deliver world class health care to everyone in this country, we just need to demand it.
It won't happen until we repeal Citizens United because until then, too many politicians and their campaigns will be paid far too much not to, which is how we got into this ongoing trainwreck in the first place.