Not so much. If the feds want to seize control they can do it whenever they want. The Utah lawsuit is more than enough ammo, but they really don't need ANY justification. In the end it won't matter how diligent CO or any other state is in trying to keep people from selling without a license. Sessions will move either way. And he has all the laws he needs to move. Rec growing and legal consumption is in his sights. He is just marshaling resources.
If you want to see a case where no fucks are given, look at homebrewing. It is federally legal to brew up to 5 gallons a year at home, and no, you can't sell it. But 5 gallons isn't even one batch for most homebrewers. When I brewed, I had about 5 or 6 five gallon soda kegs at any time. The ATF could have busted me and put me away for years.
No fucks were given. I could have sold it to anyone over 21. I could have sold it at picnics or festivals (I knew friends who did). As long as the event had a license to serve, no fucks were given.
But with weed, lots of fucks have lots to give. The states should just chill and be rational. Sure, bust the houses with hundreds of plants stealing power at the meter. That isn't home growing. It's commercial production. You can get busted for commercial farming at home if you aren't zoned for it. Same approach.