Universal Basic Income; 'bout time or batshit crazy?

Alaska gives its oil dividend to every citizen, rich and poor. The rich pay it back in the form of taxes. That's easy enough to replicate.
that is where they have the citizens dividend. is the money not tax free? it's still un unfair exchange, polluting and taking from future generations. it's only $150 a mo too but it shows it's easy to do.
it's not health care. it's not denying rich folk treatment. it's a micro step tward equality. its a way to help the poor or it's pointless.
why should the mega rich get extra money? to be fare? how is it fair to maintain income gaps?
i guess i don't accept the that the rich need UBI . Where as the poor need and deserve more basic income.
maybe something like a citizen's dividend (CD), would go to everybody, because the land and resources belong to everybody . problem is not everyone benefits from companies destroying the environment and no one needs those products as there are better sources and systems. The problems with ubi are the same and more. we get a small amount of money in order to look the other way as the rich get richer and companies exploit us and our worlds resources. Also, it costs to much money to give everyone enough so that it makes a difference for those that need it.
i understand the definition of universal and that UBI is just a term, so it could mean anything.
there are no countries doing tis, there are only experimental programs that show good social results but unscaleable costs.

since ninja skims...
why do rich people need it.?
how do you justify giving rich people more money?
it would cost 1-2 trillion for the poor and double if you include those that don't need it.
Because it's supposed to be "universal". Otherwise it's called a "massive welfare increase".

And havent I already said they'll pay multiples of that back with a tax increase?
The Australian tax system is very progressive in that it taxes those making the least amount of money at the lowest rates. Those who make more pay a larger percentage of their income.

It used to be that way in America as well. Now the rich pay very little, especially considering that political bribes are not only legal but tax deductible.

what time period are you referring to?
Jesus, I didn't even know what offal means. It's the guts of an animal.

When I looked at the definition, I threw up a little.

And you eat that? :roll: You hillbillies are fucking sick!


nice comment buddy.....
it's a throwback to hard times, like slavery.

never tried hog maws, chitlins, trodders or fly swatters?

some good liver perhaps?

you're missing out.

No and no.

I haven't eaten meat for 35 years.

Fair enough. Most people don't know that many things they enjoy are actually made from innards.

How do you get complete proteins in your diet? Fish? Eggs? Milk? I'm very curious and I don't eat much meat anymore, either.
Fair enough. Most people don't know that many things they enjoy are actually made from innards.

How do you get complete proteins in your diet? Fish? Eggs? Milk? I'm very curious and I don't eat much meat anymore, either.

I eat 3 eggs every morning, and 4 tablespoons of hemp nuts. (hulled hemp seeds) That's close to 30 grams of protein. I eat fish most evenings.

I eat 3 eggs every morning, and 4 tablespoons of hemp nuts. (hulled hemp seeds) That's close to 30 grams of protein. I eat fish most evenings.

I should get some hemp nuts. I love them.

I'm planning an aquaponics setup for the fish, and the benefits.
I'll give you a hint...

Its symbolism, you give it to them with one hand and take many times more with the other.

Its based on the principle that everyone gets it, hence "universal".
Universal meaning , making a living wage Universal, the rich make more than a living wage. Hence the rich don't need it.